Monday, November 18, 2019


UPDATE: 18 May 2019 -- I put the flier seen above on my distribution route in the last few days -- and believe it or not this happened. Then I also put a flier on an outside door at the Oasis Nightclub on 17 May 2019; and the next day I found the same flier from the Oasis at my residence on my windshield with a threatening message written on it (see photo above). I then reported this to the Sunnyvale POS/DPS via Facebook; and also told an undercover officer friend of mine as well. Doug Ward likely did this -- but intimidating a witness is against the law; so I went into the Oasis Nightclub again today to put out yet more fliers while my ACLU CA Justice app was running and the bartender illegally ejected me once again; claiming that I could not put out fliers at the bar. (Which is a First Amendment violation) But this time I recorded a video of it; and an old friend witnessed it too. So now I have yet another incident within the statute of limitations that not only shows a pattern of discriminatory behavior; but also opens the door to litigation and eventual compensation for illegal ejection from a private business of public accommodation.

GO TO: + SEE ALSO: 18 U.S. Code § 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant @ + California Code, Penal Code - PEN §136.1 @

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