Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Weighing in on this subject: Unless someone has signed a contract ~ they cannot be classified as a contractor...Therefore; as long as one does not sign a contract they are not a contractor...Pretty simple...And while this latest effort by the State of California (SOC) is well meaning; it is not sustainable over time for all of the smaller business entities that will inevitably go out of business if forced to comply...

But I am not sure if Governor Newsom even cares about these small businesses; as his latest actions closing thousands of small businesses using class-based discrimination for no good reason (since small businesses get less foot traffic than larger businesses ~ they are obviously safer) clearly shows that Newsom has no real respect for small business other than his own which he has kept open through all of this...If this POS SOC legislation gets pushed through; many major newspapers will eventually be forced to close...And if Newsom is really that worried about employees like me; why did the CTFB say I had several employees that I never had and fail to back down on it? The burden of proof lies within the SOC...

If the SOC truly cared about low-income people like me then they would have backed down long ago and apologized for the disruption; but they absolutely refused to do so; and now I am getting back the roughly $1000 they stole from me in federal stimulus funds...After contacting ex-CTFB emploee Rosanna Magnisi about the CTFB: I see exactly why I have been jacked around for so long by this POS SOC entity...

The CTFB is essentially a corrupt entity that retaliates against dissidents...
And now I have proof of this from an ex-employee... 

I also highly suspect that Newsoms' closing of thousands of small businesses is just his personal underhanded back door way of forcing people out of working for those various small business and into corporate slavery for Amazon etc -- simply so they can receive free health care dollars and enrich his donors...

And Newsom's wanton destruction of thousands of cool part time jobs in the arts community was just the beginning and/or the tip of the iceberg of this wanton destruction of lives and livelihoods...Even though Newsom is from SF which is an art mecca of sorts; it looks a whole lot like Newsom doesn't give a rats' ass about this loss within the arts community...No concerts in 2020 for instance...

I honestly think Newsom is somewhat mentally ill; otherwise he would not be standing behind such destructive ideas...I tend to think that democrats like to talk about mental health all of the time because many of them are mentally ill...And once all of the small businesses shut down; who is going to pay for the health care of all of the ex-business owners? Amazon? What?

You're a Dumbass Newsom! Go back to HELL where you came from!...Because either way this will be the inevitable result; A glut of unemployed ex-employers... 

And ride sharing companies are not making as much money as everyone thinks anyway...Therefore even these entities do not have the extra funds to comply with this well-meaning order over time either...No one can or really wants to afford it even though it is a nice idea...But then there are many nice democratic party ideas that are largely unrealistic; like asking men to avoid talking to women (#metoo) or not owning guns etc...Pretty much every democratic goal is an unrealistic pie-in-the-sky notion that will not fly in the end...Gun control while pretending to support the US Constitution and/or the Second Amendment; online CCP-like censorship after taking an oath to uphold the constitution and/or the First Amendment; etc etc etc... 

"Democrats have no real respect for constitutional law or the people they represent...
They want to take guns away from US citizens while giving guns to Ukranians...
Crazy ass-backwards shit that the American people are just now waking up to..."

And finally; if everyone cannot comply with this draconian order aimed at utopian reality; then NO ONE has to comply with it...It's just like back in the 1990s when democrats got a crazy idea to tax all drivers like me $1000 for the PUC so they can roll in our fiat cash while we starve...I barely made $1000 a month back in the 1990s...Do the math dumbasses! 

In the end if taxi drivers did not have to comply with the order; then no one had to comply with the order including me...And the same kind of thinking applies to this situation as well...It is well meaning; but largely unrealistic as the net result of doing so would effectively cause bankruptcy even among the larger corporate entities involved...The bottom line is: disruptors like Uber and Lyft are part of a heartless Silicon Valley culture aimed at putting others out of business while stealing their thunder and 'psychopathically' celebrating it all...

For instance; it costs upwards of $250,000 to get a taxi driver medallion (which is a total rip off that would take years for anyone to pay down) while Uber drivers do not need one...That is but one 'good' example of ride sharing disruption that already happened...Another example is this latest situation where if one large entity is forced to comply with this order; then all other similar smaller entities will also be forced to comply; inevitably causing the demise of their various small businesses...

But those ride sharing companies have the resources to take this all the way to the Supreme Court and inevitably win due to the current Republican stronghold in the court ~ while smaller businesses will not have the resources to do so and will very likely end up holding the short end of this evil 'disruptor' stick right before they cut themselves loose and drown in an ocean of uncertainty...But again; I don't think Newsom really cares about any of this...The CCP and/or the democratic party in general are all one and the same at this point in time; and Newsom is the head Communist right now dividing us all with his class warfare..

GO TO: California to sue Uber and Lyft for classifying drivers as contractors @

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