Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Google is up to their usual Nazi censorship crap DOJ...

It seems there is an increased effort to silence me as my email messages keep getting blocked by Google...I'm thinking it's high time to start breaking up Google and make them more complaint with the law...This is the last straw...I have several email addresses so I can bounce this email all over the place and keep sending it to you all so stop the suppression efforts already -- it's not going to work...I keep having to remind you all that I don't live in Russia or China so deal with it...I am an American citizen who is under duress in my own country with no other country to run to...So it's not ok and I will NOT shut the fuck up...

The City of Sunnyvale was whoring around with Google yesterday (as usual) so that could explain what seems to be collusive censorship...Regardless; the DOJ is watching Google very closely right now; so I tend to think Google fucked up a little more if they did this because everyone else is watching and it's not ok...

Not only did Google steal BAM Magazines' business model after BAM closed in 1998 (free content paid for with advertising) but Google also hired the BAM Magazine's ex-advertising agent too -- and Google is also involved in First Amendment violations and obstruction of justice as well with their arbitrary You Tube channel deletions without due process > SEE ALSO: ANTI-COMPETITIVE PRACTICES AND LIVE MUSIC @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2018/01/anti-competitive-practices-and-live.html

Adding to this; there are some people on this email list who actually want to hear my story -- so too bad Google...Google feels they are above the law as they censor content that they disagree with much like Nazis would if they had the chance...A Santa Clara police detective once told me that he regularly tries to compel video evidence out of Google/You Tube with no luck (see: obstructing justice) So for all intents and purposes Google thinks they are above the law in more ways that one...I used to think Google was awesome but not anymore...GOOGLE FUCKING SUCKS!

When people are being driven to doing things like shooting Google / You Tube employees for having their accounts deleted; that should be a wake up call that people take their lives very seriously whether Google / You Tube does or not...Deleting peoples' online souls never goes over very well; so Google / You Tube better start thinking about giving people more control over THEIR content before government forces them...Not Google /You Tube's content; THEIR CONTENT...PERIOD.

Google employs countless immigrants who escaped oppression in their home countries; only to work for a company that does the exact same thing they were trying to escape from...And as an immigrant who got abused with slavery was on TV yesterday with people proudly stating that this immigrant was telling his story of his abuse to local city council members!...

As an America citizen with the same kind of complaints I got blocked by Google...It the usual race-based discrimination...They don't do anything else in this region but discriminate based upon class; race and gender...

Google also deleted a You Tube channel WITH KARAOKE VIDEOS OF ALL THINGS stating it violated their community standards...Ex-bartender Stephanie would love to see the videos of her singing before she got married for instance...Her young daughter would LOVE to see mommy sing too...So how did these videos violate the standards? Expound please...No prior knowledge of the deletion; no due process...The videos were suddenly just GONE...It's sorta like "disappearing" people as the government intelligence agencies do; just a little bit different -- but every bit as insidious and in violation of basic human rights to free expression...

A chiropractor who used to sing at the Oasis and adjust a bartender on one of the pool tables passed away and I am sure his family members if there are any would love to see their relative singing karaoke before he passed away...

Someone is trying to say that my life does not matter with these blocking actions; so it's the same shit next day I suppose...Luckily I will not stop my efforts until fully compensated...I already won this case; they all are just running scared...Either way; I and many others are getting sick of these censoring billionaires who think they run the fucking world...And I am not the only one angry about it and unwilling to shut the fuck up until necessary changes are made...

18 U.S. Code § 1512.Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant: (c) Whoever corruptly— (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both...

GO TO: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1512

These additional thoughts were just added:

"...(What pissed me off the most about the Obama administration was President Obama making seemingly impromptu public speeches regarding medical marijuana right when my pot stocks were rallying' and causing the stocks to tumble afterwards. And this happened various times leading me to believe that federal investigative powers were somehow being abused to hold me back financially. I know it sounds a bit far fetched but it happened a few times to the point where it seemed like a pattern was forming. I planned for my financial rebound with a last minute hail mary pass buying pot stocks using the last $1000 dollars left of my life insurance policy money that my brother left for me after he died; but not only did Obama's DOJ totally ignore my pleas for help -- but it also looks a whole lot like they plotted against me in some kind of insidious way -- as they lived the high life...And the SEC has been on Elon Musks' case lately about affecting the stock market with his comments; and while Biden was considered to be a major gaffer -- it looks a whole lot like Obama was the real gaffer here while no one called him on it...)…"

"It used to be heterosexual women who had a difficult time getting police to follow up on rape claims; now it is men not getting any help from police while women get too much help. I shouldn't have to be a female and/or gay to get help from the police department! And the RPF was largely driven by the false notion that I was homosexual (while it is perfectly ok to be homosexual) while Jake Paolinetti was a jock taking showers with other jocks at the time; so if anyone was gay and/or latent homosexual it was Jake Paolinetti and his homophobic jocko buddies who all took showers together...I don't take showers with people of the same sex...Seeing myself naked is somewhat of an issue I suppose; but there is no way around this..."

"...(Note: While it is generally not a good idea to stand in judgement of others; they were already among the lowliest scum of the earth before all of this -- but these new developments make the Sunnyvale City Council and their cop buddies who were at Lee's hearing take the shit cake and win the top mega dung pile prize for being the largest and by far the stinkiest piles of horse shit and vomitus oozing out the depths of Hell in all of the history of inhumanity...)…"

(Note: I'm not sure if Google is aware of this; but these blocked email messages are part of a very important civil case; and Google/You Tube has not only deleted innocuous karaoke videos; but also important evidenciary materials regarding my court case as well from their You Tube site -- as well as blocking my emails too --- the shit never tops...And this happens all the time without due process or need of an explanation from the various content creators...Which is why the EU is completely fed up with Google...Adding to this; my friend Nishesh who works at Google is afraid to speak out about it because he will probably be FIRED for speaking out; AND HE IS A TIBETAN IMMIGRANT FLEEING OPPRESSION!?! But since I am white Google/You Tube probably feels like I am easy prey / fair game  for them to silence right? WRONG...Once again; the main people shot by police in this region are low income white males (see: class/race/gender discrimination) and since CNN is in an area that is largely populated by blacks; [for instance] CNN's coverage of officer involved shootings is skewed and not in line with the facts...It's not the same everywhere...)

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