"Countless individuals have been victims of Judge Manoukian's loosely run court room; ignoring exculpatory evidence and/or obstructing justice when California law requires all relevant evidence to be submitted and acknowledged by the court for a fair trail to occur. And when this kind of abuse is found; the usual course is to open up all of the books and see who else has been illegally railroaded and/or eventually wrongfully imprisoned by fraudulent information placed on official record. As every arrest and/or fraudulent complaint filed against an individual can eventually work as a multifarious 'set-up' of sorts for another time when these fraudulent claims are used against the individual due to this prior judicial malfeasance..."
1) "JUNE 2011: After many years of trying to get Sunnyvale D.P.S. to stop the harassment and stalking and menacing and finally giving up at some point; John tried once again in June of 2011. After seeing friends of the Rebholtz brothers suspiciously hanging around outside Johns' window once again; John did what he had planned to do for many months. John went outside with a video camera to record and witness the situation so if anything happened later that night (as it had many times in the past; originating from the Rebholtz residence); John would present the evidence to Sunnyvale D.P.S. John ended up being backed up about 30 feet by Jake Paolinetti (intimidation and/or coercion = injury and/or civil rights violation); then surrounded by a group of Jakes' friends including one of the Rebholtz brothers. John then pushed back Jake Paolinetti with his right elbow; fell to the ground to protect his camera from damage -- and ended up getting a large gash on his forearm. Jake said he needed 'medical attention' when he did not. John was the only one who needed medical attention but refused it. The next day Jake left comments on Johns' You Tube site claiming Jake never needed any medical attention.
The June 2011 incident involving the "Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familia" in Sunnyvale, California was severely mischaracterized not only by Sunnyvale DPS; but also Judge Socrates Manoukian of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara who apparently did not see the obvious fact that John was the person in fact being harassed and stalked; not the Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familia. John's residence had been under an extended siege for a number of years by the Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familia conspiracy (etc) long before the June 2011 incident ever occurred.
1) "JUNE 2011: After many years of trying to get Sunnyvale D.P.S. to stop the harassment and stalking and menacing and finally giving up at some point; John tried once again in June of 2011. After seeing friends of the Rebholtz brothers suspiciously hanging around outside Johns' window once again; John did what he had planned to do for many months. John went outside with a video camera to record and witness the situation so if anything happened later that night (as it had many times in the past; originating from the Rebholtz residence); John would present the evidence to Sunnyvale D.P.S. John ended up being backed up about 30 feet by Jake Paolinetti (intimidation and/or coercion = injury and/or civil rights violation); then surrounded by a group of Jakes' friends including one of the Rebholtz brothers. John then pushed back Jake Paolinetti with his right elbow; fell to the ground to protect his camera from damage -- and ended up getting a large gash on his forearm. Jake said he needed 'medical attention' when he did not. John was the only one who needed medical attention but refused it. The next day Jake left comments on Johns' You Tube site claiming Jake never needed any medical attention.
The June 2011 incident involving the "Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familia" in Sunnyvale, California was severely mischaracterized not only by Sunnyvale DPS; but also Judge Socrates Manoukian of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara who apparently did not see the obvious fact that John was the person in fact being harassed and stalked; not the Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familia. John's residence had been under an extended siege for a number of years by the Rebholtz/Paolinetti Familia conspiracy (etc) long before the June 2011 incident ever occurred.
http://likroper.com/TRDOVSAH3.wmv + LIST OF STALKERS @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/02/neighborhood-copwatch-list-of-stalkers.html
http://likroper.com/TRDOVSAH3.wmv + LIST OF STALKERS @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/02/neighborhood-copwatch-list-of-stalkers.html
A) Defendants their co-conspirators have for many years sought to deceive about the health effects of their harassment and/or stalking and/or menacing campaign. Defendants have also repeatedly and consistently denied involvement in the harassment and/or stalking and/or menacing of Plaintiff, while evidentiary material gathered by Plaintiff strongly suggests otherwise. Even though Defendants have long understood not only the illegality involved in such behavior, but also the hazards caused by harassment and/or stalking and/or menacing.
Defendants could have developed new strategies to counter this illegal behavior, but defendants chose and conspired not to do so. Defendants have repeatedly and consistently stated that they are sworn to protecting the public in a fair and equal fashion, while using questionable law enforcement techniques that clearly do not protect the public equally.
B) In all relevant respects, defendants acted in concert with each other in order to further their fraudulent scheme. Beginning not later than 2007, defendants, their various agents and employees, and their co-conspirators, formed an "enterprise" ("the Enterprise") as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1961(4). That Enterprise has functioned as an organized association-in-fact for almost 10 years to achieve, through illegal means, the shared goals avoiding the consequences of their actions. (Sunnyvale D.P.S.; George Hills, Inc etc – Obstruction of Justice etc etc etc)
Each defendant has knowingly and/or perhaps unknowingly participated in the operation and management of the Enterprise, and has committed numerous acts to maintain and expand the Enterprise.
C) In order to avoid discovery of their fraudulent conduct and the possibility that they might be called to account for their conduct, defendants engaged in a widespread scheme to frustrate public scrutiny by making false and deceptive statements and by concealing documents etc that they knew would have exposed their public campaign of deceit. This scheme included making false and deceptive statements to the public.
D) Defendants' tortious and unlawful course of conduct has caused plaintiff to suffer dangerous diseases and injuries. As a consequence of defendants' tortious and unlawful conduct, plaintiff has depleted all life insurance monies left to plaintiff by plaintiffs’ deceased brother. The effect of defendants' fraudulent scheme and wrongful conduct continues to this day; as defendants are continuing their unlawful and tortious conduct; and, unless restrained by this Court, defendants are likely to continue their unlawful activities into the future. GO TO: http://likroper.com/CITYOFSUNNYVALE4.wpd and/or http://likroper.com/CITYOFSANTACLARA4.wpd
E) Adding to this; Sunnyvale DPS actually held a police briefing in March 2011 regarding the egregious multi-year stalking and harassment campaign John was experiencing without taking any affirmative action to stop the violations and abuse at the time. The only action Sunnyvale DPS took was Officer Odle (who is a really nice guy and a good cop) citing a Rebholtz gang member for having a vehicle that was not street legal; and/or having You Tube videos containing important evidence removed and/or destroyed in a futile attempt to protect their reputation as part of the illegal "enterprise" Johns' illegally ignored Amended Complaint addresses..."
Defendants could have developed new strategies to counter this illegal behavior, but defendants chose and conspired not to do so. Defendants have repeatedly and consistently stated that they are sworn to protecting the public in a fair and equal fashion, while using questionable law enforcement techniques that clearly do not protect the public equally.
B) In all relevant respects, defendants acted in concert with each other in order to further their fraudulent scheme. Beginning not later than 2007, defendants, their various agents and employees, and their co-conspirators, formed an "enterprise" ("the Enterprise") as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 1961(4). That Enterprise has functioned as an organized association-in-fact for almost 10 years to achieve, through illegal means, the shared goals avoiding the consequences of their actions. (Sunnyvale D.P.S.; George Hills, Inc etc – Obstruction of Justice etc etc etc)
Each defendant has knowingly and/or perhaps unknowingly participated in the operation and management of the Enterprise, and has committed numerous acts to maintain and expand the Enterprise.
C) In order to avoid discovery of their fraudulent conduct and the possibility that they might be called to account for their conduct, defendants engaged in a widespread scheme to frustrate public scrutiny by making false and deceptive statements and by concealing documents etc that they knew would have exposed their public campaign of deceit. This scheme included making false and deceptive statements to the public.
D) Defendants' tortious and unlawful course of conduct has caused plaintiff to suffer dangerous diseases and injuries. As a consequence of defendants' tortious and unlawful conduct, plaintiff has depleted all life insurance monies left to plaintiff by plaintiffs’ deceased brother. The effect of defendants' fraudulent scheme and wrongful conduct continues to this day; as defendants are continuing their unlawful and tortious conduct; and, unless restrained by this Court, defendants are likely to continue their unlawful activities into the future. GO TO: http://likroper.com/CITYOFSUNNYVALE4.wpd and/or http://likroper.com/CITYOFSANTACLARA4.wpd
E) Adding to this; Sunnyvale DPS actually held a police briefing in March 2011 regarding the egregious multi-year stalking and harassment campaign John was experiencing without taking any affirmative action to stop the violations and abuse at the time. The only action Sunnyvale DPS took was Officer Odle (who is a really nice guy and a good cop) citing a Rebholtz gang member for having a vehicle that was not street legal; and/or having You Tube videos containing important evidence removed and/or destroyed in a futile attempt to protect their reputation as part of the illegal "enterprise" Johns' illegally ignored Amended Complaint addresses..."
GO TO: GO TO: YOUTUBE.COM: PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION + THE SUNNYVALE POLICE ATTEMPT TO CHANGE A REPORTERS' STORY? @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/07/youtubecom-private-business-of-public.html + AFTER RECEIVING A COMPLAINT; THE DEFENDANT MUST RESPOND WITH AN ANSWER? @ http://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/05/after-receiving-complaint-defendant.html + SEE ALSO: THE HONORABLE SOCRATES MANOUKIAN @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-honorable-socrates-manoukian.html
Note: Other than that; I did not fall into a metaphorical financial hole during the years long police-sponsored siege on my residence; I was literally thrown down into that hole first by the City of Santa Clara for being a bit too successfully involved in local activism; then later by the City of Sunnyvale as they failed to respond while the years long siege was occurring; and later maliciously blaming it all on me - like I brought this all on myself...And while some kind of metaphorical rope could have been thrown down into that hole to save me; it never happened...I sat here emailing both cities (Santa Clara and Sunnyvale) and they did NOTHING to help me for the last decade as they rolled in big money Silicon Valley dough that is now drying up -- continuing to harass me with law enforcement for lesser and lesser things while all of my violent attackers and stalkers were set free...The City of Santa Clara told me I could feed ducks at a city council meeting where ex-Mayor Judy Nadler gave me permission to feed those said ducks; then later destroyed the footage when I requested it to prove I had permission to do so...Going to a city council meeting is like going to a court room; the shit that goes down there is set in stone and officially recognized; and no retaliation should have been allowed to occur to me: 1) The City of Santa Clara also gave me permission to help out with traffic calming many years ago -- like 20 years ago or so -- therefore I refuse to re-up my permission to do so every time some new joker takes over a government job with some twisted new perspective (like the safety cone issue) when the active threats outside my residence should have been the law enforcement focus...It is set in stone so back the fuck off -- 2) And Sunnyvale POS/DPS neighborhood Officer Discher (he was pretty cool) actually thanked me for helping out in the neighborhood months before a SWAT team with snipers was sent to my residence for picking up litter; shooting at me but missing (because I can be fast and shifty and bad ass when necessary) -- 3) I feed ducks with government permission too; and I also help out with traffic calming with government permission as well; but I actually stopped cleaning up litter because of the SWAT team incident -- it is dangerous to clean up litter here in Silicon Valley believe it or not...As stupid as that sounds -- Note: But! while I was cleaning up the neighborhood; the nearby Calabazas creek was cleaner than any other creek in the valley -- I think largely due to my efforts to stem the flow of trash into storm drains...Services were cut back so far in the early 2000s that street cleaning was discontinued for a time..
8 FEB 2020: NOTE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL JOHNNY DOUGH: Revisiting this case for this latest discovery process has obviously caused my client much increased emotional distress. (as is obvious in the preceding text) Adding to the liability of the City of Sunnyvale not only for causing needless emotional distress for my client and his father while compromising their safety in the process -- but also for compromising the safety and security of the entire Birdland neighborhood through an ongoing process of negligence verging on gross negligence that shows an obvious pattern and practice of nefarious; evasive behavior...In the process going against the core mission of Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety which aims to make the City of Sunnyvale safer for it's residents and visitors; humans or otherwise...Therefore the time has come for adjudication; transformation and compensation; as these latest actions by Sunnyvale POS/DPS (see: We Are Birdland Strong! link below) show a continuing and/or repeating relentless pattern and practice of negligence that is now verging on overarching multifarious misconduct adversely affecting not only my client; but also many others as well in the Birdland Neighborhood region...
8 FEB 2020: NOTE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL JOHNNY DOUGH: Revisiting this case for this latest discovery process has obviously caused my client much increased emotional distress. (as is obvious in the preceding text) Adding to the liability of the City of Sunnyvale not only for causing needless emotional distress for my client and his father while compromising their safety in the process -- but also for compromising the safety and security of the entire Birdland neighborhood through an ongoing process of negligence verging on gross negligence that shows an obvious pattern and practice of nefarious; evasive behavior...In the process going against the core mission of Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety which aims to make the City of Sunnyvale safer for it's residents and visitors; humans or otherwise...Therefore the time has come for adjudication; transformation and compensation; as these latest actions by Sunnyvale POS/DPS (see: We Are Birdland Strong! link below) show a continuing and/or repeating relentless pattern and practice of negligence that is now verging on overarching multifarious misconduct adversely affecting not only my client; but also many others as well in the Birdland Neighborhood region...
SEE ALSO: HIRING MYSELF AS MY OWN LAWYER FOR $1 @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/02/hiring-myself-as-my-own-lawyer-for-1.html + WE ARE BIRDLAND STRONG! @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/02/we-are-birdland-strong.html + CLARITY FOR CA AG XAVIER BECERRA: @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/11/clarity-for-ca-ag-xavier-becerra.html
2) "Santa Clara County Sheriff Detective David Carroll covered up the manslaughter of Robert Moss by Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian; and has among other things allegedly stalked, harassed and threatened witnesses. Hundreds of people insist Detective Carroll fabricated evidence and falsified police reports. Please email Raymond Hulser at Raymond.Hulser@usdoj.gov and request a federal investigation into detective Carroll's crimes. Help put an end to detective Carroll's reign of terror..."
GO TO: SANTA CLARA COUNTY SHERIFF DETECTIVE DAVID CARROLL STALKING AND HARASSING VICTIMS ETC? @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2017/07/santa-clara-county-sheriff-detective.html
Attorney Karleen Navarro’s negligence in following Habeas Corpus procedures regarding the Robert Moss homicide coverup may be contributing factor leading to death of Frank Carpenito DOCKET C1882458. Before his death, Campbell California resident Francis Carpenito had told people that he was being stalked by Santa Clara County Sheriff deputies, who did not want him to testify in court. Carpenito alleged that deputies tried to kill him by running him off the road, then fabricated felony evasive driving charges in Judge Socrates Manoukian's court room.
Frank Carpentino died in a suspicious car crash which
occurred right before he was scheduled to go to trial...
occurred right before he was scheduled to go to trial...
Accredited police accountability experts allege that Attorney Karleen Navarro deliberately withheld expert witness testimony and evidence showing the same group of renegade deputies has been engaging in this same type of conduct for years.Navarro deliberately stonewalled witnesses, attorneys, advocacy groups and private investigators working for the public interest regarding the Markham Plaza Attacks and she failed to follow Habeas Corpus procedures pertaining to the Homicide of Markham Plaza resident: Robert Moss...
Note: It seems there is a noticeable pattern and practice of judicial malfeasance...
UPDATE: 16 MAY 2020: San Jose Bank of the West Estate Planning officer Arlene Peterson Claude / July 27, 2018 -- In 2013, Santa Clara County, California Superior Court Judge Socrates Manoukian was seen with another man leaving the old court house in downtown San Jose and walking into the Bank of the West building at 50 West San Fernando Street in San Jose late after Bank of the West was closed. Substantial evidence later surfaced indicating that Judge Manoukian was receiving bribes in the form of bank loans for skewing the results of department 19 court proceedings in favor of the Santa Clara County Public Guardian. Judge Manoukian helped the Public Guardian steal real estate and other property through probate court proceedings in department 3 with the late Judge Thomas Cain. > GO TO: http://abc7news.com/archive/8869360/ + http://www.uglyjudge.com/out-of-control-santa-clara-county-california-racketeering-by-judges-and-government/ + It has been learned that former Deputy Public Guardian Arlene Peterson, AKA: Arlene Claude is now employed at the same San Jose Bank of the West location as a trust / estate planning officer. Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian worked in collusion with Deputy Public Guardian Arlene Peterson in the fraudulent eviction of Heidi Yauman from Markham Plaza Apartments. EAH Housing Fraud - Docket 1-12-CV226958 > GO TO: http://sanjosebankofthewest.blogspot.com/2018/07/san-jose-bank-of-west-estate-planning.html
Note: It seems there is a noticeable pattern and practice of judicial malfeasance...
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GO TO: http://uglyjudge.com
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