Tuesday, June 25, 2019


A) Sunnyvale POS/DPS refused to protect and serve me for the millionth time when Doug Ward left a threatening message on my windshield in May 2019 (you have to give POS/DPS credit for coming up with yet another clever excuse though); B) It looks a whole lot like the FBI was there the whole time at the Oasis Nightclub; and even the night I got initially illegally ejected in 2012 -- possibly bringing the federal government into the negligent land of prior knowledge; C) Jerry Grimes illegally ejected me from the Oasis Nightclub once again right before closing right after the FBI contacted Jerry about Dougs' threatening message; in a sense seemingly attempting to obstruct justice and cover it all up with this knee jerk reaction. Jerry Grimes also took zero action when tipped off about a criminal element that had taken over his Nightclub in 2012 as well; when a female Bartender was being intimidated and the bathroom stalls were kicked in; also ignoring my pleas for help when Doug repeatedly threatened to "beat me down" for asking how long it would take to get up and sing again. (the wait for singing another karaoke song was sometimes 1-2 hours) and perhaps most importantly; D) In 2014 George Hills Company failed to investigate the 2012 Oasis Nightclub matter regarding POS/DPS Officers Smith and Ochoa and other unnamed officers; negligently causing my civil rights to be re-violated and allowing yet more uncivil injuries to occur; in a very large sense slashing open an old wound that had never healed. And lastly; E) The State of California not only has facilitated this discrimination with their loosely interpreted and largely unenforced "denial of service" law (BTW: 'entry' and 'service' are not the same) but I also contacted the CA AG and Governor Gavin Newsom and told them both about this situation (including a CA DOJ employee) and that I was planning on returning to the Oasis to follow up on the initial illegal ejections; so they should have contacted the Oasis and/or at very least sent out a form letter telling this private business of public accommodation that they needed to step up their game and play by the rules by creating a 'business code' to run their business by. But no one at the State of California took any action; leading to the latest incident at the Oasis Nightclub. So here we have a nightclub that looks like it got shut down with the help of the FBI (an FBI who knew everything about the RPF while it was raging on in the background by the way; yet did not take quite enough action to stop this targeted; non-coincidental harassment -- some action was taken; but not enough and I am not going to get into details because I am loyal to my friends). F) Avent's Empty Band Karaoke host Doug Ward now works at Sunken Gardens golf course on Thursday nights; which is a City of Sunnyvale owned golf course. Doug left a threatening message on my windshield in May 2019 and Sunnyvale POS/DPS refused to follow up on the incident and make and arrest once again; even though a neighborhood flier of mine which was essentially a cry for help was somehow filed at POS/SCPD as if it was a crime asking for this help. This allowed an important witness (in other words me) to be intimidated and tampered with to help cover up the civil rights abuses a little further. POS/DPS Officer Smith and Ochoa did the exact same thing in 2012; and the May 2019 incident is just an extension of that 2012 incident in that Sunnyvale POS/DPS allowed a violent suspect who violated my rights to be let go without an arrest being made; and this potentially violent suspect is still a potential threat to my peace and security at my residence. Adding to all of this; 1) Avent's Empty Band Karaoke owner John Avent heard the 2012 attack by KJ Doug and did not fire Doug immediately for this attack that Sunnyvale DPS/POS refused to pull up the surveillance footage for; 2) Doug is involved in class-based discrimination and/or 'pay to play' at Sunken Gardens; whereas only singers who pay off Doug can sing after about 9 pm and 3) Avent's Empty Band Karaoke has become semi-monopolistic in locking out other viable karaoke companies (Mystic Moon Karaoke and/or MMK etc) with anti-competitive practices that undercut other companies ~ and then in turn pay their own employees shit wages. MMK also felt over-taxed by the State of California and stopped operations a few years back. Ex-MMK owners now receive public assistance from the State of California and are being ordered by the state not to seek any further employment; leaving them in a semi-stagnant financial state. G) The Blinky's Can't say Lounge; Woodham's Lounge and Acapulco Restaurant incidents also further expose an obvious pattern and practice of abuse that exists at other local nightclubs as well. While the State of California was repeatedly made aware of some of these incidents; once again the state took zero action and seems to be more concerned with regulating pot club$ at this point in time instead of shoring up regulation of their 'denial of service' law allowing private business of public accommodation to eject certain patrons who violate their preexisting business codes. Now is the time to either repeal and/or rescind this questionable and often abused discriminatory law and/or develop an online State of California business code registry; then give all affected businesses one year to comply with the new regulations to stop making arbitrary class/gender/race-based discrimination easy here in the state of California. H) Sunnyvale POS/DPS used the color of law to violate my voting rights at a federally-funded property where I vote that also happens to be my old high school and/or a place where discrimination cannot be practiced against any individual citizen lacking a criminal record. And I have lived in this neighborhood for almost 50+ years without incident -- therefore this voter elimination was done in clear violation of federal law. (I had the right of way from Officer Discher at Peterson ~ just like how I had permission from ex-Mayor Judy Nadler to feed ducks at Marina Playa Apartments etc) And for some reason the Obama Administration saw nothing wrong with this even though I brought it to the attention of Obama's DOJ; probably due to the fact that Obama spoke extensively about supposedly caring about voter rights. My gut level feeling is I was discriminated against by the Obama DOJ because of my Caucasian status. Adding insult to injury; Proposition 215 (which is one of the only good laws that has been passed by voters in the last 200 years or so) was forcefully replaced by the relatively shitty new Proposition 64 that effectively WIPED OUT most of the liberal gains of Proposition 215 after the State of California promised not to disaffect Proposition 215 Medical Marijuana users who enjoyed almost 20 years of deepened democracy. Proposition 215 was a simply written statute that allowed more freedom; while Proposition 64 had multiple pages -- mainly to appease the legalese loving freaks in the legislature and/or judiciary who seem to like confusing the electorate with their seemingly endless; confusing and often deceptive legalese quagmires. I was a legal medical marijuana user for 10 years until Proposition 64's shit hit the fan; and due to this unnecessary disruption by the State of California; I no longer have access to much needed medical products at the same price. Just like the BIG PHARMA price gouging that has occurred as of late; legal pot exponentially increased in price due to the negative affects of Proposition 64 -- which was largely seen as a new cash cow by the State of California -- more than a way to help out medical pot users. (I) The United States Military used helicopters on two separate occasions (1998 and 2006): "On May 4, 2006 John was at his friend Jim Finleys' apartment in Palo Alto re-recording an old song; when yet another U. S. Army helicopter flew extremely close to the window of Jims' room at fathers' apartment on Towle Drive in Palo Alto; about 30 feet away (this event was witnessed by various neighbors) they peered in Jims' the window; flew off and then quickly disappeared. Porter Goss resigned as Director of the CIA the very next day on May 5, 2006 -- For more information regarding these questionable incidents; A Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.A) inquiry must first be submitted to the U.S. State Department. QUESTION: What was the official rationale for using the U.S. Military against unarmed United States citizens?..." (J) The computer industry in general has not only created and mass-produced devices that allow the theft of copyrighted materials without taking much needed corrective actions to prevent this and/or allow artists to prosper and thrive from their works ~ but the print industry has also been adversely affected as well by the purposefully disruptive and monopolistic computer industry that has shut down countless print media publications (among many other industries who were disaffected; malls shut down in the 1990s due to the computer industry) And the entire music industry has also been turned upside down since the onset of Napster and/or the legalized theft of copyrighted MP3 etc computer music files. (and collusion between Napster and various other computer industry players has made this all possible) Making it difficult if not impossible for music artists like me to profit from their hard work; causing many older once-popular artists to cease the production of new music altogether -- and also causing the rise of vinyl LPs once again (note: LPs cannot be stolen online). The combined affects of the computer industry upon: 1) the print industry which has been Johns' main source of income for 35+ years ~ and/or 2) the music industry which has so adversely affected all music artists' ability to profit from their works -- has caused John to make increasingly less money from magazine deliveries; and zero money from copyrighted online music as most people generally just want to listen for free without paying.

Note: There were roughly 80,000 medical pot users in Santa Clara County alone a few years ago; so how many people have been disaffected by this shitty new California law, Governor Newsom? (Governor Newsom promised to protect all of the backwoods [and now-bootlegging] pot growers who once made a livelihood on medical pot ~ but then were expected to cease and desist en mass and stop feeding their kids and cats and dogs and themselves etc)...The bottom line is: as of January 1st 2018; many things changed for the medical patient. Therefore; fraudulent claims have been made by the State of California and compensation needs to be doled out to the various disaffected medical pot users...And new California laws requiring employers to make all contractors into employees may cause countless publications to go under unless affirmative action is taken to stop this madness; as most part-time employees simply do no work enough to receive full health care coverage...

And adding to all of this; I spoke to a Santa Clara Police Detective recently who has had his evidence gathering efforts frustrated by Google; essentially amounting to obstruction of justice as Google pretends it is above the laws of the land...

There is no K yet but when I think of one I will tell you. 
Either way; you know damn well this is an A-Z  kinda thing...

GO TO: https://muckrakertimes1.blogspot.com/ + SEE ALSO:  SEE ALSO: ILLEGAL EJECTIONS FROM PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA (2012/2016/2019) @ lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/05/illegal-ejections-from-private-business.html

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