Here's one of my latest Facebook posts: "The way I see it is that BLM/Antifa threw the first punch by starting an unrestrained Covid-19 spreading riot right in the middle of a lockdown...Which makes about as much sense as women's rights champion Hillary Clinton giving billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia; a place where women are often abused and have less rights than men...And the usual aloof Obama sat in his home office giving them the "GO!" signal by saying these often violent protests were a good thing; as opposed to calming them down as MLK did; just like Kamala Harris and many other democrats...Not a word from Obama about calming the protests; just a calm KEEP GOING! signal...Then these violent and often anti-white racist BLM/Antifa protestors started tearing down historic statues as if that was going to change history or something...And some of those POS BLM fuckers even killed a racoon right after I suggested that wildlife restraint techniques need to be used on violent criminal suspects so police can do their jobs ~ while not hurting anyone as everyone is so concerned about; including me...So that was the last straw for me; the death of an innocent raccoon in the midst of this liberal democratic nightmare...I know it sounds crazy but I am also one of those people who realizes animal cruelty is directly connected to cruelty against humans and that BLM will never get their way until they realize this...So after ALL OF THAT; democrats are kicking and screaming since Trump supporters resorted to the exact same kind of tactics BLM/Antifa used; as obviously no one likes a taste of their own medicine...And to top it all off; an Air Force veteran lady who was trying to get into Nancy Pelosi's office was shot and killed in the process...That's right; a woman was SHOT DEAD in the office of Nancy Pelosi; the gun control lady...After a couple was indicted for using guns to hold off BLM/Antifa protestors at their home last summer...Same exact scenario; with a new and different angle...Were was homeland security when this home was under siege? And I just heard a friend got a message from Facebook that his account will be deleted since he posted footage of what occurred yesterday...He wrote: "for posting the twitter video of the murder in the capitol building, i will have my acct deleted by Facebook now..." -- Which is something the Russian or Chinese government would do...In other words; start censoring people once a new liberal socialist communist leader like Biden takes over; feeling emboldened not realizing a class-action First Amendment suit looms in the distance...Because democrats seem to love the 25th Amendment; but have absolutely ZERO interest in protecting the First and Second Amendment and/or the basic "rule of law" as potential DOJ AG Merrick Garland is now talking about...They're more into protecting the often violent "fist" amendment used by BLM/Antifa; which was the first punch thrown last summer that largely led to yesterday's violence at the Capitol building in Washington DC...Adding to this; many of the violent protestors at the Capitol building were in fact BLM/Antifa members trying to make Trump look bad...As Soro's mainstream media machine has been relentlessly pounding on anti-Trump rhetoric for 4+ years now in an unrestrained fashion; causing anger and unrest on the other side causing a Soros-incited mob stormed the US Capitol...If Gavin Newsom wants a peaceful transfer of power; why the hell didn't he say something last summer about BLM/Antifa violence? And fuck off if you have a problem with my opinions Facebook; you're a bunch of baby kids who obviously don't get it; involved in policing 'unpolicable' -- the unalienable First Amendment rights of others..."
UPDATE / 8 JAN 2021: Not until the US Congress evenly and equally applies the 1st Amendment without predjudice can they invoke the 25th Amendment...As President Trump has done nothing that several hypocritical and apparently delusional high level democrats have not done in the last few months encouraging BLM/Antifa violence beginning last summer in the days after I submitted my last claim to the City of Sunnyvale; obviously in response to control the racial narrative...Violence that escalated as democrats talked about defunding police to allow it all to happen...
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But this is the usual arrogant one-sided blather seeping from the double talking mouths of democrats who constantly speak out of both sides of their mouths...Up is down and bad is good to many democrats...Especially dyslexic democrats like Newsom who flips everything upside down due to his disabilities...
But I need to stay calm...As one who is control; controls oneself...This is not only a self-determination equation for a life led by unalienable rights and/or life liberty and the pursuit of happiness; but it also shows that you are not in control of anything if you are not in control of your own self...In other words; you cannot blame anyone else for your own willful actions; which should be obvious to most logical sane individuals...While organized religion often blames all things on the external and/or 'God'; tricking followers into thinking they are not in control of their own destinies...
NOTE: Externalization blames an external God for all things;
While internalization blames oneself for what one has done...
And the other bottom line is: silence equals violence; as when people have no other options and can no longer speak their minds freely as minority opinions within a new nightmarish and highly unconstitutional "liberal media-controlled forced socialized medicine stay-at home like children who have had no civil rights since the Clintonian 1990s here in America" reality being forced upon them (a 'plandemic' obviously carefully planned for years in advance; with Obama even having drafted a plandemic 'playbook' in way in advance of mass-infection) that is a recipe for disaster and unrelenting retaliation from the other side...
As liberals can be silenced and censored and blocked and deleted and shunned and ignored and made fun of just like conservatives are right now...Adding to all of this; no one person can know the veracity of the presidential vote count as there are too many ballots for any one person to count...No judge; no living being can do this...We have to rely on trusting people who I have learned in my lifetime are not always trust able...Many people are 'shit' as one person once told me on Facebook; and since then I have seen that he is absolutely correct in many instances...
The last decade of games and run around from jokers within the local justice system and/or government in general overwhelmed with too many people due to liberal tendencies to cram as many people into Silicon Valley and/or adjacent regions as possible (increasingly minimizing the importance of each resident as time goes by and the ability to be protected my overwhelmed police...Unless they fall into a class of individuals who liberals decide need help...Which I am obviously not part of...) has largely been responsible for me being ignored and put off and probably ridiculed for all I know...Since I am a low income white male in a 'classist'; racist; 'genderist' liberal region that has been exposed as being discriminatory against individuals like me...
In the end; the bad part of me laughs at democrats finally having the same thing happen to their capitol building ~ which is sorta like what happened at my house caused by the RPF for about 7 years unabated (boo hoo!) As usual; their government lives matter more than mine ~ just like SJ Mayor Sam Liccardo whose neighborhood activist sieges made the news ~ while mine got wholly ignored with discrimination...And the RPF weren't even activists...Also; if it was mainly Trump supporters responsible for the capitol building fiasco; it looks a whole lot like those Trump supporters just won this little anarchic football game by overshadowing any lame shit BLM/Antifa has done...Republicans just won this football game in other words -- and democrats are the sore losers now...But it also looks a whole lot like many BLM/Antifa supporters very likely infiltrated the US Capitol mob on 6 January 2021 to make Trump supporters look bad; wearing red Trump hats to make republicans look bad and cause a knee-jerk reaction...In the process manipulating the media who probably doesn't care if any foul play was involved at the US Capitol since they hate Trump so much...I predict the truth surrounding this will come out in the next few weeks...
The last decade of games and run around from jokers within the local justice system and/or government in general overwhelmed with too many people due to liberal tendencies to cram as many people into Silicon Valley and/or adjacent regions as possible (increasingly minimizing the importance of each resident as time goes by and the ability to be protected my overwhelmed police...Unless they fall into a class of individuals who liberals decide need help...Which I am obviously not part of...) has largely been responsible for me being ignored and put off and probably ridiculed for all I know...Since I am a low income white male in a 'classist'; racist; 'genderist' liberal region that has been exposed as being discriminatory against individuals like me...
In the end; the bad part of me laughs at democrats finally having the same thing happen to their capitol building ~ which is sorta like what happened at my house caused by the RPF for about 7 years unabated (boo hoo!) As usual; their government lives matter more than mine ~ just like SJ Mayor Sam Liccardo whose neighborhood activist sieges made the news ~ while mine got wholly ignored with discrimination...And the RPF weren't even activists...Also; if it was mainly Trump supporters responsible for the capitol building fiasco; it looks a whole lot like those Trump supporters just won this little anarchic football game by overshadowing any lame shit BLM/Antifa has done...Republicans just won this football game in other words -- and democrats are the sore losers now...But it also looks a whole lot like many BLM/Antifa supporters very likely infiltrated the US Capitol mob on 6 January 2021 to make Trump supporters look bad; wearing red Trump hats to make republicans look bad and cause a knee-jerk reaction...In the process manipulating the media who probably doesn't care if any foul play was involved at the US Capitol since they hate Trump so much...I predict the truth surrounding this will come out in the next few weeks...
QUESTION: Why are protestors involved in the US Capitol breach being treated as terrorists while BLM/Antifa activists who did the EXACT SAME THING not being prosecuted for terrorist activities? It's the usual biased one-sided liberal shit at work...
UPDATE / 10 JAN 2021: "Big things are going down my friend...Since the media refuses to cover any of the things that have happened today, I’m happy to oblige. The FBI is raiding legislative offices and homes in Tennessee as we speak. Stay tuned for that. Google is censoring you from seeing what everyone is talking about on the other side of the world. An affidavit was handed to Congress at 1:12pm Wednesday (just before the breach) that proved our election WAS rigged. If you use DuckDuckGo and search for yourself, it is plastered all over the world. Billions of our tax dollars was sent to Italy to hack dominion and change Trump votes to Biden. ITALY rigged our election. They ADMITTED AND TESTIFIED. Check for yourself #italydidit One hour ago, Lindsey Graham was escorted out of an airport because patriots in the airport were chanting “traitor” at him. Poor Lindsey 🙄 Lin Wood exposed extremely sensitive information on his Parler yesterday. Some examples include “a treasure trove” of video files that are most likely what got Isaac Kappy killed. He tried exposing everyone with these files, he then was found dead. Also, emails between Pence and Paul discussing Pence’s plot to take over as president. And James Bulger & Hunter Biden making deals with CCP company...a case for the FBI for sure lol But feel free to check those out on Parler. There is video evidence that Trump supporters were trying to stop ANTIFA from breaking into the capital. ANTIFA was trying to smash an emergency door and a patriot stepped in to stop it. There is also video evidence that police were in on the breach. They opened the gates and stepped aside to let “protestors” in. Witnesses all have matching stories of what happened but the media will not share it. A few witnesses heard antifa’s plan to “shake things up”. It was ANTIFA who stormed the capital, they were not Trump supporters. You can find this on Parler or in Facebook groups like ThePatriotParty. It’s all there on video that Facebook and YouTube keep trying to remove. Parler won’t delete them tho, try there. During the breach at the US capital building, 11 laptops were stolen. One of them was Nancy Pelosi’s. Safe to assume that the military and/or Trump has those laptops. Could explain why she’s trying so hard to invoke the 25th amendment and have Trump removed from office. She’s frantic. As soon as the lockdown was over and they realized the laptops were stolen, numerous members of the administration resigned. More continue to resign. With 12 days left, why wouldn’t they wait? That’s curious. Roughly 6000 troops were just deployed to DC. They are there as we speak, for the next 28 days or so. Also curious. None of this is speculation. This is all out there for you to check yourself. Proof. Evidence. But most people are lazy and won’t. The media knows that and takes advantage by covering whatever fits their agenda. MSM is biased and corrupt and fake. They aren’t telling us the truth. Google and social media are censoring what you can see. So it’s easy to believe what they want because they’re controlling what you see. With a little digging, it’s not hard to find the truth. The real truth. Use DuckDuckGo, oann news, RSBN, Parler, etc..." -- Anonymous
"Mi casa ~ Tu Casa" means my house is your house and vice versa...Meaning the RPF attacks on my house was really an attack on all of our houses; an attack on fair justice; and an attack on civility too ~ as well as a vicious attack on truth...While the attacks by BLM/Antifa amounted to the exact same thing...Therefore the good side of me sees that none of this had to happen; it was allowed to happen but was totally avoidable...That said; many
democrats sat by idly as people's livelihoods and businesses were being
destroyed last summer; cheering on the often violent protests...And now
it sort of all came back to bite them in the butt...Which is very
interesting...Now it matters but it didn't then...
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“They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman (President Trump), and I said no. I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him” -- “Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room.” -- VIOLENT FAT SHAMING PERSONALITY SLANDERING FEMALE GROPING FIST AMENDMENT SUPPORTER POS POTUS JOE BIDEN (Note: Remember Obama silenced Biden for his gaffes ~ just like how Michelle Obama wants Trump silenced now -- blacks silencing whites in other words -- And this is the same lady who was doing jumping jacks on the White House lawn as roughly 70,000 Americans died from H1N1/Swine flu in 2006...Also; remember that it took roughly 14 years to ratify the First Amendment largely due to partisan bickering; and it looks a whole lot like democrats think it's all about them again as usual...Same shit next day...Making democrats some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet...Therefore; if you don't like what you're reading here you're welcome to go somewhere else (Hell maybe?) along with the CEO of Twitter...
"A towering piece of blogging history...
ReplyDeleteLik Roper is absolutely magnificent..."