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UPDATE: 18 May 2019 -- I put the flier seen above on my distribution route in the last few days -- and believe it or not this happened. Then I also put a flier on an outside door at the Oasis Nightclub on 17 May 2019; and the next day I found the same flier from the Oasis at my residence on my windshield with a threatening message written on it (see photo above). I then reported this to the Sunnyvale POS/DPS via Facebook; and also told an undercover officer friend of mine as well. Doug Ward likely did this -- but intimidating a witness is against the law; so I went into the Oasis Nightclub again today to put out yet more fliers while my ACLU CA Justice app was running and the bartender illegally ejected me once again; claiming that I could not put out fliers at the bar. (Which is a First Amendment violation) But this time I recorded a video of it; and an old friend witnessed it too. So now I have yet another incident within the statute of limitations that not only shows a pattern of discriminatory behavior; but also opens the door to litigation and eventual compensation for illegal ejection from a private business of public accommodation. > GO TO: http://muckrakertimes1.blogspot.com + SEE ALSO: 18 U.S. Code § 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant @ https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1512 + California Code, Penal Code - PEN §136.1 @ https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/penal-code/pen-sect-136-1.html
UPDATE: 23 JAN 2020 -- The OASIS_1.mp4 link seen below is video footage that I sent to the ACLU regarding the 18 May 2019 illegal ejection from a private business of public accommodation The Oasis Nightclub in Sunnyvale California. This was my third illegal ejection from the now-defunct Oasis Nightclub; the first time in 2012 using the color of law to violate my civil rights (Officers Smith and Ochoa refused to pull up surveillance footage of KJ Doug attacking me outside the Oasis Nightclub after I called POS/DPS the week before and got a agreement from a female desk officer to pull up surveillance footage of the attack the next week if disallowed to sing). The second time was in 2016 with Jerry Grimes doing the dirty work (witnessed by ex-KJ Joe Soria) and the third time was a charm in 2019 with the bartender and Jerry both conspiring against my civil rights and violating my First Amendment rights as well in the process; and the State of California has essentially facilitated this discrimination with their often abused 'denial of service" law that has many stipulations. The Oasis Nightclub closed it's doors at the end of May shortly after this incident; after nearly 50 years in business when (UC Officer?) Gary Perez responded to my text message and backed KJ Doug off; getting KJ Doug to corroborate that KJ Doug was in fact responsible for the threatening note left on my windshield when Sunnyvale POS/DPS refused to take necessary actions via Facebook messaging. Sunnyvale POS/DPS would have likely tried to turn things around and criminalize my constitutionally protected actions for finally exposing their killer cop Jeromy Lima; so there was no use in calling Sunnyvale POS/DPS. And KJ Doug was just one of many active threats outside my residence that Sunnyvale POS/DPS and POS/SCPD absolutely refused to interdict and/or do anything about. To make a long story short; after leaving Muckraker Times fliers at the Oasis Nightclub and all over my delivery route; shortly after this a judge ordered police misconduct records to finally be released so people can see how corrupt law enforcement really is and/or has been over time within their various communities > GO TO: http://likroper.com/OASIS_1.mp4
https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/11/oasis-nightclub-incident-2019-etc.html + CIVIL ACTION FOR DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS (42 U.S.C. § 1983); CONSPIRACIES TO INTERFERE WITH CIVIL RIGHTS (42 U.S.C. § 1985); CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS OF CITIZENS (18 U.S.C. § 241); DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW (18 U.S.C. § 242); THE JURISDICTIONAL STATUTE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS CASES (28 U.S.C. § 1443) etc etc etc @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/02/civil-action-for-deprivation-of-rights.html + OASIS NIGHTCLUB KARAOKE HOST DOUG WARD FLEES TO NEVADA : AN ADMISSION OF GUILT? @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2014/03/oasis-nightclub-karaoke-host-doug-ward.html |
The lessons of the post-WWII era must be remembered and revered;
not forgotten and thrown away like some people seem to want...
not forgotten and thrown away like some people seem to want...
https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/11/legalized-discrimination-in-california.html + SUNNYVALE POS/DPS OFFICERS SMITH AND OCHOA @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/04/sunnyvale-posdps-officers-smith-and.html + INCIDENT ON 18 JUNE 2016 / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA = PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/06/incident-on-18-june-2016-oasis.html + WOODHAMS LOUNGE BARTENDER RETALIATION @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/woodhams-bartender-retaliation.html + LEMONS TO LEMONADE @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/07/lemons-to-lemonade.html + LEGALIZED DISCRIMINATION IN CALIFORNIA? @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/11/legalized-discrimination-in-california.html + INCIDENT ON 18 JUNE 2016 / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA = PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/06/incident-on-18-june-2016-oasis.html + WOODHAMS LOUNGE BARTENDER RETALIATION @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/woodhams-bartender-retaliation.html + LEMONS TO LEMONADE @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/07/lemons-to-lemonade.html
https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/11/legalized-discrimination-in-california.html + SUNNYVALE POS/DPS OFFICERS SMITH AND OCHOA @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/04/sunnyvale-posdps-officers-smith-and.html + INCIDENT ON 18 JUNE 2016 / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA = PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/06/incident-on-18-june-2016-oasis.html + WOODHAMS LOUNGE BARTENDER RETALIATION @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/woodhams-bartender-retaliation.html + LEMONS TO LEMONADE @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/07/lemons-to-lemonade.html + LEGALIZED DISCRIMINATION IN CALIFORNIA? @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/11/legalized-discrimination-in-california.html + INCIDENT ON 18 JUNE 2016 / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA = PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/06/incident-on-18-june-2016-oasis.html + WOODHAMS LOUNGE BARTENDER RETALIATION @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/02/woodhams-bartender-retaliation.html + LEMONS TO LEMONADE @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/07/lemons-to-lemonade.html
The Oasis Nightclub was the place where I escaped the multi-year police-sponsored harassment/stalking/menacing/vandalism campaign that was directed at my residence; but that is just part of the reason why this is so egregious. At some point in time; people will start caring about my plight; and I will make sure of this happens one way or another. I have no doubt in my mind that I am on the right track...
"Founding Leader of the Band / John Avent - Karaokeman / Founded 1995 in Silicon Valley, California. Avent's is dedicated to making sure you get your chance to sing and have fun doing it!
Born a Preacher's son, John started out singing in his father’s church as a very small child. "Singing in Church is like karaoke, the words come up on screens or you read them from your hymn book, just like karaoke, right?"
John picked up on the Karaoke phenomenon back in the late 80's, when the music was still on laser disks, he has been hooked ever since...so hooked that by the mid 1990's he founded Avent's Empty Band. John became "Karaokeman" at The Office Bar in Sunnyvale, Ca. Since then Avent's Empty Band has hosted more shows in the San Francisco Bay Area than any other karaoke company to date!
John wants you to know what karaoke can do for you...
*Fulfills you (right before you get attacked and ejected) *Gives you a sense of camaraderie (until you lose contact with the countless fans and friends you made while singing) *Uplifts your spirit (after POS/DPS won't review surveillance footage of you being attacked by KJ Doug) *Promotes self confidence (when you slowly realize police officers who are sworn to protect and serve you have no intention of doing so; but when their wussy cop asses get attacked in the same manner it's a fucking FELONY!?! wtf!?!) *Lets you escape the drudge of everyday life (until you get uncivil injuries as your civil right$ are egregiously violated) *Allows you to enjoy yourself, be happy and have fun (yeh right! blah blah blah whatever! what a bunch of shit that is) *Make new friends or in some cases find love (how full of shit is this John Avent anyway? Come on dude! wtf?!?) *Gives you a sense of achievement (only after you receive equal justice under law and your liberties are finally restored) *Helps you pull your life together (compensation has a tendency to do that no doubt...still waiting...any time now...) *Gives you a sense of community, belonging (cops generally have no real friends other than other cops because no one trusts them but I actually do have some really good friends at the Oasis that I am now separated from POS/DPS; so I am going back to the O whether POS/DPS likes it or not...They gave me an unlawful order that I am required to ignore...) *Helps local small business (get sued) > Go to: http://www.karaokeman.com/about_us.php..."
So I guess it is a church thing to hear someone being attacked on the phone and do nothing about it; huh Mister Avent? And it's a church thing to stay silent about witnessed abuse? Or to remove an innocent individual from his group of friends at the non-denominational church known as the Oasis Nightclub? I actually used to go to church; and this is part of the reason I don't go anymore (hypocrisy)...
Note: In the future I will be drafting a flier to repeatedly distribute all over the Oasis Nightclub during peak business hours to explain the entire situation to everyone; naming names (Grimes; Ward; Ochoa; Smith etc) and also letting patrons know what their rights are as well -- so no more arbitrary ejections occur at the Oasis and/or any other private business of public accommodation that the State of California oversees and regulates to
inform the Oasis Nightclub and it's patrons in a very public manner
that I will be re-entering the Oasis Nightclub at a secret future time
of my choice and will not be ejected arbitrarily as my ACLU CA Justice
app records in the background...I will not leave if POS/DPS orders me to
do so; so be forewarned...
[19 MAY 2019 / I ended up doing something similar that brought about the same result; because I honestly have better things to do with my time now than hang around at the Oasis. I had a lot of fun at the Oasis for many years so it is very sad to hear about it closing.
I had the time of my life there in fact until bartender Stephanie left and all of her followers left the Oasis along with her due to the relatively unpopular new bartender Shannon.]
(The State of California ultimately facilitated these ejections and/or discrimination with lax statute enforcement and zero follow up after bringing it to their attention [Kamala Harris; Xavier Becerra etc])...
George Hills Company ultimately needs to either release the results of their supposed investigation and/or admit that they dropped the ball and did nothing so they can finally compensate me for my rights abuses and subsequent losses and/or their gross negligence in the mishandling of my case...
[19 MAY 2019 / I ended up doing something similar that brought about the same result; because I honestly have better things to do with my time now than hang around at the Oasis. I had a lot of fun at the Oasis for many years so it is very sad to hear about it closing.
I had the time of my life there in fact until bartender Stephanie left and all of her followers left the Oasis along with her due to the relatively unpopular new bartender Shannon.]
(The State of California ultimately facilitated these ejections and/or discrimination with lax statute enforcement and zero follow up after bringing it to their attention [Kamala Harris; Xavier Becerra etc])...
George Hills Company ultimately needs to either release the results of their supposed investigation and/or admit that they dropped the ball and did nothing so they can finally compensate me for my rights abuses and subsequent losses and/or their gross negligence in the mishandling of my case...
Note: I found out right before being illegally ejected from the Oasis Nightclub that regular patron Gary Perez is very likely an undercover officer (a security guard at Shoreline Amphitheater told me that he sees Gary hanging around the cops all the time during concerts -- he's probably an FBI agent) and Gary would also seek me out to hang out and talk to me for some reason; then go off to Vandenburg AFB in the middle of the night. Question: if Gary Perez was at the Oasis nightclub the night of the first illegal ejection in 2012 when I got attacked buy KJ Doug Ward; why didn't Gary stand up for me and help me out? UPDATE / 19 MAY 2019: Gary Perez helped me out last night by talking to Doug Ward at the Oasis. Doug admitted to leaving the threatening flier on my windshield; and the Oasis Nightclub is closing at the end of May.
ROSA PARKS = CIVIL JUSTICE!?! -- The $11 million dollar lawsuit by the Black Woman's Book Club for being arbitrarily ejected from the Napa Wine Train using the color of law from a private business of public accommodation should have been a major wake up call for the State of California; causing them to take necessary action to avoid further arbitrary discrimination...I am confident that my valiant efforts will finally drive this point home once and literally FOR ALL ~ because once I finally know justice ~ I will also finally know peace as well -- All for now...
Just finishing unfinished business...