Saturday, January 16, 2021


"OK I've been giving this some thought for you...First off; I think the most important fake news to focus upon is police misconduct that allows dishonesty on police reports...Lies and conscious omissions work to destroy reputations on a regular basis; so this issue obviously needs some major focus that I hope it has been getting lately...Prosecutors also perhaps need to face the potential of prosecution for abusing their prosecutorial duties after lying or ignoring and/or omitting information important to defendants...These are what I see as being semi-controllable aspects of free speech or expression that could serve justice and truth...Other than that there is the mainstream news media which is obviously politically slanted and biased depending upon the political leanings of the ownership...But since almost everyone including you cannot seem to see past your own noses with a tendency to project your own reality on things; cognitive dissonance and unconscious/conscious biases disallow abilities to see this...Then there are the personal truths of web site owners and bloggers who have their own points of view that cannot be denied even though their ideological frameworks may be found unsettling to some...And sometimes it seems that truth is relative; depending upon your particular view on any given issue that consent has been particularly heavily manufactured in favor of...On the other hand; there is Project Blue Book which is a multi-part non-fiction History Channel movie out on DVD that among many other things; exposes how the US Government has been openly lying to the general public about the subject of UFOs for over half a century now...It also exposes how a certain amount of governmental lying is important sometimes when it comes to national security risks...But that governmental lying also shows up as politically-motivated half-truths and/or outright lies to help keep people in power (Biden) during election years like last year...And bloggers like me who are aware of the Wikileaks reality conflicting with the mainstream media's alleged 'reality' regarding the 9/11 incident (no nuclear detonation mentioned and/or no hand-held missile aimed at the Pentagon mentioned either) are obviously going to be ridiculed if not out and out threatened for exposing these truths kept from the general public to control the narrative...Go to: other words; if the mainstream media had just been less politically correct and more honest utilizing balance when speaking about BLM/Antifa last year -- giving a damn about order and public safety when those ruthless and sometimes violent organizations were being emboldened and protected by positive mainstream press opting for the election of Biden/Harris and/or the defunding of police (police you wanted to protect you at the US Capitol!?! Think before you speak!) we might not have experienced the obvious (to me) boomerang effect of the January 6th New Years celebration at the US Capitol...It's all about simple physics: action-reaction and/or cause and effect (and/or metaphysical karma)...Throwing the wrong energy around can have a tendency to backfire on you...And the police who are often faced with lawsuits for intervening in protests due to liberal policies might have taken a different approach that fateful day as well...Meaning that if democrats had thought through potential implications of their half-baked police defunding ideas then the US Capitol police would have had a different mind-set...So I would say lack of political balance and sanctioned dishonesty on the part of various governmental entities is the main issue here; as the mainstream media is only as trustworthy as the information the government passes on to them...Oh then there are those pesky web site owners and bloggers who all express their free speech individually and freely...People like me who cannot possibly vet important grass-roots stories fed by neighbors talking and passing on information to me like what has happened so many times before...If I hear it I write it sometimes and the public usually can set the record straight for me...So I sometimes blog or post article links on Facebook that I know nothing about; but want to find out the truth about...And posting them is the beginning of the vetting process; whereas some see it as a total embrace of those suspect ideas...Like the letter from Nancy Pelosi to the Portland Mayor...I doubt Nancy Pelosi would be stupid enough to publicly draft and send such a damning document; but then again as you all call Trump crazy I beg to differ in that it seems Nancy Pelosi is crazier than Trump could ever be...Trump is crazy like a fox; while on the other hand Nancy Pelosi is crazy like a far-left leaning liberal democrat...BIG difference...That would make you crazy too AOC...But then again; it all gets back to the old 'truth is relative to what your particular political opinions are' kinda thing...And this is just part of the reason why it took roughly 14 years to ratify the First Amendment; because the argument never ends; and arguments largely depend upon disagreement...And disagreement is the root of all forward progression..." Note: Then there's April Fools Day where people are sometimes expected to show dishonesty one day a year...If dishonesty is ok one day a year ~ then dishonesty is ok any day of the year...Especially if you work for the government-controlled mainstream media who regularly fools all of us fools...Similarly; wearing a mask in public is against the law in many jurisdictions; while Joe Biden just told the entire nation to wear masks for the next 100 days...Which I suppose is just another brazen example of government hypocrisy at work...Masking the truth..."

"In retrospect; There are already various legal remedies for the prevention of dishonesty; such as anti-fraud laws that for the most part are selectively enforced if at all...And laws prohibiting lying on police reports that are rarely enforced and constantly broken...When a simple unkept promise can amount to a form of fraud...But that could also mean an unkept campaign promise could be seen as a form of fraud as well; while most politicians have no idea what they are actually going to be able to do once in office...> SEE ALSO: VARIOUS FRAUDULENT CLAIMS (ETC) @ > And the flip side of defamation laws for lies that slander and disaffected reputations ~ is defamatory prosecutorial abuse that can ruin innocent lives...It is ultimately up to the discretion of judges and juries to ascertain 'truth'; but then again due to political leanings and self-projection and/or existential conscious/unconscious biases; 'truth' will always remain an entirely relative and eternally elusive word to fully or correctly define by any one person...You're welcome..."

Friday, January 15, 2021


 Thank you...Your recommendations have been duly noted Secretary Barrett...Carry on...

Thursday, January 14, 2021



CONCLUSION: The democratic party is obviously a clear and present existential threat not only to basic American freedoms of all as provided by the First Amendment; but also a threat to safety and/or peace and/or justice and/or truth and/or fair usage of due process as well...As nonfeasance and/or gross negligence regarding BLM/Antifa riots during the second half of 2020 clearly exposed...Including a pattern and practice of irresponsible behavior when it comes to the protection of wealth during the 1990s up until now in 2021 where countless small businesses have been shut down by democratic policies allowing the CCP to call their shots ~ as they resort to censoring the one US President who actually had the guts to stand up to the CCP...Therefore; any attempt to shift blame and criminalize President Trump for unrestrained violence the democratic party sponsored during the last half of 2020 is far beyond pathetic, silly, absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous and farcical at best; as the fuse democrats lit back in 2020 just  boomeranged back at them and eventually led to the US Capitol building riot...

THE SMOKING GUN: After sending this particular blog post to the new DOJ under Biden; for the first time ever I had my first amendment rights violated and was denied access to a web site of public accommodation...Therefore; this incident will be duly noted and used later on as further proof and evidence of a pattern and practice of First Amendment rights violations by the Biden administration and/or the Democratic party in general...Adding to this; if I was African-American and/or a democrat in general they would not have denied access...So this is further proof that the Department of Justice under democratic rule is not only biased and discriminatory; but also willing to further put my life and safety at risk through this heartless nonfeasance...If I was angry before; I am angrier than ever now as democrats seem to so enjoy ~ so this little stunt just backfired on them badly and will come back to haunt them in court later...Hillary Clinton wants healing but all this did was turn up the volume while ripping open a new gaping wound that has been left unhealed for over a decade due to discrimination against low income white males like me who get the shaft in liberal regions...So fuck off now and forever democratic party along with Hillary Clinton; you're a bunch of worthless communists who need to go back to hell where you came from asap...I had unrestrained democratic region-sponsored unrest at my residence for a number of years with zero help from the DOJ or FBI etc etc etc...And I have been after them ever since then about it here in the land of supposed 'Smart Justice' where criminals run free...And this is further proof that those self-serving arrogant overreaching 'deep state' idiots down at the DOJ/FBI think that it's all about them as usual...Which makes me angrier than I was yesterday about their overarching grossly negligent nonfeasance -- not only regarding my situation; but countless others as well as people affected by the riots of 2020...Democrats are a clear and present danger to my and/or our collective safety; freedom; peaceful existence; health; sanity; finances and free sexuality etc etc etc...

In retrospect: it looks like the DOJ just sealed my compensation deal as my clever and relentless truthful agent provocateur tactics just pushed the them over the edge into the forbidden land of illegal censorship and/or speech abridgment in a web site that is essentially a tax payer-funded public accommodation where DISCRIMINATION IS PROHIBITED AGAINST ANY INDIVIDUAL..

It's not unlike denying access to an emergency hotline like 911; it is not within their legal bounds to do such a thing and violates the law and my rights as well...The good side is right after having the bravery to send this blog post to the Inspector General; Solicitor General; Attorney General; Associate Attorney General; Deputy Attorney General; FBI; Civil Rights etc etc etc exposing what appears to be evidence of complicit nonfeasance and/or gross negligence and/or willful illegal misconduct on the part of Nancy Pelosi -- and the entire democratic party for that matter -- I got blocked...So that means I got across to someone with this damning document and probably caused a stir; and it also means there will very likely be DOJ retaliation for my involvement in uncovering this cover up...But luckily I got over actually being afraid of the federal government long ago...Either way; it looks a whole lot like the new DOJ/FBI failed my stress test...And while there is a slight possibility that the server was overwhelmed; I highly suspect I was purposefully and/or illegally blocked...

THIS MY RAMBLING RESPONSE: "I think the thing that makes me the sickest about democrats and always has is their Nazi approach to freedom of speech...Being the supposed "party of immigrants"; it is beyond evil for democrats to be this repressive with free Americans when a large majority of their democratic immigrant fan base comes from countries where censorship and repression is very common; coming to America to get away from it -- then finding it here anyway...And the events of the last few weeks clearly show in a way that cannot be denied that 'truth' and/or 'justice' are obviously relative...As BLM/Antifa-supported democrats now coming into office (democrats who for all intents and purposes publicly celebrated the violence and looting of the last half of 2020 and did not force social media companies to clamp down on BLM/Antifa for their online event organizations) are massively abusing their powers right out of the gates by being Free Speech Nazis and/or FSNs ~ while supposedly trying to calm their opposition...When censorship generally leads to violence as people have their voices and personal opinions ridiculed by condescending democratic elitists who simply disagree with them politically...And they seem also genuinely taken aback by my usual bloviating political theater that openly mocks them while trying to be friendly with them at the same time (DOJ/FBI etc with democrats in charge is now full of gullible; arrogant assholes who love to violate the civil rights of others with politically-motivated censorship -- An FBI who knew about the US Capitol riots being planned the day before January 6th 2021)...Leading me to believe that democrats actually want more of the violence they are claiming to despise; since shutting people up never calmed anyone down....But then again; like I have said before it is a pattern and practice of free speech rights violating behavior on the part of the democratic party going back to the 1990s; with democrats often acting like third world country leaders bent on controlling peoples' hearts and minds...Like the lame and divisive attempt by ABC 7 to turn recent "White Lives Matter" graffiti into a potentially illegal act when "Black Lives Matter" signs are all over the fucking place and celebrated...Another tendency that shows democrats have absolutely zero interest in being bi-partisan to help calm the public like they claim to want...And just wait until those crazy democrat bastards start trying to pretend they can force-vaccinate everyone through exective order haha...You aint seen nothing yet Mister Biden...So this is all nothing new; and it shows more clearly than ever that 'truth' and 'justice' are relative as democrats constantly find bad excuses to flip the Constitution upside down and tell us all that down is up; wrong is right and bad is good...With absolutely zero respect for the Fourteenth Amendment which originally aimed to stop this kind of mean-spirited; rights-violating selective partisan enforcement and/or selective speech abridgement of people with Unalienable Rights granted by "their creator"...Whether or not democrats believe in a creator; the power for regulatory overreach was limited long ago by this simple 'Unalienable Rights for all' concept...And it's shameful that some liberals can be so God damned stubborn and selfish in refusing to give justice to these obvious truths...But the good side of it all is that with me telling Trump to start his own web site platform for his own constitutional free speech which is guaranteed and an integral part of the appeals process he will now inevitably be involved in -- free speech that cannot be legally abridged...It is the right of any defendant to vigorously and freely defendant themselves in as many ways as humanly possible to bring about fair and equal justice under law without the regulation of their speech...For instance; since the mainstream media freely and wantonly lied and half-truthed about Trump; and/or was allowed to smear and bring down Trump and help in a roundabout way to cause the US Capitol riot through the boomerang effect caused by nonfeasant attitudes and/or the celebration of BLM/Antifa violence in such a way that they did...Then Trump cannot be legally silence in responding to the slanderous defamation machine which has been shooting salvos of slanderous insults at Trump ~ all the while wanting Trump to shut the fuck up on Twitter...Retaliatory behavior many accuse Trump of showing the circular karmic action and subsequent reaction...All we have seen is Soros's TV media machine showing Trump tweets for the last 4 years; and someone actually thinks something is different now when it really is not...If an ex-President has 24/7 Secret Service protection; then that same President has 24/7 free speech protection...Honestly; since the assassination of a popular leader with the help of an ex-Nazi in Columbia back in 1948 caused 10 years of chaos in that country; Twitter for all intents and purposes just 'virtually' assassinated a similar popular leader in Donald Trump; so good luck calming Trump supporters and/or Trump democrats...And that recent announcement by Trump about creating his own platform has now led to a global anti-tech exodus for security concerns as the weight of the world got a little too heavy for the fragile back of the increasingly weakened Twitter elephant that just collapsed under the weight of the worlds' expectations...So no wonder they want Trump and I to shut the fuck up...But then again shutting people up just caused Twitters' stock holders to lose billions too so it's a double edged sword that the US Constitution and the computer keyboard is much mightier than; and the sooner democrats realize this the better; for their own good and the good of all no matter what their particular ideological leanings..." -- "If democrats actually think the leader of the free world does not have the right to free speech and/or the ability to freely defend himself as all defendants obviously can do; then they are showing they are mental midgets who obviously do not understand the rule of law Merrick Garland pretends to support and cannot claim to support the US Constitution when sworn in...It's the usual sham nd we are all fair game in their free speech hunting spree...Adding to this; it is beyond reprehensible to allow an American corporation who does business in China -- and therefore gets grafted bribery dollar$ from China -- to silence the one leader of the free world who actually stood up to China's corruption for the first time in history...When Twitter is a corporation that and/or who has been technically deemed as being a person/corporation with equal free speech rights as other person/persons...During a time of Covid-American socialism largely sponsored by the anti-free speech CCP who very likely dislikes Trump for being the only US President with the guts to stand up to China's corruption (censorship and/or lax human rights protections; currency manipulation; pollution warfare etc etc etc) corruption which manifested as the Covid-19 virus created at a lab in China...And with a new US President with deep financial ties with China; the chasm of dark possibilities looms larger all of the time..."


Note: To be quite honest; I am the type of person who doesn't learn from his lessons sometimes...I am the smartest guy in the world who can be very naive at times regardless...Wanting to think the best when the worst is right in front of my eyes...Because let's face it; I emailed the shit out of the DOJ and contacted the FBI etc over the past two decades or so and they never did anything to help me...Which is just part of my case against them...So it's kinda good the DOJ blocked me because LET'S FACE THE FACTS: it doesn't do any good contacting them anyway...And besides; I just got a new actionable incident too...Which is a HUGE bonus no doubt...Thank you DOJ! You assholes! haha...And I also found out that Gary Perez was an undercover agent by accident and he helped me shut down the Oasis Nightclub...So in a roundabout way I got federal protections and that case has until May 2021 for me to act upon it...So this is overall good...
UPDATE / 21 JAN 2021: In retrospect; it should be obvious now that censoring people whether it be DJT and/or me or anybody else is not only a bad idea; but also an illegal and/or highly unconstitutional idea as well that does not cause 'healing' and 'unity'...I am keeping this anger here to show any people in the future who may be reading this long after I am gone that it IS NO OK to violate peoples' rights no matter who they are...All it does is PISS PEOPLE OFF as it appeases Biden/Harris's new CCP handlers...So as Biden enters the White House; his opponent is silenced by big tech who has their grafted pockets lined by China; censoring the one president that took on their crooked CCP regime...The regime that has caused so much trouble for America; bringing the US to it's socialist knees wiping out organized religion; sports and the entertainment business that is non-existent in China other than probably a few highly-controlled artists...

Wednesday, January 13, 2021




The Anti Media link below clearly shows an arbitrary pattern of FBI enforcement over time...I know all about this after apparently becoming an FBI target during the post-911 era when the dirty little secret of destabilizing activists for 25 years prior to 911 (as admitted to the ACLU post-9/11) suddenly became law with the USA Patriot Act...I knew that activists were being suppressed during this post-911 time; so I sorta went into overdrive and successfully stopped a development down the street in my old high school field just to piss off those who thought they had us all contained by the false flag 911 incident...And sticking my neck out for the neighborhood like that eventually almost cost me my life when the retaliation began in earnest...

And I see the FBI is doing the EXACT same thing again as usual; right after AG Barr just deemed BLM/Antifa as being the obvious terrorists that they are; now Trump supporters are being solely blamed by some for the US Capitol riot ("the Justice Department was considering bringing sedition charges against some of the rioters, effectively accusing them of attempting to overthrow or defeat the government...") when it is pretty much common knowledge on the street now not only that it was a big mixture of political elements participating in the US Capitol riot; but also that BLM/Antifa are violent burn-the-town-down political extremists who were used to get democrats elected but still need to be reigned in and on the no-fly list as much as any other dangerous individuals...

As the often arrogant government employees that you are; it only seems to matter that a riot came to your doorstep ~ when it did not seem to matter when it came to my doorstep...In other words; what I often refer to as government-sanctioned narcissistic personality disorder...Yes; I actually tried to contact the DOJ several times during the anti-white Obama era and got zero help...

That's right; as neighborhood terrorists put my house under siege for a number of years; the FBI was sitting down at 7-11 picking their nose...I'm just letting you know that I know about this and want you to stop your politically-motivated enforcement and/or non feasance and/or lack thereof; this is just part of my extremely complex case against the federal government...Oh! Also; what is the veracity of this?: #italydidit

GO TO: + SEE ALSO: + + + +


"Many cops were bullied when they were younger; and that is at least part of the reason some of them became cops. But the government (and particularly the federal government) is one of the biggest bullies of all...So the problem is systemic; and needs to be resolved from the top down if any real positive progress is to be made in the future..."

Note: Government is always looking for a 'good' reason to have a carte blanche to do whatever they damn well please...1) Some thought 9/11 gave the federal government a carte blanche to crack down on and abuse any activist regardless of affiliation (For instance; I'm part of the Duck Liberation Front and/or DLF haha); 2) Corporations giving money to build local housing give a carte blanche to corporations and/or government; 3) The USA Patriot Act aimed to give a carte blanche to law enforcement to do pretty much anything they damn well pleased; leading to the abuse and rights violations I experienced the post-9/11 era -- and also the recent national referendum regarding police misconduct...4) CA laws SB 35/50 aim to do the exact same thing in giving the State of California a carte blanche to build anything anywhere they want...5) And the FBI probably thinks they have a carte blanche to go after Trump supporters since the recent change of power (has sort of) occurred at the federal level...6) Along with the US government under Biden who now thinks they can arbitrarily censor people for their opposing political speech while in financial cahoots with the CCP...Nothing doing FBI...You are required by law to prosecute and investigate equally without political bias; SO GET TO WORK WITHOUT BIAS...THAT'S AN ORDER! + see also: +

Recent Facebook posts: 

Parler: "...This will backfire like banning Alice Cooper in the 70s trust me...That old "banning is good" law doesn't apply to many but it still does to Trump...For instance; I recently migrated my (web site)'s a common thing...There are servers all over the world they just need to find a new home...All this will do is increase Parler popularity as that old law applies to them too...This will affect amazon as well...They have many users...It's all connected to wearing masks i think believe it or not...When silence = violence for many desperate and left with no other choices...But maybe that's what 'they' want...Other than that; antitrust laws are being broken here regardless or manufactured consent and there are statutes of limitations and these companies are under investigation right now  whether there is a change of power or not...Even if we are the main investigators as the watchful and financially reactive public...The media has already been impeached in the powerful high court of public opinion; with me acting as head justice of that high court of public opinion...I'm really high up right now...Like a joint chief of staff..." (note: drug reference)

A pattern and practice of liberal democrat censorship: "I'm an old fucker who has been watching this liberal democrat shit show for many years now...And since the beginning of the rise of decentralization of power with the world wide web; the democrats have liked to feel like they are the gatekeepers of truth...Back in the 1990s when children suddenly lost their civil rights and got night time curfews for gang violence they had absolutely zero connection to; Hillary Clinton was saying "What about the children!?"...Then when the democrats returned again it was Obama abridging speech based upon race...And there was always some incident and/or incidents the media used to generate consent for that speech abridgement...While Obama followers were often shit talking racists themselves; hate crime laws were and still are rarely applied to minorities by liberals in general...When whites are in fact minorities in many regions...Then part two of the Obiden shit show is now returning with night time curfews for adults now; and even more heavily-manufactured consent for speech abridgement once again; this time based upon boots on the ground liberal democratic operatives Antifa stirring the pot at the US Capitol last week causing pre-planned chaos and unrest to make the opposition look bad and allow Soros' media to have a fake news field day...I swear to God it's the same old shit show ramped up a notch or two with greater consequences than ever; but like I said it's better than NFL football right now and I know in my heart that truth always wins out in the end and that justice will prevail whether it is speedy or not regarding the real truth behind election results and many other pressing issues..."

Note: Also remember the only press conference held by SCCDA Jeff Rosen within the last year was mainly aimed at the abridgement of free speech and/or violation of the First Amendment...Same liberal shit ~ next day...

"Between the democrats starting a race war (that Charles Manson would likely be very proud of) last summer with violence and riots ensuing thereafter; starting an insurrection long before democrats were willing to use that term...Then trying to blame Mister Trump for the ball democrats started rolling long before last week...Then going after Trump regarding Russia when China loomed over the horizon waiting to destroy our culture -- when Hunter Biden was guilty...Years after the Obiden administration allowed $3.7 million US tax dollars to be given to China to create Covid back in 2012 before backing out...I'm done...I'm almost 60 years old now and I was always the smartest guy at the top of my class until dropping out to play drums in high school; and I obviously remain one of the smartest guys in the room to this day even without further education...So you may be able to fool many other dumb fools; but you can't fool this fool; and I've had just about enough of this liberal Tom Foolery for one lifetime...No matter how clever and intelligent think they are;  I know better and have know better for a long long time..."


MESSAGE TO HILLARY CLINTON: "Healing?!?!? Are you kidding!? I'm still pissed off about what you all did to Twisted Sister!?! Seriously though; targeted nonchalant and aloof Clintonian ideology led to the downfall of the entire multi-billion dollar music business; and I saw this as part of a multi-pronged federal effort against heavy metal music and/or free speech in general...And Dee Snider ended up broke and desperate after that (as the federal government celebrated computer industry NASDAQ profits)...Seriously lady; you all lost me right quick when that shit went down...And I'm still pissed off about it along with many others...When fishermen get shorted by government regulation or environmental changes; they get compensated -- but apparently not musicians...And the computer industry not only brought down almost the entire mall industry back in the 1990s; but also almost the entire music business as well; along with countless other once-thriving business entities including records stores; making it difficult for most musicians to make a decent living...Unless of course they're cute young girl singers (Taylor Swift etc) with a teenage boy jack off audience or something...Which is quite prevalent no doubt...Other than that; it was Antifa and countless other interests involved in the US Capitol riot; so stop arbitrarily pointing your finger at Trump supporters lady...All it does is cause even more anger and problems and ultimately solves nothing..."

Note: Ethical technological advancement of computer technology during the 1990s should have included a broad and far reaching ideology regarding protection of published and/or copyrighted materials...Even though streaming is a new option; most DVDs and/or CDs ect can still be shared and/or stolen online much like the unrestrained looting the democrats sponsored and allowed and almost celebrated last year all over America...So online property theft is nothing new whatsoever for democrats...It's old stuff...And while the general consensus of the Napster issue was that there is no solution to the problem; as digital zeros and ones can easily be transferred online -- no action was taken after this to stem this online looting spree...

MESSAGE TO SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: "As (for) Michelle Obama wanting to silence Trump; women historically censor and repress men due to being repressed by men (yin/yang) and Tipper Gore wanted to censor Dee Snider back in the 1990s...So I guess I'm sick of democratic bitches silencing men...In real life that repression of expression of men often leads to war and other violence...I on the other hand have played drums for 40 years so I'm different...But if I had not played drums I perhaps would have killed someone long ago who knows?..."


CONCLUSION: The democratic party is obviously a clear and present existential threat not only to basic American freedoms of all as provided by the First Amendment; but also a threat to justice and/or truth and/or fair due process as well...As nonfeasance regarding BLM/Antifa riots during the second half of 2020 clearly exposed...Including a pattern and practice of irresponsible behavior when it comes to the protection of wealth during the 1990s up until now in 2021 where countless small businesses have been shut down by democratic policies allowing the CCP to call their shots ~ as they resort to censoring the one US President who actually had the guts to stand up to the CCP...Therefore; any attempt to shift blame and criminalize President Trump for unrestrained violence the democratic party sponsored during the last half of 2020 is far beyond pathetic, silly, absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous and farcical at best; as the fuse democrats lit back in 2020just  boomeranged back at them and eventually led to the US Capitol building riot...


It used to be the US government demanded people denounce communism; now we have communist-leaning liberal democrats demanding that we all denounce last week's boomerang violence at the US Capitol ~ while these same folks stood by idly during BLM/ANTIFA riots last summer...And these are the same communist democrats who want some of us to shut the fuck up now...I don't think so...I'll shut up when I'M DEAD and not one minute sooner...And with my art and writing etc maybe not even then who knows? All I really know is that democrats talked  about defunding the police; and now they are wondering why the US Capitol police did not do their jobs correctly when at least some delusional democrats have been talking about getting rid of police altogether!?! You can't make this shit up! But it's typical crazy democratic party ideological confusion; much like the #metoo movement opting for men avoid women (while encouraging homosexuality) and clamoring for abortion rights...Tell me; why do they want abortion rights if no man is every going to be allowed to talk to them and the chances of pregnancy are slim? It just doesn't make sense; but that's the democratic party for you...It's the usual "Gas Lighting Liberal Political Theater" at work...

 “There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.” ― Mario Savio


Saturday, January 9, 2021


Staying on point: "FOLLOW THE MONEY! The Wuhan Lab has been demolished? The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxo! Who, by chance, owns Pfizer!(the one who produces the vaccine!) Which, is managed by Black Rock finances (you know, the same one attached to Bidens Ukraine Scandal). Who manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (SOROS FOUNDATION)! The one that funds “fact-checkers” by way of Poynter and open society. Which, by chance, serves the French AXA Coincidentally, he owns the German company Winterthur. Who, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan! Bought by the German Allianz. Which, incidentally, has Vanguard as a shareholder. Which is a shareholder of Black Rock. Which controls the central banks and manages about ONE-THIRD of the global investment capital. Which, incidentally, is a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, The property of BILL GATES, who happens to be a shareholder of PFIZER (which sells the miracle VACCINE) and is currently the first sponsor of WHO! If it is not clear enough why a bat came in and grabbed the SNAKE and the ENTIRE PLANET became infected, I can go on! -- PS Black Rock assets are 7.4 trillion and climbing! Fact check it! The Wuhan lab has been bulldozed to hide evidence. Gates is slated to make trillions!..." --- Rosanna M

So it is no wonder why my all-important case that can positively affect so many has been left lying half-dead and languishing for so long; because our entire society is based upon outright lies and deception designed to line the pockets of the rich while destroying the liberties and freedoms of those seen as being 'lesser' in the process...From the Mercury News and many other liberal media outlets (for instance) desperately trying to shame Trump for standing up for the American people and demanding more compensation just to score a few more deceptive liberal political points ~ to the omissions and dangerous lies surrounding 9/11 and Chemtrails and Covid-19 etc; we are all constantly lied to and manipulated in order to move dangerous agendas forward that put the American people and others around the world at serious risk...And this is perhaps why the Defense Department is so leery of the new Biden administration...Because not only did the Obama administration severely gut the US military; but Biden is in financial cahoots with an enemy which is now at war with the US...Other than all of that; more important issues need to be addressed as well:

GO TO: BIRDLAND FREE PRESS / 7.3303828584 @ h

How could this idiot have just sort of strolled into our neighborhood and killed one of our cats on Christmas Day without being apprehended? 5 Years ago animal cruelty was not a federal felony; but it was still largely illegal and a big deal...So why did Fuji and Gantt take 2 MONTHS to respond? And when they finally did Fuji suggested it was an accident when the entire incident was captured on video surveillance and was obviously not accidental...And this all occurred when another story about another cat killer caught in SJ was in court...

It's sorta like when the Campbell car wash incident occurred where someone ran over ducks purposefully and made national headlines; then Mister Struble admitted to trying to do the same thing and was let go while I was scrutinized and nearly criminalized after being attacked by that asshole who admitted to his attack and was restrained and told to avoid driving by my house after this?! Adding to all of this; why wasn't the RPF ordered to avoid driving by my house by Officer Odle when he had a chance? Why is case law so arbitrarily applied?

And I had a BIRDLAND FREE PRESS sticker on a news rack right outside the Sunnyvale City Hall for many years until recently (I'm not sure if it's still there) so the City of Sunnyvale had to have known the entire reason for creating that said Birdland Free Press blog was to mainly catch Missy Cat's killer...Which should have translated into greater action and/or more scrutiny (investigation; photographs etc) when retrieving Baby Cat and Cali Cat due to the long history of animal abuse I have experienced at this residence over time...


Not only were the RPF (Jake Paonlinetti etc) allowed to stalk and harass and menace and vandalize for many years at my residence; but near the end of it all it looks a whole lot like Precious Cat was killed by Jake Paolinetti...And whether or not Precious Cat was killed by Jake (Jake was never officially questioned and/or held accountable for this years-long admitted siege); this was a confession about several years of non-coincidental night time disturbances at my residence that were ultimately covered up in court...And maybe even a confession about the July 2007 night time ambush...Allowing the entire Paolinetti Familia to flee the scene and move out of the area shortly afterwards...And all because SCCDA Jeff Rosen didn't want to get them into trouble they all got themselves into with abuse of power and deceit...Leaving me broke and in financial ruin for many years after this; while so many others lived high on the hog all around me here in Silicon Valley...

The bad side of me is actually sort of glad that almost everyone else eventually also got the same kind of bad treatment that I did; with so many left equally financially desperate; and perhaps even more desperate since drastically simplifying my life about a decade ago...But the good side of me realizes that none of this had to happen; the RPF situation could have been shut down and wrapped up by Gary Perez and/or SCPD/DPS in about a day; and Covid-19 could have easily been stopped by shutting down flights from China to stop the spread last year around New Years...And/or by Obiden realizing they helped create a dangerous lab virus that could come back to bite them in the butt and taking necessary action to fight it off...But it looks a whole lot like all of this was carefully planned years in advance; and there are also many bad actors involved...

Here is yet another glaring example of how a similar situation like what happened to me for so many years due to the RPF etc is now occurring across town involving the Mayor of San Jose and his neighbors...Neighbors like mine who one by one moved out of the neighborhood shortly after realizing the night time RPF disturbances and several other non-coincidental incidents were not a fluke and were likely going to continue on unabated by local police; which they did (see link below)...

So now Sam Liccardo and his neighbor's lives matter while mine doesn't matter quite as much or at all for that matter since I am a low income white male or whatever your god damned fucking stupid excuses are...I don't even want to hear it...So Sammy's story makes it into the newspaper while I get totally ignored and/or nearly criminalized for being repeatedly attacked and harassed and stalked over a roughly 7 year period...That shit will not stand and I aint going away until it's finally acknowledged and I am fully compensated even though I am a low income white male in a racist/sexist/'classist' region...I am ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to do so...

GO TO: San Jose asks Twitter, Instagram to scrub mayor’s address from activists’ posts @ + THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD? @ + WTF/POS/DPS/SCPD!?! (CONTINUED) @

And I also knew that there would be some kind of official reaction to me adding a photo of me when I was a kid (see attachment) It not only messes with liberal First and Second Amendment emotional demagoguery obsessions; but it also plays upon liberal discrimination tendencies regarding age bias ~ while remaining completely non-actionable...It also shows how young children and the elderly and women and minorities etc are sometimes treated differently and/or unequally; given better treatment than people like me who do not necessarily fit into these essentially illegally selectively protected categories (14th Amendment ect)...So not only have I decided to identify as a black male during this official proceeding; but I also reserve the right to veer off and randomly identify as myself as a young kid as well not only to show the obvious age bias working against me; but also to expose the sometimes opportunistically negative arbitrary semantic interpretation of relatively harmless statements -- this time about still being friends with my inner child...I knew the trap I was creating for you all; and I also know there was nothing you could do about it...


Note: Remember I am in this for the long haul; I refuse to be batted away like a pesky little fly when I obviously have a mile-deep case that is not seen as actionable since I am a low income white male...I totally get the 'classist'/racist/'genderist' liberal tendencies that I am up against; and that just makes me more determined...I used to think all people were treated with equal justice under law; but now I see that noble concept as being a long-term goal more than a reality within our highly biased courts...Therefore this will be pattern and practice with no statute of limitations disallowing any further judicial malfeasance and/or statute of limitations blather...

I will continue re-entering this case into the system until sense finally kicks in and it finally 'sticks to the wall' when it will inevitably and finally be fully acknowledged that covering up police misconduct not only forms illegal enterprises designed to protect the reputations of various questionable defendants; but it also often allows victims of police misconduct to languish and fade away unacknowledged while misconduct is allowed to continue...I am talking to both sides here; both the activists and the police who need to mellow the fuck out...

Other than all of that; selling San Jose to a corporation that is under investigation (Google) is not necessarily the best idea if you ask me...In fact it is a very stupid idea...I have lived in this region for over 50 years now; and I have seen countless favorite businesses disappear one by one as globalists took over the valley and disregarded the wishes of long-time residents...Harry's Hof Brau etc etc etc...GONE...

And after years of deepened democracy in Cupertino one stupid judge allowed the destruction of the Vallco Mall...GONE...So it seems that the judiciary getting involved in these issues needs to be GONE from the process too; even though Gavin Newsom seems to desperately want to kill democracy with SB 35 and 50...GONE...And SJ activists are sometimes going to the extents that they are due to the lack of this much-needed deepened democracy...When people taste power they inevitably rebel when it is taken from them...Proposition 64 for instance; which was a misleading ballot measure that essentially tricked thousands if not millions of medical pot smokers out of their low-cost coverage...The State of California promised not to disaffect Prop 215 users one day; then the next day KICKED THEM ALL IN THE GROIN...A classic Newsomian tactic...

So not only do to the police and BLM and Antifa need to mellow out; but so does the SJ City Council and the judiciary and Gavin Newscum etc etc etc as well...Because it is a deceptive magic trick of sorts to point at Hong Kong and Taiwan regarding the need for deepened democracy when it should be more than obvious to any dumb sucker that deepened democracy needs to be practiced here in America as much or more than anywhere else...

Attachment: With so many calling for Trump to not profit from office; it looks a whole lot like Trump just took some decisive action to stop the US Congress from doing the exact same thing...Thus the angry and visceral reaction from spoiled rotten democrats...Look; if you shouldn't drive a battleship drunk; then congress members certainly should not be plied drunk consorting with lobbyists making bad decisions that affect so many Americans...Also; democrats calling for the removal of Trump are getting old fast; they're like a broken record that has been playing over and over for the last 4 years so it's time to realize Trump is going to continue pursuing the vote count once this is over since that would likely be the best usage of his time post-tenure...

"Even though I realize the government is a total mess and in a state of general chaos whether protestors are inside the US Capitol building or not and/or whether or not which side is in control: I am just here to help out just like Hillary; mainly because I feel sorry for all of you and also realize that without me many of you would be left nowhere floating around lost in space on a rock...I am here to help ease that planetary burden and also to help many of you overcome your apparently severe cranial/posterior syndromes that afflict the political spectrum..." -- Johnny Roper


...Ok that last mighty, all-important and noble message was called spam so I changed accounts and will (likely eventually) add a huge email list provided by a friend that includes the Queen of England to get my message out even further...Demorats are back! The selfish silencing games have begun! Incitement of violence didn't matter 6 months ago with BLM/Antifa but now it does! When silencing people is what really incites violence more than anything else and I think democrats know this! Making me SO FUCKING GLAD Mister Trump held back you Free Speech Nazi motherfuckers for 4 years! Best of the last thread will go to blog! Stay tuned! Hahahaha...

"For instance; I was the one who told Trump to start his own web site on Twitter right before he got illegally ejected (lawsuit pending no doubt) as he has been listening to me for awhile...And Twitter banned him right after that...HOW POWERFUL AM I?!?! :D I figured out Trump was paying attention right after I posted a used LA Guns CD called "Cocked and Loaded" haha...Trump totally cracks me up...I roadied for Jetboy playing a show with LA Guns once and they are still good friends of the band...Thanks for not taxing my poor ass Mister Trump! You saved my life! Slave driving demorats would have turned the screw and kept on allowing me to be tortured!..."

UPDATE / 16 JAN 2021: A good idea is hard to stop once unleashed; and the net result of me encouraging Trump to start his own web site (which literally anyone can do at etc) has now blossomed into a global movement to create platforms that are not able to be compromised by the arbitrary decisions of politically-motivated CEOs...The global tech exodus has just begun so I guess that makes me like new anti-tech Moses or something...Which is something that has been a long time coming since I have been living under the weight of the out of control computer industry here in Silicon Valley for many years now; and it just got a much-needed kick in the ass correction...Besides; it's not secure to have spoiled tech CEOs spoil 200+ historic years of unbridled American freedom...But it did need a good reason for it to happen and that good reason just occurred...You're welcome...Trust at all costs is what I always say...

GO TO: Big Tech’s Trump Censorship Stokes Global Security Fears @ + SEE ALSO:

The mainstream media at large ruins lives on a daily basis though; like a gun shooting randomly into the sky every day...Sometimes the lives of criminals who often seem to deserve it for ruining the lives of others ~ but more often than not innocent criminals who simply offend the wrong bully pulpit and/or government official and/or Google CEO by stepping over the thin red line of relative ideological prudence determined and/or manufactured by often biased liberal media coverage designed to wash brains and/or control minds...While some activists are celebrated ~ others are vilified and ganged-up on by the angry mainstream media wolves...Depending upon what they are saying and who is listening...It's a mixed bag of selective censorship and vilification...

(For many years I was proud to have big tech companies here in Sunnyvale; my home town of 50+ years...But after many years of quality of life degradation caused by these corporations my attitude has changed drastically...For instance; supplying free food to employees which helps shut down local businesses; seizing corner shopping centers to house their employees; excess traffic in once quiet neighborhoods; shutting down malls across America back in the 1990s etc etc etc -- all of this has destroyed the good way of life we all once knew here in Santa Clara Valley; the old "Valley of Heart's Delight" is now The Valley of Desperation and strife first for low income individuals; and now for pretty much everyone despite the wealthy...And the international damage they have caused while celebrating their psychopathic and decidedly disruptive mentalities is off the charts...Accidentally discovering technology due to UFO crashes has given us technology from thousands of years in our future has largely caused this...As humans are presently like cavemen with machine guns...)

Note: I know all about this after having my own house put under siege for a number of years with no help and just because I got involved in activism and stopped a development they thought they had in the bag...My particular situation was a mixture of what happened at the Capitol building ~ and what's happening to Mister Trump right now...I have never seen a more gross display of arrogance and police corruption and judicial misfeasance in my entire lifetime...I heard about it but never lived it...So I know exactly what Trump is going through on a large scale and have developed strategies to survive that kind of ordeal that wouldn't have been allowed to happen if I was black (for instance) Which is just part of the lawsuit...The racial discrimination part...Fed by liberal 'white entitlement' half truths that are not allowed to be argued without ridicule and disgust due to deep seated ideological liberal biases...And I had someone there for me in my darkest hour telling me not to ever give up and keep pursuing my case until it sticks; and that person is still driving me to this day...And I remember that feeling like I was being ganged up on and developed ways to not only combat it; but destroy it as well and send it running for the hills in the process...I am one badass and intelligent determined MF just like Trump but obviously different; and they had NO IDEA who they were dealing with at the time...They do now though...

Remember: The Great Roper once wrote: One who is control ~ controls oneself..." And this applies directly over to the current situation as his wisdom is far-reaching and endless; spanning all generations and all time periods...So stop blaming others for your own actions democrats; your actions are your own and you all need to own up to this FACT...

And I largely attribute this going way back to organized religion and the widely accepted concept of an external God who and/or that "controls all" as opposed to people determining their own destinies individually and/or collectively...As relying upon controlling people like automatons (teenagers etc) as government and/or organized religion does has a flip side...In that those who are being highly controlled can also be controlled by various other external sources other than God and/or government as well; often leaving them externally/internally vulnerable and blaming others for what they have done...A classic example is a Barnes attorney RV advertisement where some dummy trips over a step and then suddenly has a lawsuit...All this happened to me and I get zero legal counsel; and some idiot trips over a step and has compensation...When he just needed to watch his step and be more in control of his own destiny...While police just needed to help me out like they do so many others without hesitation all of the time...And pretty much everything the democrats (and many Republicans too) espouse is based upon this powerless external concept...Even though the democratic party in general is known to be openly non-religious while the Republican party very much is...

It all stems back to the powerful influence of organized religion as public hearings and government in general is all based around government acting as a God of sorts; while the public is lesser...While the all-important concept of deepened democracy allowing more people more ultimate control of their lives brings the general public closer to becoming that God of sorts in control of their destinies...

Note: We are all judges in the court of public opinion; therefore this particular segment of the judiciary strongly believes the unrelenting hostilities of the last 6 months show a clear pattern and practice not only of unrestrained covert sedition through "smart justice" and/or allowed public violence and unrest threatening public safety and order -- but also of deep politically motivated cognitively dissonant denial regarding this axiomatic truth...The verdict is in; and the guilty are in a 'deep state' of denial...pardon the pun... 


You couldn't shut me up if you tried and I promise to not only outlive all of you artistically; but to also keep disrupting and dismantling the corporate/government monopoly I live underneath here in mono culturally dead Silicon Valley...Republicans allow democrats and/or liberals to say whatever they damn well please while democrats in control generally want to subjugate minds with forced silence and division and/or selective, calculated social hatred...

And the CEOs who do business with evil foreign dictators who set a lower bar of expectation end up in turn influencing CEO conduct ~ along with like-minded censoring democrats (What about the children? What if someone is offended? Who cares if you are offended? versus Fuck you! etc etc etc -- typical democratic shit -- what a fucking joke liberals are...) censoring the opposition with the same basic emotion that used to cause people to kill others for merely saying what they considered to be wrong...In other words; Romans used to be killed by Barbarians ~ and now people are blocked on social media etc...And this is why I left the POS democratic political party long ago...

Modern democrats are more often than not arrogant ideological elitists; delusional; violent; speech censoring; sexually emasculating; financially unrestrained; gun grabbing; globalist as opposed to decidedly American; half-truth telling; shifty; lying ass; 'classist' / racist, and/or 'genderist'; militarily de-funding (therefore a threat to national security); and a Covid-19 threat to international security as well by allowing the CCP to turn America and the world into the socialist state that it has become and/or allowing Biden to be in financial cahoots with Chinese interests etc etc etc...So the US is equivalent to China when it comes to online censorship...Conversely; the press in China would not have been allowed to foment violence in the streets like they did here in the US...

And I wonder if the silent yet very public graft involved in Google/Apple/Facebook/Biden etc receiving $$$ dollars $$$ from doing business in China (bribes?) and/or the CCP ~ in turn financially enriching (bribing?) various multi-leveled DNC government localities through taxation and charitable donation ~ in turn financially enriching (bribing?) local newspapers who are struggling ~ who in turn back online censorship the CCP so desires due to manufactured consent from mainstream media campaigns ~ has any connection back to the original financial source of financial enrichment?

It's good to see Joe Biden has turned into such a dignified man: “They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman (President Trump), and I said no. I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him” -- “Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room.” -- VIOLENT FAT SHAMING PERSONALITY SLANDERING FEMALE GROPING FIST AMENDMENT SUPPORTER POS POTUS JOE BIDEN (Note: Remember Obama silenced Biden for his gaffes ~ just like how Michelle Obama wants Trump silenced now -- blacks silencing whites in other words -- And this is the same lady who was doing jumping jacks on the White House lawn as roughly 70,000 Americans died from H1N1/Swine flu in 2006...Also; remember that it took roughly 14 years to ratify the First Amendment largely due to partisan bickering; and it looks a whole lot like democrats think it's all about them again as usual...

Same shit next day in other words...Making democrats some of the biggest hypocrites on the face of the planet...Therefore; if you don't like what you're reading here you're welcome to go somewhere else (Hell maybe?) along with the CEO of Twitter..."

Bottom line: Trump will return stronger than ever once the dust settles...I was the person who told him to start his own web site like or; which holds much important case-related information that Google would likely love to have deleted...And the new EU law about privacy and ownership of data should also include due process for those not treated equally at and/or by private businesses of public accommodation like Twitter or Google etc...I know all about it since I am a white male who has been equally singled out and allowed to be hated and violated and censored and slandered and defamed and ridiculed and generally treated with open disrespect by asinine selectively enforcing local liberals who refuse to respect the concept of equal justice under law and/or equality in general...


NOTE: Liberal democratic tendencies to openly discriminate based upon class/race/gender have largely been responsible for me not getting owed compensation for civil rights violations etc and this is public proof as to why this occurred to me > GO TO: Biden: ‘Priority’ For Economic Business Relief To Be Made Based In Part On Race, Gender @ -- "Democrat President-elect Joe Biden announced on Sunday that his administration will prioritize economic aid for businesses based in part on race and gender, an announcement that sparked strong criticism"...“Our focus will be on small businesses on Main Street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through not fault of their own,” Biden said in a video that was posted to his administration’s official transition Twitter account. “Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.”

FOR INSTANCE: Driving my point home; here's yet another essentially illegal, racist, divisive and just plain STUPID democratic party idea that not only goes against the will of the voters and common sense in general; but mainly aims to discriminate against high performing employees who truly deserve promotion over someone promoted for their gender or race > Race, gender would factor in promotions for California state workers under proposed law @

"Fuck the will of the voters; We do what they want..."
Which inevitably and/or conversely turns into: 
"Ok fuck you too then; I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want too 
since you do whatever the fuck you want..." etc etc etc...
SEE ALSO: THE ANARCHY @ + Study: Up To 95 Percent Of 2020 U.S. Riots Are Linked To Black Lives Matter @ > "A report accompanying the data project, however, reads like an upscale attempt to blame the police for criminals’ decision to steal, kill, and destroy...."
NOTE: If anyone should be held accountable for incitement of insurrection;
perhaps it should be John Lydon working conspiratorially with the Sex Pistols...
...AS ABOVE ~