Wednesday, January 13, 2021




The Anti Media link below clearly shows an arbitrary pattern of FBI enforcement over time...I know all about this after apparently becoming an FBI target during the post-911 era when the dirty little secret of destabilizing activists for 25 years prior to 911 (as admitted to the ACLU post-9/11) suddenly became law with the USA Patriot Act...I knew that activists were being suppressed during this post-911 time; so I sorta went into overdrive and successfully stopped a development down the street in my old high school field just to piss off those who thought they had us all contained by the false flag 911 incident...And sticking my neck out for the neighborhood like that eventually almost cost me my life when the retaliation began in earnest...

And I see the FBI is doing the EXACT same thing again as usual; right after AG Barr just deemed BLM/Antifa as being the obvious terrorists that they are; now Trump supporters are being solely blamed by some for the US Capitol riot ("the Justice Department was considering bringing sedition charges against some of the rioters, effectively accusing them of attempting to overthrow or defeat the government...") when it is pretty much common knowledge on the street now not only that it was a big mixture of political elements participating in the US Capitol riot; but also that BLM/Antifa are violent burn-the-town-down political extremists who were used to get democrats elected but still need to be reigned in and on the no-fly list as much as any other dangerous individuals...

As the often arrogant government employees that you are; it only seems to matter that a riot came to your doorstep ~ when it did not seem to matter when it came to my doorstep...In other words; what I often refer to as government-sanctioned narcissistic personality disorder...Yes; I actually tried to contact the DOJ several times during the anti-white Obama era and got zero help...

That's right; as neighborhood terrorists put my house under siege for a number of years; the FBI was sitting down at 7-11 picking their nose...I'm just letting you know that I know about this and want you to stop your politically-motivated enforcement and/or non feasance and/or lack thereof; this is just part of my extremely complex case against the federal government...Oh! Also; what is the veracity of this?: #italydidit

GO TO: + SEE ALSO: + + + +


"Many cops were bullied when they were younger; and that is at least part of the reason some of them became cops. But the government (and particularly the federal government) is one of the biggest bullies of all...So the problem is systemic; and needs to be resolved from the top down if any real positive progress is to be made in the future..."

Note: Government is always looking for a 'good' reason to have a carte blanche to do whatever they damn well please...1) Some thought 9/11 gave the federal government a carte blanche to crack down on and abuse any activist regardless of affiliation (For instance; I'm part of the Duck Liberation Front and/or DLF haha); 2) Corporations giving money to build local housing give a carte blanche to corporations and/or government; 3) The USA Patriot Act aimed to give a carte blanche to law enforcement to do pretty much anything they damn well pleased; leading to the abuse and rights violations I experienced the post-9/11 era -- and also the recent national referendum regarding police misconduct...4) CA laws SB 35/50 aim to do the exact same thing in giving the State of California a carte blanche to build anything anywhere they want...5) And the FBI probably thinks they have a carte blanche to go after Trump supporters since the recent change of power (has sort of) occurred at the federal level...6) Along with the US government under Biden who now thinks they can arbitrarily censor people for their opposing political speech while in financial cahoots with the CCP...Nothing doing FBI...You are required by law to prosecute and investigate equally without political bias; SO GET TO WORK WITHOUT BIAS...THAT'S AN ORDER! + see also: +

Recent Facebook posts: 

Parler: "...This will backfire like banning Alice Cooper in the 70s trust me...That old "banning is good" law doesn't apply to many but it still does to Trump...For instance; I recently migrated my (web site)'s a common thing...There are servers all over the world they just need to find a new home...All this will do is increase Parler popularity as that old law applies to them too...This will affect amazon as well...They have many users...It's all connected to wearing masks i think believe it or not...When silence = violence for many desperate and left with no other choices...But maybe that's what 'they' want...Other than that; antitrust laws are being broken here regardless or manufactured consent and there are statutes of limitations and these companies are under investigation right now  whether there is a change of power or not...Even if we are the main investigators as the watchful and financially reactive public...The media has already been impeached in the powerful high court of public opinion; with me acting as head justice of that high court of public opinion...I'm really high up right now...Like a joint chief of staff..." (note: drug reference)

A pattern and practice of liberal democrat censorship: "I'm an old fucker who has been watching this liberal democrat shit show for many years now...And since the beginning of the rise of decentralization of power with the world wide web; the democrats have liked to feel like they are the gatekeepers of truth...Back in the 1990s when children suddenly lost their civil rights and got night time curfews for gang violence they had absolutely zero connection to; Hillary Clinton was saying "What about the children!?"...Then when the democrats returned again it was Obama abridging speech based upon race...And there was always some incident and/or incidents the media used to generate consent for that speech abridgement...While Obama followers were often shit talking racists themselves; hate crime laws were and still are rarely applied to minorities by liberals in general...When whites are in fact minorities in many regions...Then part two of the Obiden shit show is now returning with night time curfews for adults now; and even more heavily-manufactured consent for speech abridgement once again; this time based upon boots on the ground liberal democratic operatives Antifa stirring the pot at the US Capitol last week causing pre-planned chaos and unrest to make the opposition look bad and allow Soros' media to have a fake news field day...I swear to God it's the same old shit show ramped up a notch or two with greater consequences than ever; but like I said it's better than NFL football right now and I know in my heart that truth always wins out in the end and that justice will prevail whether it is speedy or not regarding the real truth behind election results and many other pressing issues..."

Note: Also remember the only press conference held by SCCDA Jeff Rosen within the last year was mainly aimed at the abridgement of free speech and/or violation of the First Amendment...Same liberal shit ~ next day...

"Between the democrats starting a race war (that Charles Manson would likely be very proud of) last summer with violence and riots ensuing thereafter; starting an insurrection long before democrats were willing to use that term...Then trying to blame Mister Trump for the ball democrats started rolling long before last week...Then going after Trump regarding Russia when China loomed over the horizon waiting to destroy our culture -- when Hunter Biden was guilty...Years after the Obiden administration allowed $3.7 million US tax dollars to be given to China to create Covid back in 2012 before backing out...I'm done...I'm almost 60 years old now and I was always the smartest guy at the top of my class until dropping out to play drums in high school; and I obviously remain one of the smartest guys in the room to this day even without further education...So you may be able to fool many other dumb fools; but you can't fool this fool; and I've had just about enough of this liberal Tom Foolery for one lifetime...No matter how clever and intelligent think they are;  I know better and have know better for a long long time..."


MESSAGE TO HILLARY CLINTON: "Healing?!?!? Are you kidding!? I'm still pissed off about what you all did to Twisted Sister!?! Seriously though; targeted nonchalant and aloof Clintonian ideology led to the downfall of the entire multi-billion dollar music business; and I saw this as part of a multi-pronged federal effort against heavy metal music and/or free speech in general...And Dee Snider ended up broke and desperate after that (as the federal government celebrated computer industry NASDAQ profits)...Seriously lady; you all lost me right quick when that shit went down...And I'm still pissed off about it along with many others...When fishermen get shorted by government regulation or environmental changes; they get compensated -- but apparently not musicians...And the computer industry not only brought down almost the entire mall industry back in the 1990s; but also almost the entire music business as well; along with countless other once-thriving business entities including records stores; making it difficult for most musicians to make a decent living...Unless of course they're cute young girl singers (Taylor Swift etc) with a teenage boy jack off audience or something...Which is quite prevalent no doubt...Other than that; it was Antifa and countless other interests involved in the US Capitol riot; so stop arbitrarily pointing your finger at Trump supporters lady...All it does is cause even more anger and problems and ultimately solves nothing..."

Note: Ethical technological advancement of computer technology during the 1990s should have included a broad and far reaching ideology regarding protection of published and/or copyrighted materials...Even though streaming is a new option; most DVDs and/or CDs ect can still be shared and/or stolen online much like the unrestrained looting the democrats sponsored and allowed and almost celebrated last year all over America...So online property theft is nothing new whatsoever for democrats...It's old stuff...And while the general consensus of the Napster issue was that there is no solution to the problem; as digital zeros and ones can easily be transferred online -- no action was taken after this to stem this online looting spree...

MESSAGE TO SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: "As (for) Michelle Obama wanting to silence Trump; women historically censor and repress men due to being repressed by men (yin/yang) and Tipper Gore wanted to censor Dee Snider back in the 1990s...So I guess I'm sick of democratic bitches silencing men...In real life that repression of expression of men often leads to war and other violence...I on the other hand have played drums for 40 years so I'm different...But if I had not played drums I perhaps would have killed someone long ago who knows?..."


CONCLUSION: The democratic party is obviously a clear and present existential threat not only to basic American freedoms of all as provided by the First Amendment; but also a threat to justice and/or truth and/or fair due process as well...As nonfeasance regarding BLM/Antifa riots during the second half of 2020 clearly exposed...Including a pattern and practice of irresponsible behavior when it comes to the protection of wealth during the 1990s up until now in 2021 where countless small businesses have been shut down by democratic policies allowing the CCP to call their shots ~ as they resort to censoring the one US President who actually had the guts to stand up to the CCP...Therefore; any attempt to shift blame and criminalize President Trump for unrestrained violence the democratic party sponsored during the last half of 2020 is far beyond pathetic, silly, absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous and farcical at best; as the fuse democrats lit back in 2020just  boomeranged back at them and eventually led to the US Capitol building riot...


It used to be the US government demanded people denounce communism; now we have communist-leaning liberal democrats demanding that we all denounce last week's boomerang violence at the US Capitol ~ while these same folks stood by idly during BLM/ANTIFA riots last summer...And these are the same communist democrats who want some of us to shut the fuck up now...I don't think so...I'll shut up when I'M DEAD and not one minute sooner...And with my art and writing etc maybe not even then who knows? All I really know is that democrats talked  about defunding the police; and now they are wondering why the US Capitol police did not do their jobs correctly when at least some delusional democrats have been talking about getting rid of police altogether!?! You can't make this shit up! But it's typical crazy democratic party ideological confusion; much like the #metoo movement opting for men avoid women (while encouraging homosexuality) and clamoring for abortion rights...Tell me; why do they want abortion rights if no man is every going to be allowed to talk to them and the chances of pregnancy are slim? It just doesn't make sense; but that's the democratic party for you...It's the usual "Gas Lighting Liberal Political Theater" at work...

 “There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.” ― Mario Savio


1 comment:

  1. US Marine Michael Beard: "WE ARE MORE APART THEN EVER and is going to get worse and these 74 million Trump voters are watching and are upset I am sure. Crazy times and how can you block someone and shut them off of all media its crazy. When the riots where going for 7 months and things where burning nobody on the left said nothing. They were against the national guard going to Portland or Oregon and the dems hated that idea and now there happy they are at the capital. You can't have it both ways. Lets see what happens in the next 2 to 4 years..."
