And the illegal club ejections and/or the voting rights violations do not seem to matter to some apparently since I am not African-American and/or part of some protected class ~ when whites are now a minority in many regions...And/or fraudulent claims made by the State of California regarding Proposition 215; which should be a class-action suit against the state of California...Etc etc etc...
Right after submitting the last amended claim/complaint to the City of Sunnyvale in May 2020; in the days after the media went from Covid-19 obsession / to BLM obsession; suggesting my privacy was violated in the process as a similar narrative took over the public conversation; telling only part of the truth as usual...A public effort partially designed to counter my efforts and create a biased public narrative to swayed jurists reviewing my claim...It was unbelievable hearing African-Americans on a late night CBS talk show talking about how white people are always helped out by the police while African-Americans are not...Which is obviously totally untrue...
1) Court documents show Mister Struble admitted to attacking John by initially corroborating Johns' account of the 1998 incident to Sunnyvale DPS Officer Discher; attempting to run over ducks right after strong local case law had been created placing a priority on the protection of these waterfowl right after a then recent incident at a Campbell, California car wash...
2) Mister Olenak admitted to attacking John at a 2006 "mob style sit down" administrative hearing in front of two billy club-carrying Santa Clara Police Officers and Judge Louis Amadeo, Junior (a hearing where John had $230 dollars extorted out of him; and Johns' Father was held against his will and tormented by the Olenak Familia right after this said "mob style sit down" trial)...Mister Olenak made threats of violence SCPD Officers Seagrave (also a federal X-Officer -- adding federal liabilty) and Lopez ignored...Then carried through with these threats; the second time a POS cop protected an active threat outside my residence...
3) The Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familias obstructed justice and/or conspired with Sunnyvale DPS and the Santa Clara Police Department to violate Johns' Unalienable (etc) Rights; slandering Johns' good reputation in the process with blatant lies and mischaracterization. Adding to this; apparently John is not the only individual questioning the actions of the 'Honorable' Judge Socrates Manoukian...
Note: After the said "mob sit down style" administrative hearing with Louis Amadeo, Junior in the City of Santa Clara back in 2007; John found out that Judge Amadeo was actually hired by the City of Santa Clara to perform his services; meaning there was a MASSIVE conflict of interest where Judge Amadeo was actually hired to come up with judgements favorable to the City of Santa Clara.
Back in 1998; two weeks after receiving the document seen in the "1998 FRAUDULENT CLAIM BY THE CITY OF SUNNYVALE" link below; John was attacked in the street by neighbor Mr. Struble; who corroborated his story to Officer Discher...Discher then restrained Struble ordering Struble to drive around the block in the future to avoid driving by my residence.
2) Facilitation of illegal ejection from a private business of public accommodation;
With the last actionable incident being the last time I did not vote...
A) Sunnyvale POS/DPS refused to protect and serve me for the millionth time when Doug Ward left a threatening message on my windshield in May 2019 (you have to give POS/DPS credit for coming up with yet another clever excuse though); B) It looks a whole lot like the FBI was there the whole time at the Oasis Nightclub; and even the night I got initially illegally ejected in 2012 -- possibly bringing the federal government into the negligent land of prior knowledge; C) Jerry Grimes illegally ejected me from the Oasis Nightclub once again right before closing right after the FBI contacted Jerry about Dougs' threatening message; in a sense seemingly attempting to obstruct justice and cover it all up with this knee jerk reaction. Jerry Grimes also took zero action when tipped off about a criminal element that had taken over his Nightclub in 2012 as well; when a female Bartender was being intimidated and the bathroom stalls were kicked in; also ignoring my pleas for help when Doug repeatedly threatened to "beat me down" for asking how long it would take to get up and sing again. (the wait for singing another karaoke song was sometimes 1-2 hours) and perhaps most importantly; D) In 2014 George Hills Company failed to investigate the 2012 Oasis Nightclub matter regarding POS/DPS Officers Smith and Ochoa and other unnamed officers; negligently causing my civil rights to be re-violated and allowing yet more uncivil injuries to occur; in a very large sense slashing open an old wound that had never healed. And lastly; E) The State of California not only has facilitated this discrimination with their loosely interpreted and largely unenforced "denial of service" law (BTW: 'entry' and 'service' are completely different) but I also contacted the CA AG and Governor Gavin Newsom and told them both about this situation (including a CA DOJ employee) and that I was planning on returning to the Oasis to follow up on the initial illegal ejections; so they should have contacted the Oasis and/or at very least sent out a form letter telling this private business of public accommodation that they needed to step up their game and play by the rules by creating a 'business code' to run their business by. But no one at the State of California took any action; leading to the latest incident at the Oasis Nightclub. So here we have a nightclub that looks like it got shut down with the help of the FBI (an FBI who knew everything about the RPF while it was raging on in the background by the way; yet did not take quite enough action to stop this targeted; non-coincidental harassment -- some action was taken; but not enough and I am not going to get into details because I am loyal to my friends). F) Avent's Empty Band Karaoke host Doug Ward now works at Sunken Gardens golf course on Thursday nights; which is a City of Sunnyvale owned golf course. Doug left a threatening message on my windshield in May 2019 and Sunnyvale POS/DPS refused to follow up on the incident and make and arrest once again; even though a neighborhood flier of mine which was essentially a cry for help was somehow filed at POS/SCPD as if it was a crime asking for this help. This allowed an important witness (in other words me) to be intimidated and tampered with to help cover up the civil rights abuses a little further. POS/DPS Officer Smith and Ochoa did the exact same thing in 2012; and the May 2019 incident is just an extension of that 2012 incident in that Sunnyvale POS/DPS allowed a violent suspect who violated my rights to be let go without an arrest being made; and this potentially violent suspect is still a potential threat to my peace and security at my residence. Adding to all of this; 1) Avent's Empty Band Karaoke owner John Avent heard the 2012 attack by KJ Doug and did not fire Doug immediately for this attack that Sunnyvale DPS/POS refused to pull up the surveillance footage for; 2) Doug is involved in class-based discrimination and/or 'pay to play' at Sunken Gardens; whereas only singers who pay off Doug can sing after about 9 pm and 3) Avent's Empty Band Karaoke has become semi-monopolistic in locking out other viable karaoke companies (Mystic Moon Karaoke and/or MMK etc) with anti-competitive practices that undercut other companies ~ and then in turn pay their own employees shit wages. MMK also felt over-taxed by the State of California and stopped operations a few years back. Ex-MMK owners now receive public assistance from the State of California and are being ordered by the state not to seek any further employment; leaving them in a semi-stagnant financial state. G) The Blinky's Can't say Lounge; Woodham's Lounge and Acapulco Restaurant incidents also further expose an obvious pattern and practice of abuse that exists at other local nightclubs as well. While the State of California was repeatedly made aware of some of these incidents; once again the state took zero action and seems to be more concerned with regulating pot club$ at this point in time instead of shoring up regulation of their 'denial of service' law allowing private business of public accommodation to eject certain patrons who violate their preexisting business codes. Now is the time to either repeal and/or rescind this questionable and often abused discriminatory law and/or develop an online State of California business code registry; then give all affected businesses one year to comply with the new regulations to stop making arbitrary class/gender/race-based discrimination easy here in the state of California. H) Sunnyvale POS/DPS used the color of law to violate my voting rights at a federally-funded property where I vote that also happens to be my old high school and/or a place where discrimination cannot be practiced against any individual citizen lacking a criminal record. And I have lived in this neighborhood for almost 50+ years without incident -- therefore this voter elimination was done in clear violation of federal law. (I had the right of way from Officer Discher at Peterson ~ just like how I had permission from ex-Mayor Judy Nadler to feed ducks at Marina Playa Apartments etc) And for some reason the Obama Administration saw nothing wrong with this even though I brought it to the attention of Obama's DOJ; probably due to the fact that Obama spoke extensively about supposedly caring about voter rights. My gut level feeling is I was discriminated against by the Obama DOJ because of my Caucasian status. Adding insult to injury; Proposition 215 (which is one of the only good laws that has been passed by voters in the last 200 years or so) was forcefully replaced by the relatively shitty new Proposition 64 that effectively WIPED OUT most of the liberal gains of Proposition 215 after the State of California promised not to disaffect Proposition 215 Medical Marijuana users who enjoyed almost 20 years of deepened democracy. Proposition 215 was a simply written statute that allowed more freedom; while Proposition 64 had multiple pages -- mainly to appease the legalese loving freaks in the legislature and/or judiciary who seem to like confusing the electorate with their seemingly endless; confusing and often deceptive legalese quagmires. I was a legal medical marijuana user for 10 years until Proposition 64's shit hit the fan; and due to this unnecessary disruption by the State of California; I no longer have access to much needed medical products at the same price. Just like the BIG PHARMA price gouging that has occurred as of late; legal pot exponentially increased in price due to the negative affects of Proposition 64 -- which was largely seen as a new cash cow by the State of California -- more than a way to help out medical pot users. (I) The United States Military used helicopters on two separate occasions (1998 and 2006): "On May 4, 2006 John was at his friend Jim Finleys' apartment in Palo Alto re-recording an old song; when yet another U. S. Army helicopter flew extremely close to the window of Jims' room at fathers' apartment on Towle Drive in Palo Alto; about 30 feet away (this event was witnessed by various neighbors) they peered in Jims' the window; flew off and then quickly disappeared. Porter Goss resigned as Director of the CIA the very next day on May 5, 2006 -- For more information regarding these questionable incidents; A Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.A) inquiry must first be submitted to the U.S. State Department. QUESTION: What was the official rationale for using the U.S. Military against unarmed United States citizens?..." (J) The computer industry in general has not only created and mass-produced devices that allow the theft of copyrighted materials without taking much needed corrective actions to prevent this and/or allow artists to prosper and thrive from their works ~ but the print industry has also been adversely affected as well by the purposefully disruptive and monopolistic computer industry that has shut down countless print media publications (among many other industries who were disaffected; malls shut down in the 1990s due to the computer industry) And the entire music industry has also been turned upside down since the onset of Napster and/or the legalized theft of copyrighted MP3 etc computer music files. (and collusion between Napster and various other computer industry players has made this all possible) Making it difficult if not impossible for music artists like me to profit from their hard work; causing many older once-popular artists to cease the production of new music altogether -- and also causing the rise of vinyl LPs once again (note: LPs cannot be stolen online). The combined affects of the computer industry upon: 1) the print industry which has been Johns' main source of income for 35+ years ~ and/or 2) the music industry which has so adversely affected all music artists' ability to profit from their works -- has caused John to make increasingly less money from magazine deliveries; and zero money from copyrighted online music as most people generally just want to listen for free without paying.
Note: There were roughly 80,000 medical pot users in Santa Clara County alone a few years ago; so how many people have been disaffected by this shitty new California law, Governor Newsom? (Governor Newsom promised to protect all of the backwoods [and now-bootlegging] pot growers who once made a livelihood on medical pot ~ but then were expected to cease and desist en mass and stop feeding their kids and cats and dogs and themselves etc)...The bottom line is: as of January 1st 2018; many things changed for the medical patient. Therefore; fraudulent claims have been made by the State of California and compensation needs to be doled out to the various disaffected medical pot users...And new California laws requiring employers to make all contractors into employees may cause countless publications to go under unless affirmative action is taken to stop this madness; as most part-time employees simply do no work enough to receive full health care coverage...And adding to all of this; I spoke to a Santa Clara Police Detective recently who has had his evidence gathering efforts frustrated by Google; essentially amounting to obstruction of justice as Google pretends it is above the laws of the land...
Either way; you know damn well this is an A-Z kinda thing...
Because I'm a force of nature...Feel my power..."
"After much intensive thought and introspection I have come to the inevitable conclusion that the many years of covering up police misconduct files across California has essentially amounted to a MASSIVE illegal obstruction of justice; as well as illegal destruction of exculpatory evidence that could have exonerated many individuals as in Inglewood California...Including various illegal enterprises formed to defame and slander others to protect reputations...Therefore eliminating the statute of limitations through these various evasive actions by several police agencies...Police agencies who regularly deal with what could be considered to be equally skewed misconduct records of common citizens they apprehend on a daily basis..."
"Then there is negligence on the part of Sunnyvale DPS for focusing on safety cones to make the neighborhood more safe instead of joining in after someone got killed recently on Dunford Way....But in the bay area; several people can be killed on a road until they decide to do nothing about it as they pretend to care about Covid deaths...Perhaps gross negligence at some point in the future if nothing is done and something bad happens at locations I have pointed out...
And malicious retaliation against a journalist/victim; once again helping out the active threat outside my residence; Mister Olenak once again this time again...It's called "intentional infliction of emotional distress" and I don't give a shit if I am a man...So there's that too...And my privacy may have been violated in the process as well...I could go on about this ultra-complex case for a million years or so...
And three cats recently dead along with six total over time; with Sunnyvale Animal Control and/or the Humane Society of Silicon Valley (HSSV) repeatedly dropping the ball and failing to give me correct information about dead animals originating from Sunnyvale Animal Control (SAC) -- giving me the runaround not only in unsuccessfully retrieving important evidence in what should be a criminal investigation since animal cruelty is now a felony; but also causing immeasurable emotional pain and suffering...I was home all day the day that Cali was found dead; so more effort should have been made to contact me (KNOCK THE FUCKING DOOR DOWN IF THERE IS A NEXT TIME DAMMIT!) especially considering the circumstances surrounding the suspicious death of Baby Cat; who was found mangled but not consumed in the least just like Cali Cat...What hungry wild animal would fail to consume it's prey? It doesn't add up...And with the addition of Missy Cat being killed by a man with a dog on video; you would think someone would put finally two and two together and do something about it...Making LA cop dramas a total joke..."
I have a solid case and you all know it; it's just the consequences of admitting fault are too great; and the system is stacked against me due to government-sanctioned discrimination...Which does not phase me one bit...I will pursue this case until I am dead and maybe even after that who knows? And this is just what I could think of off the top of my head; I will inevitably think of more interesting perspectives later on when I get a bird's eye view of it when it's on my blog (that some of you would love to censor like they do in Russia and/or China, Mister Rosen)...
On this night; I called SCPD night watch supervisor and told him about the drunk SCPD officer escorting the RPF clan from Doon Court to Bluebird Avenue; and Sunnyvale DPS who basically told my Dad that I deserved this for writing things in my blog that he apparently did not like...This was just one time the RPF was let go...And no one in close vicinity was sat down on the curb and questioned as they were supposed to be...Nothing..."
"So it should be obvious that Antifa/BLM are nothing more than big; overblown versions of the RPF -- and/or that liberal regions in general allow a whole lot of bullshit to go down without taking care of business and arresting people for their various crimes -- as government lawyers represent criminals like they usually do outside of government...And the harassment and stalking and menacing could be called 'bullying'; but that term is too weak for me...I am not one who allows myself to be bullied; as people who are bullied are weak...
It was quite simply a violent criminal conspiracy that included about 20-30 RPF members; and criminal conspiracy also violated my privacy and/or civil and/or basic human rights in the process -- along with a laundry list of other laws that Obama's DOJ had no interest in helping me out with (since I am white) right before finally sending me a big bloated overinflated fraudulent tax bill at the end of it all stating that I had several employees I never had while the burden of proof is still on the IRS/CTFB to name these non-existent employees...
Adding to all of this; The AIDS virus was a synthetic biological agent that caused a biological weapons ban in the 1970s; a ban that was ignored by the Obiden administration who was complicit is giving $3.7 million dollars to the lab in China who created the new Covid-19 strain (which is part AIDS; part SARS: part bat-Covid-spike etc) therefore making the Obiden administration hyper-existential threats to national and/or international security; as Biden pats himself on the back and calls for vaccines for the virus he helped created back in 2007 with his buddy Obama; obviously to help force health care on all of us...Then Obiden pulled out of the deal at the last minute; leaving the science and intent with our enemies the CCP...And now the US is shutdown > GO TO:
(I had been sending emails to officer Jim Carrell for about one year prior to the following “POLICE-SANCTIONED GANG ACTIVITY (CONTINUED)” event. And while Officer Carrell was the best Sunnyvale police officer I dealt with over time; officer Jim Carrell did not take any action to help John after the initial event; including at the Manoukian court room after John called and asked for his help...)
Adding to all of this; not only was there overt fraud involved by government and/or police in the handling of my situation; but there was also fraud involved through omission in leaving out countless details that would have added perspective and truth to what actually happened to me over time...Including ordering You Tube to take down videos that exposed what was happening to me at the time; and/or retaliating against a journalist at very least two times over a span of a decade or so to help control the narrative that spun out of their control...
And after all of this; all DPS wanted to talk about it safety cones; while several active threats outside my residence were not only not apprehended; but they were sometimes used as 'witnesses to duck feeding' (haha) of all things by the City of Santa Clara; who has owed me hundreds of thousands of dollars for all of this nonsense for a long time now...
Adding to this; age discrimination was at play as I was allowed to be harassed nearly to death; since this would not be knowingly allowed to happen to a nearly 90 year old man...But whether SCPD/DPS knew it or not; the RPF actually was causing disturbances at a nearly 90 year old man's house...A man who ended up having a stroke when the RPF siege finally ended after roughly 7 years of non-coincidental stalking/harassment/menacing/vandalism etc...And Dad was also hospitalized for a few days right after Jake appears to have killed Precious Cat...
But I am a: 1) Low income (class-based) 2) White (race-based) 3) Male (gender-based) who has also experienced age-based discrimination as well...Damn! Many of you all really are a bunch of fucked up losers! Except for SCPD Officer Jay Schmitty that is; who did the right thing (that I cannot discuss with you publicly)...
So I ask you again; WHAT IF I WAS BLACK!?! AND/OR WHAT IF ALL OF THIS HAPPENED TO A BLACK FAMILY?!? OK! Now that I have obviously won a great victory here; proving that open class/race/gender/age discrimination occurs on a regular basis in Silicon Valley; I now temporarily rest my case until a later time..."
"Adding to all of this; the last claim I submitted was asking for help
with Baby Cat; a cat who was disposed of in mass cremation along with
Cali Cat much like the Nazi Holocaust...Which makes me sicker than
sick...And that was important evidence that was destroyed as well...And
as far as I could tell; it was a bunch of heartless women processing
these animals of mine; so much for empowering women when they can be
just as cold-hearted as many men...Which is why I will be demanding
someone other than the female who reviewed my last GHC claim since this
case is about gender discrimination and she is obviously a female...I
will think of more angles soon; this is all for now...There are a
million ways to look at this complex case > GO TO: AMENDED CLAIM SUBMITTED TO GHC 25 MAY 2020: @"
Therefore; it takes a whole lot of audacity to put a female like the GHC reviewer in charge of being a jurist on a case regarding gender discrimination like this one; as many women have psychopathic tendencies just as many men do...The #metoo movement has proven this...And much of this official discrimination against me all started with Hillary Clinton and her dysfunctional relationship; along with my sister's dysfunctional marriage as well...
Or Kamala Harris who as SF DA refused to forgive unfair and predatory parking citations I recieved in SF for parking two inches into a red fire zone; then another one when I moved the vehicle to where I thought it was safe to park...On the first job I had in several years after I had quit drinking for a few months after the RPF siege...Kamala caused me to start drinking again due to her decision and I have been doing it ever since...Thanks Kamala you cunt...Now you see why I call her a cunt...Because she is one...And I have not been back to SF since then...Never again...
Kamala also blocked me on Facebook for merely sharing articles she may have missed...Meaning she will likely support online censorship as Vice President; right after she takes an oath to uphold the constitution...And Kamala also considered taking money out of my paycheck without due process after the years-long RPF siege left me broke and desperate...Something Newsom did anyway without due process after saying I had several employees I never had; causing me to quit my profession after 40 years of work and finally say "to hell with it" and seek compensation...
And then there's my sister too...Same kinda thing...She is the reigning Queen of IIED...
Either way; if I had been removed from the residence I would not have been there to save Dad's life like I did; calling 911 ASAP...My sister would have been out shopping and Dad would likely be dead right now if she was taking care of him...Either that or Dad would be dead from being dragged along on her various shopping trips she insists upon all the time...Adding to this; right after Precious Cat was killed; Dad was hospitalized for a few days due to the stress...
The RPF were actually non-coincidentally harassing stalking menacing and vandalizing a nearly 90 year old man's residence in the process; not mine...And it looks like they may have killed a cat that caused my Dad to be hospitalized...Do I need to say that again? Do you understand the full gravity of this situation?
Then when I went in to the Kaiser ER for eczema rashes all over my body in the middle of the RPF siege; the male nurse was livid wondering how I ended up that way...And when I finally had the two infected teeth removed that could have burst into my brain and killed me during the RPF siege; I finally got up the nerve to confront the RPF before being surrounded by them at their kiddie party where they beat down a near senior citizen (me)...And if I had not done this they would still be an active threat to this day...And like I have said so many times before; DPS/SCPD had TONS of prior knowledge of all of this...Then when I brought the situation to the attention of a judge; the Paolinetti family moved out about a year after that...
Making me wonder if something was not done behind my back without my knowledge regarding this case...I had to sacrifice my freedom to root out those RPF bastards; but whatever it takes...
Adding to this; a federal level undercover agent who could have done something about the RPF was there the whole time talking to me at the Oasis Nightclub...While another federal level employee at the Oasis actually helped me ("T")...
I told you it goes on and on and on...But it's nothing I can't wrap my brain around...
The real question is: can any of you do the same?..."
A racist campaign against whites often run by entitled whites in government wanting to please their constituencies with racial self-loathing ~ and often encouraged by blacks who do the same all the time to themselves due to mental complexes formed by liberal racial data that makes them feel depressed and angry all the time; wanting to shrug it off onto others to spread their racial pain around more evenly; as misery loves company...(For instance; if there any entitled whites; they are in government like Gavin Newsom not shutting down his winery when almost everyone else shut down their businesses ~ and/or Biden with his $80 million dollars etc etc etc)...
For instance; when I started emailing then SF Mayor Willie Brown back in the 1990s (BTW: Dad loves to read Willie's column every week in the SF Chronicle) Willie apparently sent out an Asian investigator to see what I was all about; and that investigator just happened to be parked in front of Mister Olenak's house...Mister Olenak supposedly called the police on a "suspicious Asian man" and ended up looking stupid and racist (which Mister O obviously is)...
In retrospect; I know many in government are happy with their new little set up that allows them to peer into our private lives for financial advantage as well as many other nefarious reasons; and I also know that my privacy rights were very likely violated in the process as well; and/or also that California law prohibits invasion of privacy...Invasion of privacy that so many social media companies based in California flagrantly violate on a regular basis...
"So it should be obvious to everyone who is awake and paying attention at this point in time that there is a very deep pattern of existential racially discriminatory behavior within liberal regions such as the SF bay area...And the Bagly v. Sunnyvale case brought this all out into the open and finally proved it...So it's no longer a hunch...
And it should also be obvious that campaign of terror at my residence was supposed to shut me up and make me go away and be afraid; when all it did was have the exact opposite effect as it made government and their police run and hide and be afraid of me instead...Because I have the mind of a lawyer and can see through every dog shit curve ball they have thrown at me (and since I am not Black it's "ok")...
And as I mentioned before; there is public evidence that the SCCDA's office cannot seem to dole out their services evenly and equally apparently based upon race -- needing several different races and/or nationalities to create a compartmentalized solution that in a very large sense creates yet another discrimination problem in the process...And I know damn well that I have been a victim of this blatant SCCDA discrimination...The way President Trump was handled by the news media and liberals within government is the best example though...Total outright blatant hateful racism based upon Trump's race...Making many liberals the most racist of all at times; needing hate crime laws to contain their blind hatred...
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So there's that too...And I just happen to be white too...Therefore; if there is somebody who is way beyond contempt of court; it is me...As I have a great amount of contempt for those who do not and/or cannot seem to play fair and bring about equal justice under law > GO TO:
Including unspeedy justice that I experienced in Manoukian's courtroom...Speedy justice 200 years ago is slow justice today as lawyers get paid $200+ per hour to sit around and wait for the pomp and circumstance to finally end so they can do their jobs around noon maybe after my main witness left the court room for work...
Therefore; Manoukian's snail-paced courtroom that is seemingly opposed to bringing defendants up ASAP to give them 5 minutes to exlain their situations right off the bat as opposed to waiting until noon -- is clearly NOT speedy justice...And seeking speedy justice also includes acknowledging ignored exculpatory evidence that would have exposed the RPF as all relevant evidence is admissible...And failing to do so just put me at further risk...Making this an unacceptable travesty of justice...
So if all of this did not matter; why doesn't Judge Manoukian just put his residential address on public record for all to see? Who cares if people come by and bother Socrates at 3 AM right outside his window, right? What's the big deal? So now perhaps some of you are starting to get it...The government servants who are sanctioned to serve the public are not higher up and/or more important than me or anyone else they serve; they are just that: PUBLIC SERVANTS...And servants are here to serve the people; not serve up the pile of dog shit that I got...And I may not have alot of money anymore; but I am almost 60 years old so I know when someone is serving me up a plate of dogshit...I'm not stupid and no ones' fool; and you may be able to fool other fools but not me...
I know a thing or two about a thing or two; therefore I am determined to finally win this and move on even more victoriously than I already been have with this devastating online litigation...And I'm not the least sorry for being so damn intelligent and relentless...I love the fact that government and police thought I was some crazy dumbass sucker who was going allow myself to be repeatedly violated then just walk away; like they have apparently done to so many others in this evil money-centered Silicon Valley region...But again; it's the usual for this Silicon Valley region; as so many lives were thrown into the trash by local liberals even before Covid-19; living homeless and desperate in RVs and tents and bushes...So many souls have been thrown away here in Silicon Valley that I am ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to not end up as another victim of this increasingly evil and expensive corporate mono culture...
And bullying is the root of all of this; while I did not necessarily feel bullied as such at the time since I am generally not one to have that kind of a victim mentality; I look back on it now and realize that was the obvious intent of everyone involved in the years-long harassment/stalking/menacing/vandalism etc campaign...To scare the crap out of me and make me move away; when in the end the RPF is the one who loved (including Mr. and Mrs. Rebholtz)...
And SCPD Officer Seagrave obviously was bullied as a kid; as she made comments to that effect...Adding to this; my old neighbor and childhood friend Tim Chin became a police officer in Fresno; and Tim was bullied by Danny Olenak and Kurt Bangart when Tim's mom made him come in when the streetlights went on...And it kinda makes perfect sense to have a bullied kid become a cop to even the score; until that cop starts bullying who they are sworn to protect and serve...Therefore; if bullying is so bad; it should never be an answer to any problem and especially for once-bullied cops...
Adding to all of this; the RPF curfew that was enforced by Mrs. Rebholtz worked to stoke anger against me; as I got to come home whenever I damn well pleased while the Rebholtz kids had to come in at midnight...And that curfew is what kept them out in the neighborhood causing trouble for me and others, Newsom...
So now I finally get the humor involved in the last GHC rejection letter; it was wholly rejected since I supposedly don't have a case...Yeah right! Hahaha? That really would be funny if it was not such a serious situation with the future of equal justice for all lying in the balance...
Here's my last rejection letter response > OFFICIAL REJECTION OF GHC CLAIM REJECTION: @ + Remember: DPS Officer Jeromy Lima has allegedly killed 11 people while on the job; and relatives of thoase victims have likely filed rejected claims as well; just to add perspective: GO TO: SUNNYVALE POS/DPS OFFICER JEROMY LIMA IS A MURDEROUS THUG WHO HAS KILLED 11 PEOPLE ON THE JOB AND STILL REMAINS EMPLOYED!?! @
1) I had a case back in 1999 when the City of Sunnyvale promised to send out the police chief right before I almost got run over in the street and attacked by a neighbor (Mister Struble) who I called the police on; then I somehow ended up with a restraining order via alleged child molester Officer Beninger even though Struble was initially restrained by Officer Discher... Beninger admitted to never speaking to Officer Discher about the initial incident...
GO TO: +"
"STRIKE ONE: Court documents show Mister Struble admitted to attacking John by initially corroborating Johns' account of the 1998 incident to Sunnyvale DPS Officer Discher; attempting to run over ducks right after strong local case law had been created placing a priority on the protection of these waterfowl right after a then recent incident at a Campbell, California car wash. Adding to this; ex-Sunnyvale DPS Officer is a child molesting freak who recently gave his own abused son a restraining order; and also failed to protect and serve John as required...
STRIKE TWO: Mister Olenak admitted to attacking John at a 2006 "mob style sit down" administrative hearing in front of two billy club-carrying Santa Clara Police Officers and Judge Louis Amadeo, Junior (a hearing where John had $230 dollars extorted out of him; and Johns' Father was held against his will and tormented by the Olenak Familia right after this said "mob style sit down" trial)...And now due to the defamatory 2006-2007 mental illness focus by SCPD; Mister Olenak has created yet another actionable incident by showing his opinion of me was swayed by SCPD; who should technically have determined Mister Olenak to be the one suffering from mental illness due to his violent actions...
Note: Individuals determined to be handicapped (mentally etc) cannot be discriminated against and/or treated differently than others; whether that determination is substantial and/or insubstantial; and/or real and/or imagined -- as it obviously is in this case...
STRIKE THREE: The Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familias obstructed justice and/or conspired with Sunnyvale DPS and the Santa Clara Police Department to violate Johns' Unalienable (etc) Rights; slandering Johns' good reputation in the process with blatant lies and mischaracterization. Adding to this; apparently John is not the only individual questioning the actions of the 'Honorable' Judge Socrates Manoukian...
NOTE: All defendants have committed acts that constitute a chargeable offense and/or have engaged in fraud and/or willful misrepresentation before a government agency. Psychological testing is requested for all defendants who have exhibited psychopathic tendencies and/or who are a harm to themselves or others..."
2) The voting rights violation is still actionable; but since I am white it doesn't seem to matter...Yet...Any time now Mister Biden... > GO TO:
3) Violation of CA statute disallowing arbitrary discrimination from private businesses of public accommodation...Actionable until May 2021; and/or on a pattern and practice DPS basis with zero statute of limitations > GO TO:
4) Compensation that would have helped Baby Cat's dental issues ended up with Baby Cat being dead; killed allegedly by a coyote or other predator; when evidence and eye-witness testimony disputes this as Baby Cat's body was not consumed; just chewed on...And Sunnyvale Animal Control (SAC) not only destroyed the evidence via cremation of Baby Cat; but also Cali Cat too -- adding insult to injury and increasing emotional distress -- as Cali Cat was cremated regardless of repeated calls made to SAC instructing them to handle the evidence differently due to new federal animal cruelty laws making potential cruelty a felony...And no photos were taken to prove these SAC claims; therefore a new directive mandating photographic evidence of all dead animals is now needed in response; along with financial compensation for immense emotional distress experienced thereafter etc...And some kind of All Points Bulletin and/or APB must be circulated on neighborhood social media sites and/or to mainstream media to bring attention to these incidents to perhaps stop them from happening in the future thereafter...Along with stopping discrimination and/or First Amendment violations that kept me off after the death of Missy Cat > > Amounting to irreparable harm and/or immeasurable pain and suffering that continues to this day and will likely never end...
I highly suspect these 3 cats were killed purposefully in September 2020...But do did it? I saw RPF members walking by my residence in the middle of the night a few weeks before the deaths started occurring...It was the older Rebholtz kid with a friend of his on a bike who rode off into the night screaming down Dunford Way...And they saw me standing by my cats who used to be out all night during the Covid-19 shutdown...So they are suspects in my mind. I also got into an argument on Facebook with an old friend of mine who knows where I live the night before (Gary Metrovich)...So there's that too...Adding
to all of this; the Butcher Family property that I publicly opposed the
development of at Wolfe Road and el Camino Real began construction
right at the same time that Baby Cat died...Mister Olenak is an obvious suspect; but I have my doubts about that theory...Or KJ Doug Ward...Or a Caucasian couple I found outside at night around 7:30 PM right after Cali Cat was found dead sicking their ultra-angry and mean dog on Molly Cat; and Molly was not about to back down right before I broke it up; lucky for the dog...I also emailed the Mayor of Portland etc the day before Baby Cat died as well...And a flyer saying: "SLOW DOWN! PLEASE DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD – WE HAVE BEEN ENJOYING LESS TRAFFIC AND SPEEDING LATELY; THEREFORE IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF OUR LIVES IMMENSELY – SO PLEASE DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT AT ALL TIMES – THANK YOU..." was posted in the neighborhood a day or two before Baby cat disappeared -- Question: Was someone mad about me focusing on the good amidst all of the bad? One way or another the truth will be told...
GO TO: + +
5) US Military helicopters repeatedly used against an unarmed citizen; with CIA boss Porter Goss quitting his job the next day...Which is great for rock n roll infamy; but technically against the law and still actionable due to the egregious nature...I can almost see the military being used against unruly protestors trying to start the race war Charles Manson wanted (Mister Trump...almost) but not against two innocent people recording music > GO TO:
6) Hate crimes by the RPF were largely caused by the unbalanced nature of the homosexual focus in this particular region; where heterosexuals exhibiting normal heterosexual behavior are not only frowned upon in many circumstances; but almost and/or often criminalized for being heterosexual...Which is like whites being discriminated against due to blacks being discriminated against...The same regressive; backwards kind of thinking...And this unusual homosexual focus tends to create a backlash of sorts with people actively assuming who is gay and who is not based upon their own personal sexual insecurities...
(And I don't like to make Nazi comparisons; but the SCCDA started this conversation and it needs to be finished...As not only is the creation of the AIDS synthetic biological agent and/or the Covid-19 virus something the Nazis would have done...But also the latest asexual emasculation of males which can be seen as a sort of 'soft' Nazi technique and/or asexual control method (thus the term "Feminazi") in that heterosexual men do not necessarily have their testicles removed as such like the Nazis did to war prisoners -- but they do experienced an unfairly large amount of (lately #metoo movement-based) sexual repression due to this oppressive trend that very likely serves as a depopulation measure cloaked in women's empowerment more than anything else...Just like allowing supposedly 'empowered' women to abort their unborn fetuses to depopulate...Same exact kind of thing...Same kind of dirty old trick...And the same exact thing organized religions did to sex and/or sexuality for so long; swinging from anti-homosexual Christians to anti-heterosexual feminists...)
And even though the statute of limitations may be up for the RPF hate crimes;
laying in wait has no limitations on the statute along with pattern and practice...
(And for what it's worth; the repeated focus on my van; first breaking the back window with large granite boulders while laying in wait; along with another incident where the windshield was shot with what appeared to be a pellet gun; and another where the entire windshield was destroyed -- showed a pattern of similar destructive behavior that seemed to be repeatedly focused upon my vehicle 3 separate times over a roughly 7 year span...)
Note: As the arbitrary pendulum-guillotine of free speech abridgement swings back and forth; this moralism ultimately threatens the review and discovery process of jurists in the future court of historic public opinion via the process of lying through omission...
GO TO: California woman wields stun gun while accusing family of 'acting like Black people' in 'white neighborhood' @
Here's a perfect example of what I am talking about; a harmless little old lady makes it on TV and in the news while all of that shit I just explained to you gets ignored...It's called RACIAL DISCRIMINATION...In other words; since I am not black all of what I just presented to you gets zero attention and less scrutiny...Therefore; the strained; divisive; overarching discriminatory -- and oftentimes downright ridiculous -- legal arguments that are the basis of this government-sanctioned discrimination narrative that has so adversely disaffected me and so many others will not be overlooked... As non-speculative arguments based upon basic police detective protocol connecting motive with repeatedly occurred illegal activity clearly contain merit...
"So it should be obvious that the supposed 'systemic racism' that allegedly exists here in America has another side to it; systemic racism against whites due to alleged systemic racism against blacks and/or other minorities; when whites are a minority now in many regions as I have mentioned so many times before...
And slavery that existed in the SF bay area region during the gold rush ~ and/or the slavery that helped construct early railroads; is still in existence here in the SF bay area region and other large democratic-leaning metropolitan areas like LA and NY -- just in another form...
This time around it's in the form of pension theivery via excessive rents and/or taxation etc...Leading to homelessness and desperation and living in relative squalor; while still receiving tax bills from Newsom etc...And Democrats are probably still wondering why there is such a problem; when it is more than obvious to me what the real problem is: greedy democrats who think we are all happy to slave away for them...
But what portion of your annual income that is forced out of you through taxation and/or rent is not slavery? .0001 percent? That still means .0001 percent of your year is dedicated to forced slavery...When the real truth is; most people are forced to work for the government roughly 50% percent of the year; as that is the current combined tax rate of average taxpaying citizens...Six months of your time are allocated to forced slavery for the government...So all the talk about slavery ending long ago as something from the distant past that does not exist anymore is total bullshit; gas lighting the current truth...
And I would not have as much of a problem with all of this forced slavery if I was actually benefiting from it in at very least in some small kind of way...But I am not...I am being expected to fork out cash while not being protected equally by law enforcement and/or the FBI etc...Which is NOT OK...
For instance; allowing Mister Olenak to do what he did (assaulting me one morning before being used as a 'witness to duck feeding' that ex-mayor Nadler said I could do) while using Mister Olenak as a supposed "witness to duck feeding" (haha? not funny) in the process defaming and/or slandering me by making a false mental illness determination that should have been applied to Mister Olenak for his violent actions...Is not ok...
And since intimidation and coercion was used as a means to an end in the duck feeding situation as well as other outstanding incidents; my civil rights were then egregiously violated as well -- along with slandering and defaming my good name with a bogus mental illness determination that obviously should have been applied to Mister Olenak...And since Mister Olenak 'went south' at the administrative hearing conducted by Louis Amadeo Junior at the City of Santa Clara (admitting to his attack on me in front of a judge with non feasance and/or no action taken to arrest Mister Olenaki) this is proof of civil rights injury and/or injurious uncivil violation...
And the years-long SCPD -sponsored siege on my residence (which is not debatable -- SCPD obviously sponsored this siege) was obvious pay back for requesting an appeal about the Louis Amadeo hearing...Which led to about 7 years of non-apprehended harassment/stalking/menacing/vandalism etc...
Then Mister Olenak recently went south again on his SCPD handlers and posted online comments suggesting that I was crazy; when Mister Olenak is obviously the one who is a harm to himself and/or others...
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And there are at least two that I know of; including a guitar player named Vern who works at the Starving Musician...Vern is a wannabe local hack metal guitarist who never left the region with any band like I so did...
But I know what fun the media has all the time slandering people they do not like (Trump for instance) therefore; this crazy mental illness defamation determination trend will very likely be a difficult thing to reverse any time soon; and especially with democrats back in power at the federal level itching to defame and slander even more lives...When all that mental illness determination really does is give people mental complexes while driving people away from them; sometimes determined maliciously by someone who is not a trained psychologist...Therefore; the case is not closed yet and it looks like the City of Santa Clara owes me money too..."
"In retrospect; let's consider this to be a 20 year independent undercover investigation...And my cover was my individuality that strayed from the groupthink; therefore causing accusations of mental illness...I know how to game dumbasses...And the mental midgets I have dealt with have been absolutely astounding; as I was at the top of my class before deciding to play the drums at age 14; and I still remain rather (emotionally etc) intelligent in my own right...
So now you're busted; caught red handed and taking the fifth again as usual...But the bottom line here is it took quite a long time for human life to be treated with the kind of respect that it deserves (depending upon the individual in question of course) and now animals are next in line for that better treatment...As well as low income males like me who seem to openly discriminated against due to systemic liberal reverse racism...Pointing directly at the FACT that equal pay for women should also amount to equal pay for men when it comes to legal financial compensation...As the Black Women's Book Book Club got an immediate lawyer; roughly $11 million dollars and ample media coverage for their illegal ejection from a private business of public accommodation...While I got ejected since I am white and apparently fair game...
Adding to this; George Soros is an immigrant who purchases mobs of sometimes violent people using them to foment hatred and violence within our society...Which is something Nazis did in Columbia in 1948 when they took part in the killing of a popular leader which caused 10 years of unrest...And new evidence points to a Nazi agent also being involved with the JFK assassination as well...Making Antifa/BLM nothing more than externally-funded terrorist groups that have proven themselves to be an existential threat to our national security...
Plus; the Covid-19 virus the Obiden administration funded back in 2007 -- giving $3.7 million US tax dollars to China -- has not only threatened our national security; but also international security as well...But since the whole truth and nothing but the truth was not told by Soro's mainstream media (including the Hunter Biden story) Biden was somehow still elected even though he was technically part of this multifarious covert creation of Covid-19 to force health care on us all...Although I tend to think this kind of crap has been going on for a long time before the onset of the internet and subsequent decentralization of power...
So who wants to talk about duck feeding now? Duck feeding that was scrutinized and/or attempted to be criminalized by SCPD Officers Lopez and Seagrave; and even after knowing that I recieved permission to do so at a Santa Clara City Council meeting...Then that council footage was ultimately destroyed to cover it all up...
And Officer Lopez technically sexually molested me during this 2006 false arrest kidnapping (pushing his testicles up against me "all sweaty"!?! YUK! ~ The same thing he allegedly did to my friend Eggy) where he at one point threatened to 'disappear' me for this sanctioned duck feeding...And he let me go right after finding out I had $65,000 dollars in the bank at the time too (Proving class-based discrimination) Money that dwindled and disappeared during the RPF siege that almost took my life a few times for different reasons...
Then when I put in a request for a public hearing regarding this bogus 2006 duck feeding SWAT team incident (that's right; a fucking SWAT team for a government-sanctioned duck feeder) it ended up as a 80+ year old man's residence being put under siege in retaliation for a number of years after a July 2007 ambush attempt that occurred right after requesting a public hearing from the City of Santa Clara...
While around this same time in the early 2000s I helped shut down an illegal operation at a local corporate chain restaurant that will go unnamed...So as I was doing greater things and focusing on actual crime in my region; relative lightweight SCDP Officers Lopez and Seagrave wanted to talk about their non-issue government-sanctioned duck feeding instead...Which ended up putting my life at risk as they went on and on about this non-issue; ultimately causing years of retaliatory blow back at my fathers' residence after requesting a public hearing about the issue...
And the July 2007 ambush was obviously the direct result of requesting that public hearing about duck feeding; a hearing that never occurred -- something I did not realize until many years after the multi-year RPF siege...
(Adding to this; I recently helped SCPD Officer Jay Schmitty and/or the federal DOJ with a similar situation that ended up halting a major illegal operation as well...Making me like a CIA agent or something...After all; I do own the entire 007 box set; so it just makes sense...)
And this multi-year siege on my fathers' residence (likely causing a stroke at the end of it) was like I have said so many times before; obviously the direct result of my dissent...Something that would usually happen in Russia or China; not America...But it did happen here in America; and I witnessed it whether anyone likes it or not...
After years of independent investigation I have ultimately come to the obvious conclusion the RPF was responsible not only for the July 2007 ambush; but also for the many years of unrestrained stalking/harasssment/menacing/vandalism that followed as well...I have also come to the conclusion that while some police officers deserve to have a badge; others do not...
And apparently that undercover federal agent knew all about this too while I hung out with him at the Oasis Nightclub; and he also witnessed KJ Doug's threats to "beat me down" during Oasis karaoke; among many other things...And this same federal agent had similar problems as I at his residence as well; but I won't get into detail...Ask him about it...Either way; it should be obvious by now that my valiant efforts were minimized by non-issues due to small-mindedness; intolerance and defiant retaliation by the City of Santa Clara...
And due to many years of non-action on the part of the City of Santa Clara (after promising to do so) I am now being retaliated against by Sunnyvale DPS for things the City of Santa Clara not only gave me permission to do (much like duck feeding) but also promised to fix a long time ago yet never did...As the shit show never ends..."
"This roughly 20 year long independent investigation has rendered amazing results...I am still reeling from the fact that so much judicial misconduct is allowed to occur (go to: This is something I still have a hard time dealing with and/or beleiving; wondering why the media is so averse to taking on the subject of non feasance; misfeasance; malfeasance and/or "multifeasance" (if you will)...SCOTUS may have top of the line judges who are under a microscope therefore they cannot deviate; but not all judges are that good or watched that carefully...Cognitive dissonance likely explains this cover up; as your average person likely still has trust in the court system even though there is very good reason to not trust the process...
(This also includes Mister and Mrs. Feasance -- in other words; the Manoukian couple; as Judge Socrates Manoukian is married to an appellate court judge who doctors cases in his benefit)...
For instance; why didn't Judge Louis Amadeo Junior order Mister Olenak to be arrested after admitting to his attack in a court room in front of a judge and two SCPD oficers? The duck feeding I got permission to do from ex-Mayor Nadler was clearly a non-issue; as Mister Olenaks' violence superseded anything that I may or may not have done...And let's face it; ex-Mayor Nadler giving me permisssion to feed ducks is just like Nixon giving James Brown permission to not pay taxes anymore due to his legendary status...Same kind of thing...So what am I supposed to do here? I learned long ago when working to listen to one boss and one boss only; just as too many cooks spoil the soup -- too many people telling one person what to do inevitable ends up in chaos and confusion...
So my one boss in this instance was Judy Nadler...Adding to this; pulling a bait and switch like this on constituents only drives them away from public participation...And while I know it is in the favor of government institutions to adbridge the free speech and/or general freedoms of particularly successful activists (like me)...But this is something they would do in Russia or China; so it would be best to avoid going down that road...Although many democrats are on that road already; itching to abridge free speech to ultimately control narratives and outcomes...Just like the way SCCDA Jeff Rosen expressed interest in criminalizing a blogger right after I submitted my last claim...I'll bet you think I didn't catch that one but I did...
Thank God there are at least a few good people at the district attorneys' office who had enough sense to forcibly stop Jeffery from violating the constitution that he pretends to uphold...Again Jeff; if Nazis would do it THEN DON'T DO IT! And you know damn well Nazi would dislike bloggers Jeff...
And just like the situation in Columbia in 1948 and/or the killing of JFK in 1963 where Nazi agents caused societal chaos in both countries post-WWII; George Soros paying protestors to destroy public property and/or caused general chaos for political gain is the EXACT same kind of thing...I am still appalled by the stunning display of Antifa/BLM violence and racial hatred and chaos that was supported by left-leaning democrats to get elected...It was like watching a bunch of screaming babies demanding to be breast fed or something...It is absolutely an embarassment for our country to allow such disruption to occur...
And this is part of the reason I am not a democrat anymore...I am an independent voter from now on...As democrats used to actually care about democracy and free speech and freedom in general; but now they do not...And democrats don't take care of the environment as much as they used to either...So I'm out...
And what kind of psychopaths would call SWAT teams for feeding ducks and/or picking up litter anyway? I tend to think that local cops were getting so used to locking down schools on a weekly basis that this was just the latest school to be locked down...And all for a some dude picking up litter that Sunnyvale DPS had TONS of prior knowledge of...TONS! Either way; I still think I was "swatted" both times with malcious intent; no matter who called the police...
And now I don't even pick up litter anymore or run in the morning either...I run at night now and still got harassed by SCUSD flashlight janitors...This time around the field was COMPLETELY EMPTY; with no children-victims in sight; yet I was profiled and chased around my own neighborhood FOR EXERCISING!?! What if I was black!?! So that's the last straw; as not only do I have the right to exercise whenever I damn well please; but I also have the right to be a blogger and express myself completely and fully without external correction by SCCDA Rosen; and I also can move about freely in my neighborhood without judgement...
Adding to all of this; Sunnyvale DPS used an officer to abridge my freedom of speech at least two times...Officer Odle was very nice and courteous; BUT HE FAILED TO TALK TO THE RPF CLAN AS WELL as he urged me to change my writings!?!...In other words; he failed to speak to the EXACT same people (the RPF) who my online writings in question were focusing upon!?! And the next time it happened; it was yet another courteous DPS officer this time; obviously reacting to my writings in the wrong way once again; failing to deal with the active threat outside my residence as shown in the blog -- this time Mister Olenak...Therefore; this is the last time DPS will fail to help me out...I will make sure of it -- if it's the last thing I do...
Democrats do not see how they fall into enemy hands when they do what they do...For instance; abridging free speech appeases Russian and Chinese government interests; as Jeff Rosen does their opressive dirty work for them...And allowing Fentanyl in SF causing countless deaths to occur is another way demorats help out their Chinese handlers...Fentanyl is a form of warfare (one of many) for the CPP; and SF is playing right along with them through their lenient policies that allow Fentanyl dealing to do free to poison more people...Michael Finley for instance...
Yes; my old friend Mike Finley died on an SF street recently from a Fentanyl overdose; he was revived but remains shaken from the ordeal...He was allegedly "up in the sky" seeing his body from a bird's eye view as his spirit left his body before being called back for duty...But Soros' media keeps telling lies about the origins of Covid; holding the truth back from the public; and the consequences have been tragic...So I want to give a big heads up to SF Mayor London Breed and SFDA Chesa Boudin: realize the media is lying to you and that the CCP wants people to die from Fentanyl...So stop giving them their way...
GO TO: EPOCH TIMES – CCP VIRUS: How the Chinese Communist Party's coverup led to a global pandemic @"
"Another angle to consider is non feasance currently practiced here in America (to save money and lives due to the old trend of automatic mass incarceration -- taking Germany's lead in prison reform) has a very bad side to it...The other side is: SCCDA non feasance also creates a void of sorts for victims of those criminals; failing to mollify victims; often leaving them vulnerable...Like I have said so many times before; the usual job of lawyers and/or attorneys is to represent and provide legal counsel for criminals...But now this new 'Smart Justice' approach is keeping people out of jail cells all right; while it is also creating another huge problem on the other side...And this is the same kind of thing that is happening down in Mexico right now too...
As the mainstream media likes to expose other countries as being the main non feasance offenders...Violent criminals like Mister Olenak are allowed to go free just like they are in Mexico to continue threatening their victims...At least the US has gotten to the point where they realize child molestation is unacceptable and very harmful; but there are also a whole bunch of other unacceptable things that are being allowed to go on here in the US that are equally harmful depending upon who you ask about it...And it may be a sensitive subject; but in light of this newfound knowledge of mass assault and child rape in Mexico; why are dangerous people like this being allowed to just walk in to the US while so many others have to go through a thorough vetting process; Governor Newsom? Between this and Covid something has to give...
GO TO: Mexican feminists occupy federal building, create shelter, demand officials end violence against women @
And not only do liberal democrats regularly fall into the hands of their CCP handlers by being soft on hard Chinese drugs like Fentanyl; but they also are interested in destroying the prospect of deepened democracy as well...Everything from CA law SB 35 and SB 50 and Governor Newsom wanting to call all of the shots without due process and/or public hearings ~ to the Biden administration threatening to overturn CA Proposition 22 -- DEMOCRATS CURRENTLY HAVE NO INTEREST IN THE PROSPECT OF DEEPENED DEMOCRACY; JUST LIKE THE CPP! And while their twisted intent is probably sort of good; the results will be really bad in the end...Like closing churches in the US ~ while organized religion is generally discouraged in China...Exact same kind of thing...
So it should be more than obvious by now; 1) With the CCP saying they like Biden more than Trump since Biden is more of a pushover than Trump (Trump got the US a better deal right before the CCP sent over Covid-19 that Obiden helped them create); 2) To SF letting CCP Fentanyl run rampant and amok in SF and elsewhere; 3) Then back again to the Obiden administration entrusting the CCP with $3.7 million US tax dollars to make the lethal Covid-19 virus that has allegedly killed thousands of people worldwide; 3a) Mainly to force health care on the American people; 3b) some of which do not want it; 4) To online censorship the CCP is such a big fan of; 5) to giving money to corporations in China that support China's military; 6) To shutting down churches etc etc etc...
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OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER: 1) JULY 2014 INVESTIGATION OBSTRUCTED? @ > GHC failed to provide explanation for why they made fraudulent claims regarding the July 2014 investigation that apparently never occurred...If they fail to respond a lawsuit will eventually be filed against GHC for this negligent action which helped to cover up the 2012 illegal ejection from a private business of public accommodation + 2) JANUARY 2015 INVESTIGATION OBSTRUCTED? @ > GHC also failed to provide thorough explanation why they made fraudulent claims regarding the promise of a January 2015 investigation that apparently never occurred (AN UNKEPT PROMISE = FRAUDULENT CONDUCT) Therefore; I'm not going away until this situation is resolved GHC...Wake the fuck up! + SEE ALSO: TABLE OF CONTENTS / ATTACHMENTS FOR 25 MAY 2020 CITY OF SUNNYVALE-GHC SUBMISSION: @ + GO TO: VARIOUS FRAUDULENT CLAIMS (ETC) @
"Defendants their co-conspirators have for many years sought to deceive about the health effects of their harassment and/or stalking and/or menacing campaign. Defendants have also repeatedly and consistently denied involvement in the harassment and/or stalking and/or menacing of Plaintiff, while evidentiary material gathered by Plaintiff strongly suggests otherwise. Even though Defendants have long understood not only the illegality involved in such behavior, but also the hazards caused by harassment and/or stalking and/or menacing.
Defendants could have developed new strategies to counter this illegal behavior, but defendants chose and conspired not to do so. Defendants have repeatedly and consistently stated that they are sworn to protecting the public in a fair and equal fashion, while using questionable law enforcement techniques that clearly do not protect the public equally. In all relevant respects, defendants acted in concert with each other in order to further their fraudulent scheme. Beginning not later than 2007, defendants, their various agents and employees, and their co-conspirators, formed an "enterprise" ("the Enterprise") as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1961(4). That Enterprise has functioned as an organized association-in-fact for almost 10 years to achieve, through illegal means, the shared goals avoiding the consequences of their actions. (Sunnyvale D.P.S.; George Hills, Company etc – Obstruction of Justice etc etc etc)
Each defendant has knowingly and/or perhaps unknowingly participated in the operation and management of the Enterprise, and has committed numerous acts to maintain and expand the Enterprise. In order to avoid discovery of their fraudulent conduct and the possibility that they might be called to account for their conduct, defendants engaged in a widespread scheme to frustrate public scrutiny by making false and deceptive statements and by concealing documents etc that they knew would have exposed their public campaign of deceit. This scheme included making false and deceptive statements to the public etc...
IN RETROSPECT: Defendants' tortious and unlawful course of conduct has caused plaintiff to suffer dangerous diseases and injuries. As a consequence of defendants' tortious and unlawful conduct, plaintiff has depleted all life insurance monies left to plaintiff by plaintiffs’ deceased brother. The effect of defendants' fraudulent scheme and wrongful conduct continues to this day; as defendants are continuing their unlawful and tortious conduct; and, unless restrained by this Court, defendants are likely to continue their unlawful activities into the future..."
"UPDATE / 8 FEB 2020: NOTE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL JOHNNY DOUGH: Revisiting this case for this latest discovery process has obviously caused my client much increased emotional distress. (as is obvious in the preceding text -- see NEIGHBORHOOD COPWATCH link above) Adding to the liability of the City of Sunnyvale not only for causing needless emotional distress for my client and his father while compromising their safety in the process -- but also for compromising the safety and security of the entire Birdland neighborhood through an ongoing process of negligence verging on gross negligence that shows an obvious pattern and practice of nefarious; evasive behavior...In the process going against the core mission of Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety which aims to make the City of Sunnyvale safer for it's residents and visitors; humans or otherwise...Therefore the time has come for adjudication; transformation and compensation; as these latest actions by Sunnyvale POS/DPS (see: We Are Birdland Strong! link below) show a continuing and/or repeating relentless pattern and practice of negligence that is now verging on overarching multifarious misconduct adversely affecting not only my client; but also many others as well in the Birdland Neighborhood region...
"As a proximate result of various Respondent's conduct and/or ensuing non-coincidental harassment; stalking; menacing; vandalism etc caused by hatred actively fomented by various unnamed respondents within the SCPD; Claimant suffered severe emotional and mental distress; fear; nightmares; sleep deprivation; flashbacks; anxiety; depression; humiliation; embarrassment and loss of appetite for many years -- along with massive loss of finances and ruined credit ratings -- along with loss of his sense of security; dignity and pride -- due to a years-long conspiratorial and illegal siege upon Claimants residence by various Defendants..."
NOTE: This is my official 'rambling response'...
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