Saturday, January 16, 2021


"OK I've been giving this some thought for you...First off; I think the most important fake news to focus upon is police misconduct that allows dishonesty on police reports...Lies and conscious omissions work to destroy reputations on a regular basis; so this issue obviously needs some major focus that I hope it has been getting lately...Prosecutors also perhaps need to face the potential of prosecution for abusing their prosecutorial duties after lying or ignoring and/or omitting information important to defendants...These are what I see as being semi-controllable aspects of free speech or expression that could serve justice and truth...Other than that there is the mainstream news media which is obviously politically slanted and biased depending upon the political leanings of the ownership...But since almost everyone including you cannot seem to see past your own noses with a tendency to project your own reality on things; cognitive dissonance and unconscious/conscious biases disallow abilities to see this...Then there are the personal truths of web site owners and bloggers who have their own points of view that cannot be denied even though their ideological frameworks may be found unsettling to some...And sometimes it seems that truth is relative; depending upon your particular view on any given issue that consent has been particularly heavily manufactured in favor of...On the other hand; there is Project Blue Book which is a multi-part non-fiction History Channel movie out on DVD that among many other things; exposes how the US Government has been openly lying to the general public about the subject of UFOs for over half a century now...It also exposes how a certain amount of governmental lying is important sometimes when it comes to national security risks...But that governmental lying also shows up as politically-motivated half-truths and/or outright lies to help keep people in power (Biden) during election years like last year...And bloggers like me who are aware of the Wikileaks reality conflicting with the mainstream media's alleged 'reality' regarding the 9/11 incident (no nuclear detonation mentioned and/or no hand-held missile aimed at the Pentagon mentioned either) are obviously going to be ridiculed if not out and out threatened for exposing these truths kept from the general public to control the narrative...Go to: other words; if the mainstream media had just been less politically correct and more honest utilizing balance when speaking about BLM/Antifa last year -- giving a damn about order and public safety when those ruthless and sometimes violent organizations were being emboldened and protected by positive mainstream press opting for the election of Biden/Harris and/or the defunding of police (police you wanted to protect you at the US Capitol!?! Think before you speak!) we might not have experienced the obvious (to me) boomerang effect of the January 6th New Years celebration at the US Capitol...It's all about simple physics: action-reaction and/or cause and effect (and/or metaphysical karma)...Throwing the wrong energy around can have a tendency to backfire on you...And the police who are often faced with lawsuits for intervening in protests due to liberal policies might have taken a different approach that fateful day as well...Meaning that if democrats had thought through potential implications of their half-baked police defunding ideas then the US Capitol police would have had a different mind-set...So I would say lack of political balance and sanctioned dishonesty on the part of various governmental entities is the main issue here; as the mainstream media is only as trustworthy as the information the government passes on to them...Oh then there are those pesky web site owners and bloggers who all express their free speech individually and freely...People like me who cannot possibly vet important grass-roots stories fed by neighbors talking and passing on information to me like what has happened so many times before...If I hear it I write it sometimes and the public usually can set the record straight for me...So I sometimes blog or post article links on Facebook that I know nothing about; but want to find out the truth about...And posting them is the beginning of the vetting process; whereas some see it as a total embrace of those suspect ideas...Like the letter from Nancy Pelosi to the Portland Mayor...I doubt Nancy Pelosi would be stupid enough to publicly draft and send such a damning document; but then again as you all call Trump crazy I beg to differ in that it seems Nancy Pelosi is crazier than Trump could ever be...Trump is crazy like a fox; while on the other hand Nancy Pelosi is crazy like a far-left leaning liberal democrat...BIG difference...That would make you crazy too AOC...But then again; it all gets back to the old 'truth is relative to what your particular political opinions are' kinda thing...And this is just part of the reason why it took roughly 14 years to ratify the First Amendment; because the argument never ends; and arguments largely depend upon disagreement...And disagreement is the root of all forward progression..." Note: Then there's April Fools Day where people are sometimes expected to show dishonesty one day a year...If dishonesty is ok one day a year ~ then dishonesty is ok any day of the year...Especially if you work for the government-controlled mainstream media who regularly fools all of us fools...Similarly; wearing a mask in public is against the law in many jurisdictions; while Joe Biden just told the entire nation to wear masks for the next 100 days...Which I suppose is just another brazen example of government hypocrisy at work...Masking the truth..."

"In retrospect; There are already various legal remedies for the prevention of dishonesty; such as anti-fraud laws that for the most part are selectively enforced if at all...And laws prohibiting lying on police reports that are rarely enforced and constantly broken...When a simple unkept promise can amount to a form of fraud...But that could also mean an unkept campaign promise could be seen as a form of fraud as well; while most politicians have no idea what they are actually going to be able to do once in office...> SEE ALSO: VARIOUS FRAUDULENT CLAIMS (ETC) @ > And the flip side of defamation laws for lies that slander and disaffected reputations ~ is defamatory prosecutorial abuse that can ruin innocent lives...It is ultimately up to the discretion of judges and juries to ascertain 'truth'; but then again due to political leanings and self-projection and/or existential conscious/unconscious biases; 'truth' will always remain an entirely relative and eternally elusive word to fully or correctly define by any one person...You're welcome..."

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