Tuesday, November 19, 2019


This blog post corresponds to 19 November 2019 GHC submission:

In May of 2019; John received important information from his friend Lee Bagley regarding a pattern and practice of race/class/gender biased police misconduct in Santa Clara Valley. Apparently low income white males are being inordinately focused upon by law enforcement in this region. Lee had just been compensated $150,000 dollars for civil rights violations surrounding a violent arrest with a police dog commanded by DPS Officer Jeromy Lima. John then created a small publication of protest called Muckraker Times @ https://muckrakertimes1.blogspot.com/ to help expose this ugly trend. John then put these fliers all over his magazine delivery route shortly after this; then eventually taped one of the flyers in question to a door outside the Oasis Nightclub.


*John’s valiant effort ultimately ended up causing a judge to order the release of police misconduct records; giving State of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra the clarity he needed.

The Muckraker Times flier left at the Oasis apparently ENRAGED KJ Doug Ward for helping to expose what KJ Doug did with the help of POS/DPS Officers Ochoa and Smith back in 2013. > GO TO: POS/DPS OFFICERS SMITH AND OCHOA: ILLEGAL EJECTION FROM THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN 2012 -- A PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION -- ORIGINAL POST DELETED!?! @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/11/posdps-officers-smith-and-ochoa-illegal.html

KJ Doug Ward then went to John’s residence with the Oasis Nightclub flier in question and left it on John’s vehicle windshield apparently attempting to threaten and/or dissuade John. > GO TO: THREATENING MESSAGE = DISSUADING A WITNESS @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/11/threatening-message-dissuading-witness.html + And/or SEE ATTACHMENT X-1 and/or GO TO: ILLEGAL EJECTIONS FROM PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA (2012/2016/2019) @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/05/illegal-ejections-from-private-business.html

John later went to the Oasis Nightclub with his ACLU CA Justice app recording and left yet more  Muckraker Times fliers all over the bar tables; then gave a flier to an old friend who John knew before John was illegally ejected in 2013 ~ and another flier directly to Oasis Owner Jerry Grimes. John then filled out the ACLU app form and sent the video recording in question of the illegal ejection at the Oasis Nightclub to the ACLU. John then received a letter from the ACLU recently as well and he has yet to follow up on that ACLU letter.

Instead of calling Sunnyvale DPS and allowing them to twist this latest actionable event into something ridiculous like Officers Ochoa and Smith did back in 2013 (DPS has refused to protect and serve John numerous times) John instead called his old friend Gary Perez.

Gary used to hang out with John all the time at the Oasis Nightclub 
and watched most of the recordings being created in the following link: 

John had accidentally found out right before being illegally ejected from the Oasis Nightclub that Gary Perez is probably some sort of undercover officer at the federal level; so John instead sent a text message to Gary telling about what Doug did; and Gary went to the Oasis Nightclub right after this and backed off KJ Doug Ward and got him to corroborate the story. Jerry Grimes then sold and closed the Oasis Nightclub at the end of May 2019. John had prompted the State of California Department of Justice and/or DOJ (Susan Lee) about his eventual return to the Oasis Nightclub for a ‘sting operation’ of sorts while recording with his ACLU CA Justice app; just to see what would happen. 

But the State of California DOJ took no action to prompt the Oasis Nightclub about their rights. After the recent $11 million dollar judgement that went to the Black Woman’s Book Club trial in Napa; the State of California should have taken affirmative action of some sort beyond the media blitz to help fix this situation; but they did not.

Numerous private businesses of public accommodation need increased regulation by the State of California to help stop more arbitrary ejections from occurring at these public places.

Therefore; the State of California is not only is liable for its’ failure to take action to help keep open the Oasis Nightclub’s door for John; but also Sunnyvale DPS for refusing to pull up surveillance footage in 2013 and 2019 for ignoring yet another active threat outside John’s residence. The California DOJ have also essentially facilitated this discrimination by failing to regulate their “denial of service” law which carries many stipulations in its’ application. > SEE ATTACHMENT X-2 and/or GO TO: ILLEGAL EJECTIONS FROM PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA (2012/2016/2019) @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/05/illegal-ejections-from-private-business.html

My big brother Carl once took me to see the Beatles' movie 'Let It Be' at the old Moonlight theater in Santa Clara; and I remember being mad at police for a long time for stopping the music on the rooftop at the end of that movie...Police were the enemies of rock n roll...And while I had long ago gotten over my anger at the police for stopping the Beatles' music; it returned once again when I was illegally ejected from the Oasis Nightclub and still remains to this day...

Other case-related items to consider:

1) ATTACHMENT X-3: Ignored exculpatory evidenciary material: Confession by Jake Paolinetti ignored by Sunnyvale DPS and George Hills Company. Did Jake Paolinetti kill Precious Cat? > GO TO: JAKE PAOLINETTI: POLICE-SANCTIONED CAT KILLER ALLOWED TO ESCAPE JUSTICE? @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/07/jake-paolinetti-police-sanctioned-cat.html 2) ATTACHMENT X-4: Claim number 16-17-06 / March 13, 2017 correspondence from George Hills Company (and/or GHC). 3) ATTACHMENT X-5: Claim number 14-15-005 / July 15,2014 promise to investigate plus notice of insufficiency from GHC. 4) ATTACHMENT X-6: Claim number 09139 / January 20, 2015 GHC promise to investigate. 5) ATTACHMENT X-7: lawsuit accidentally filed at City of Sunnyvale City Clerks’ office 2015. Note: No reciprocal communications regarding insufficiency were received from City of Sunnyvale for this submission. > GO TO: MIRANDA RIGHTS AND THE FIFTH AMENDMENT: ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU IN THE COURT OF LAW ETC @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/08/miranda-rights-and-fifth-amendment.html 6) ATTACHMENT X-8: In 2005 John’s garbage cans were repeatedly knocked over every week for about one year until John caught the individual in the act. This shows that non-coincidental stalking and harassment was occurring at John’s residence as far back as 2005 long before the RPF. 


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