Wednesday, November 6, 2019


The bottom line is I tried calling Sunnyvale DPS for many years with the same crooked result; twisting events against me with gross negligence by failing to protect and serve me...So calling them regarding the latest May 2019 Oasis Nightclub incident would only have allowed Sunnyvale DPS to twist events against me once again into something ridiculous due to their obvious bias and discrimination against me (and other low income white males like me)...

And DPS should have known KJ Doug was the same person they refused to arrest for a misdemeanor assault at the Oasis Nightclub in 2012 and took action (other than the RPF; another person who could possibly be responsible for the broken windshields seen in the photos below is KJ Doug Ward)...

And they also should have known that covering up this particular incident -- once exposed to the public at large -- would show an obvious conflict of interest in wanting to protect their own reputations once again...(In other words; yet another illegal enterprise set up to protect reputations...How many illegal enterprises to protect reputations have been created against me so far? 30 or so?)...

Roughly 2007 for the first broken windshield; 2012 for the second broken windshield etc...Could Doug Ward have been responsible for at least some of this vandalism? All I know is when I took photos of this vandalism into the 2011 court hearing they ignored the evidence even though the State of California requires all relevant evidence to be submitted. And local government totally turned their backs on the broken windshield problem (in SF etc) causing it to exacerbate and get worse...

I was literally SCREAMING at their stupid god damned defendant swayer in the hallway; but he clearly wanted to guide the case his crooked way...

Furthermore; the night when I took the 2007 vandalism photo seen below that Sunnyvale and Santa Clara Police both responded to; Sunnyvale POS/DPS made excuses for the 'vandalizers' saying something about deserving it due to my web site ~ while POS/SCPD responded and went out of their jurisdiction into Dune Court to personally escort RPF members out of Dune Court and onto Bluebird Avenue towards the Paolinetti compound; helping to cover up the incident...And the POS/SCPD officer was clearly drunk and I reported this to his night watch commander...When a bullet is shot at a cop car; it is turned into a crime scene and put on TV...But when it happened to me; they took no action...Protecting and serving themselves as usual...The July 2007 ambush attempt should have been turned into a crime scene as well but was not...Large rocks thrown by two carloads of angry men can easily render DNA...I'm about 99.9% sure the RPF is the group responsible for the July 2017 ambush attempt; but since POS/DPS and/or POS/SCPD are obviously struggling mentally within their denial; they have not put two and two together yet...

Adding to all of this; Xavier Becerra needed 'clarity' to release the names on the police misconduct list (mainly because it was a HUGE financial responsibility to release them due to inevitable lawsuits) so Xavier got the clarity he wanted the day after I put the Muckraker Times flyers all over my delivery route...A judge ordered the police misconduct records released the very next day...

Therefore I am not going away until compensated; I'll pursue this until the day I die -- pattern and practice if needed...THE WRONG PERSON has been messed with one too many times; and now there is hell to pay...

(Question: If the State of California is worried about releasing the names of the officers in question due to security concerns; why are the names and faces of other people convicted of other crimes blasted out all over the television etc? 

And why were the police not worried about my security when I had a dangerous; conspiratorial active threat outside my residence for roughly 5+ years? Why was the July 2007 targeted conspiratorial ambush not made into a crime scene?

It's just the same old "police protecting and serving themselves again as usual"; so too bad...I'm sorry but I'm not sorry...All criminals need to be treated equally; even the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution requires this)... 

YOU CAN'T KILL THE MESSENGER: Psychopathic cops who interpret this blog post as an invitation for suicide by cop are just part of the problem...Psychopathic cops need to overcome their severe cranial-posterior syndromes and stop being murderous thugs and start protecting and serving people other than their psychopathic selves...


This link shows what was raging in the background when this vandalism occurred...
Did this vandalism have something to John's involvement in the Lake Terrace situation? 

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