Saturday, October 17, 2020


Last night I experienced an incident involving SCUSD janitorial misconduct...I parked as usual in the back parking lot at Patrick Henry School to run on the track as I have for the last 30 or so years; like my father did for roughly 20 years before this...Patrick Henry is where I went to middle school by the way; and is also right down the street from my house where I have lived for over 50+ years now...I started playing drums after I got to play a drum set in the music room connected to the Patrick Henry School cafeteria once in 7th or 8th grade -- I can't remember exactly...Making the cafeteria building somewhat of an historic monument...Anyway; so while I was running on the track I saw two SCUSD janitor maintenance vans pull into the back parking lot after dark when they should have been off work on a Friday night; about 9 pm or so...After this I saw what looked like flashlights flashing around the field from where my van was parked; like they came back to find something they lost or something I had no idea...I then jogged back to my van and finished exercising then got into the van and drove off...I then noticed flashlights pointed at me from behind as I started my engine; but I figured it was probably just the SCUSD janitors; and since they have no authority over my civil liberties I ignored them...Their vans were parked right in front of mine with their lights on; but again I was doing nothing illegal or wrong so I just assumed they lost their minds or something and were looking for them with their flashlights...And in case they were pretending to be cops; since I don't even take wanna-be cop security guards seriously I drove away...But since I was semi cornered in a back alley so to speak; I pulled a 007 and sorta drove around their vans and left...I am extremely street smart -- so sorry but not sorry...No wanna be cops are gonna fuck with me like this...I'm the only real wanna be cop in these parts and I don't need no stinkin' badge...And speaking of that; a Sunnyvale DPS unit saw me parked in the exact same spot a few months back and did nothing; and this happened after I called DPS about let's just say "multifarious activities" going on in the same parking lot at night (fireworks etc)...I then watered a tree that I planted near an old girlfriends' house awhile back; then came back to my van to find these same two SCUSD flashlight janitors waiting to harass me...A total abuse of power and not something they would have done to anyone else of any other color parked in that same parking lot...One SCUSD janitor was a Caucasian and other Latinx...Guess which one was a jerk? I'm not gonna tell you...So I told the latinx male who came up close to me without a mask "I don't have to answer to you; you're not fucking cops!" Which backed him off a bit; mainly after he noticed I was about a foot taller than him and not going to back down...I am taking care of a 94 year old stroke patient (my Dad) and I am therefore avoiding needless contact with strangers; AND I EXERCISE TO RELAX...So if that POS comes near me again I will have a video camera ready and post it on my blog...Neither of those janitorial jokers even live in this neighborhood...I then pointed across the street and told them the truth that "I've been exercising here for 30 years and I brought this fucking farm to the neighborhood" (and I also went to high school at the same school where the farm is located)...I then got into my vehicle and drove away...But after this; they both proceeded to go into the SCUSD farm THAT I HELPED BRING TO THIS NEIGHBORHOOD WITH 10,000 FLIERS with their flashlights searching around aimlessly looking for God knows what...Maybe they're minds...I doubt they found them...It was kind of bizarre actually...I have lived here almost my whole life and never seen anything so weird as this...And I have known a few cool SCUSD janitors too -- but just like cops you never know who you're going to be dealing with cop to cop ~ janitor to janitor...Either way; there's still an opening by the old Patrick Henry locker room where I used to have PE class in middle school; so until the front gates on the street are unlocked any Birdland neighborhood resident can still access the running track until school is reopened perhaps in January...The gates to the street have been opened for the entire 50 years I have lived here and they will continue to be so Birdland neighbors can enjoy the field...And exercise keeps people healthy; which is a main goal during this time...But when school starts try to use the Peterson track before 7:30 am and after 5:30 pm...Since people have payed taxes for so long for public schools; these public parcels are essentially owned by those taxpayers and all other free individuals as well...And since life liberty and pursuit of happiness is the law of the land; we're all "free to be free" and we can pursue our happiness as we so desire until further notice regardless of what our crazy state leaders in charge might think about it...If you experience any similar janitorial misconduct like I experienced send an email to and tell me about it so we can expose it...Because our collective freedom matters...Thank you...
UPDATE -- Email sent Mon, Oct 19 at 1:48 PM: "I wrote this on Saturday and have been editing it ever since; it makes me have more respect for newspaper editors who have to proofread tons of material every day...I also added the Facilities Department lead to the email to bring him up to date...
I am concerned that one of his SCUSD employees almost accosted me last Friday night after exercising...It was overly aggressive and unnecessary and masklessly violated my sovereign social distancing territorial boundaries...

Basically many people are waiting for the Dunford Way gates to reopen; and just like supermarkets who only have one door open at a time lately; it makes more sense to have as many entrances and/or exits open as possible to allow appropriate social distancing for exercisers; as many neighborhood people are using the field anyway; as they should since they have paid taxes for it and essentially publicly own the parcels in question...School is not even open; so there is no reason to keep Birdland neighbors away from their favorite field...
And those street gates have been open since I moved here 50 years ago; so let's not set a new trend that kills freedom for needless fear and irrational non-logic-based paranoia; which is the new form of mental illness by the way (Governor Newsom)...

Also; why do I and so many others who try to communicate with the SCUSD never get any return email correspondence? They are worse than the city council when it comes to that...And worse than the FBI too...

Also; why were the line of redwood trees taken out by the tennis courts without any due public process? I established a noble and proud tradition of deepened democracy in this neighborhood with the introduction of the Full Circle Farm that is now the SCUSD Farm; and also sacrificed my good life for the good of the neighborhood; paying a HUGE price as a local dissident in seemingly hateful; vengeful liberal region full of angry idiots like that SCUSD employee who almost accosted me after exercising last week...And now without any public process or approval; the SCUSD started building what appears to be an expensive new sports facility; taking out all of the basketball courts so many people used without any public input; and the swimming pool which was used for vibrant (loud) summer swimming lessons...


And does anyone know that redwoods are protected by law?
That's what the produce guy at Lucky Market told me last week...
Were any required permits acquired from the City of Sunnyvale?

And what about the neighbors in the adjacent condos who will inevitably hear more noise from the school and get increased heat from the summer sun and privacy invaded with the removal of all of those protected redwood trees? 
Luckily I took a badass clone from one of the removed trees a few years back (see: Birdland Free Press photo); it was like an asparagus stalk growing from the bottom of one of the trees and I knew it was a winner from first sight...It has a strong DNA phenotype...SCUSD used to cut them off every summer; when they should have started a cloning program like mine to help student learn how to clone and also replenish burned forests...Now you know why I call myself the self-appointed Mayor or Southwest Sunnyvale...I am now calling a recess to this official proceeding so everyone can go play around in the Peterson field...Have a nice day everyone :)..."

NOTE: Individually humans can be quite intelligent; but collectively they get exponentially less and less intelligent depending upon the sheer amount of people involved...And there are literally billions of people on this planet right now; so we are collectively stupider than ever at this point in time (as too many doctors' conflicting opinions tend to spoil the soup so to speak)...And the reaction to Covid is a good example of this...For instance; if hoards of people can be allowed into big box stores like Home Depot to shop; them why can't people be allowed onto the Peterson field?...More doors than one at Home Depot and other stores need to be open as to not concentrate the virus in any one area; as well as more field gates needing to be opened at the Peterson field for the exact same reason...Again; those field gates have been opened for 50 years now; even during summer break; and you also certainly don't want to appease the CCP one iota by limiting personal freedoms here in America...This is what the CCP wanted to begin with...LIMITED FREEDOM like so many enjoy over in China...And this is also not a racial issue as liberals so want it to be; it is a nationalist issue that is not about race whatsoever...It is about an evil regime China that is run by the equally evil CCP that causes so many people to flee that country on a regular basis...Pretty simple...I am also a good friend of a member of the Citraro family who owned the Peterson parcel when it was a farm; and I can guarantee he does not approve of these limitations...Either way; it shouldn't matter whether the windfall folks profit or not from our potential risk taking while shopping...Like it's ok to take chances with our lives as long as someone is making money from it...Screw that...If we can all go to Home Depot; then we can all go to the Peterson field too...It's the exact same thing -- but safer since it's open air...Just remember to wear your masks if you get involved in any necessary grassroots activism government doesn't want you to be involved with while talking to neighbors at the field...I can't tell you how much important inside information I received from neighbors while exercising at the Peterson field...But who doesn't know that you need to wear masks and socially distance by now? We all have heard ad nauseum what to do and how to Covidly conduct ourselves; so we don't need any more advice; Vomit Launcher Newsom...The US Constitution needs to be suspended before civil liberties can be limited...But don't hold your breath waiting for this to happen unless Biden gets elected to help "Keep China Great"...And the fact remains that a very small percentage of those infected actually die from Covid...I know some of you may dislike Mister Trump and all; but he and his wife are perfect examples of Covid-related non-lethality...Covid is generally not that dangerous to most people; it is no more dangerous than the common flu...
(I also wanted to add that people like me who take care of 94 year olds are the main people who need to be careful about staying healthy...This is something I have been doing for a couple years anyway without strapping a bandana to my face; so it's nothing new to me...But if you are not in a situation like this; you likely have less reason to worry...Though I hear many sides to the Covid issue all of the time on social media; sometimes leaving me wondering what the real truth is...All I know is I hate being sick and always have; and now I have more even reason to stay healthy all the time...I have been taking timed release vitamin C since touring with a band through the Southern US about 30 years ago...The tour manager said he got sick of being sick all the time while on tour; and timed release vitamin C boosted his immune system...Your body gets rid of vitamin C roughly every 30 minutes; while timed release C keeps it in your system constantly...) 
SEE ALSO: Laptop connected to Hunter Biden linked to FBI money-laundering probe @ + Tucker Carlson: Media, intel agencies collude to spread real 'disinformation' about Hunter Biden story @
QUESTIONS: Why didn't the Obiden Administration have us all wearing masks during the H1N2 Swine Flu epidemic? And why did the Obiden Administration give $3.7 million dollars to the Chinese lab who created the Covid virus before backing out on the deal; leaving a virulent virus in the hands of the enemy? It doesn't add up...
GO TO: OBAMA ADMINISTRATION = GROSS NEGLIGENCE? @ + SEE ALSO: EPOCH TIMES – CCP VIRUS: How the Chinese Communist Party's coverup led to a global pandemic @ +
"Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines..."
Larry Howe wrote about Covid-19 and 83,000 alleged new cases: "Of course! Because everybody’s already had it and got over it and yes you will still test positive after that. Don’t forget it has a 99% recovery rate and the average age of those who have died from it is 80 years old. And the actual number of people who have died of strictly Covid is only 6% of that 220,000 number they like to throw around. The rest died of comorbidity. They simply had Covid when they died of other causes. The numbers are being used to freak everybody out, if you haven’t realized this entire thing is political then you’re not paying attention..."

"...In a sense it is not fallacy to claim arbitrary informational fraudulence affects each individual news source; as it should be obvious by now that "truth" is a relative term depending upon whomever is visiting and/or revisiting that particular media spun term at any given time...I can also argue that my own statements are not due to fundamental attribution errors on my part, instead an answer to the fundamental attribution errors on the part of the media at large; directly addressing semi-poorly formed conclusions inferred thereof..." -- Lik Roper



This is the kind of nonsense that caused me to have my voting rights violated to begin with; and believe it or not due to this massive screw up that's why there is no longer voting at Peterson...And Sunnyvale DPS and/or the City Sunnyvale still will not acknowlede this egregious voting rights violation; as since I am white it does not seem to matter as much as if I was black or brown or whatever > GO TO: GENERAL ELECTION DAY / 8 NOVEMBER 2016 @ > But! with this latest incident I now have yet another actionable incident to show that I was not only profiled and needlessly harassed by SCUSD janitors; but also DPS that day when I was ordered off a property that I had to vote on that day -- and for similar nonsensical reasons that violated my civil liberties and civil rights...I no longer exercise in the day or clean up litter due to having a SWAT team sent to my residence for picking up litter DPS Office Discher thanked me for and/or that others in DPS had lots of prior knowledge of...And instead of the media talking about 3 dead cats; the consent manufacturing story about the jogger/mugger on Quail last week only worked to stoke fear into people's hearts so innocent exercisers like me could be harassed...I compare it to Falun Gong practitioners being arrested for exercising in China...It's the exact same kind of ass backwards head up your dumbass bullshit...And what if I was black and being harassed for exercising, Permit Patty? Anyway; it may sound paranoid but I feel I was equally targeted and profiled by the SCUSD janitorial misconduct as I was by the Sunnyvale DPS police misconduct that violated my voting rights -- and/or by the privacy-violating NSA feed information that perhaps exposed my private GPS movements as well...And I also know that they obviously messed with the wrong person...

Adding insult to injury; the Patrick Henry parcel is the same parcel where my beloved Baby Cat was found last month...I can only take so much bullshit like this before I push back hard in a way that could be seen as being quite inappropriate to some...

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