Note: As taxes and levies and penalties are really nothing more than official bribes to keep government off your back much like mob protection money...And Mister Olenak is a perfect example of this -- including the mob-style sit down administrative hearing with Mister Olenak and two police officers who protected this violent angry pig with billy clubs (just like they do at a mob sit down hearing -- as police billy clubs = baseball bats)...SCPD Officers Seagrave and Lopez in other words...And the judge actually liked me...How could he not? I am obviously an awesome person with a big heart and somewhat superior intellect as well...And always remember (CNN) that my somewhat superior intellect has nothing to do with my race...Sorry about that...
Adding to all of this; attending city council meetings can be very dangerous to your personal safety as police allow those who saw you at the city council meeting on video to stalk and harass you as they obviously did with me at my residence for simply disagreeing with them or whatever their fucking god damned problem was and/or is...I am living proof of this and this is part of the reason I will never attend another city council meeting ever again...And some of the people doing the stalking and harassment were cops...
GO TO: BIGGERTHANSNOWDEN.COM @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/biggerthansnowdencom.html + TIMELINE: ACTIVIST TARGETED FOR DISSENT? @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/05/timeline-activist-targeted-for-dissent.html + http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-sunnyvale-fire-department.html
All this Mister Olenak-related nonsense started back with me calling the City of Santa Clara on Mister Olenak for pouring bleach into duck food to try and poison ducks in the early 2000s...Mister Olenak is truly a dangerous and deranged old fuck...He not only threatened to attack me and my father; but he also followed through with his threats and nothing was done about it...Allowing Mister Olenak to roam free and continue intimidating witnesses etc...Mister Olenak knows there are blog posts dedicated to his bullshit; and that is precisely why he is attempting to intimidate me once again like he has done so many times...Too bad Fred...Even when Mister Olenak admitted to this attack in front of a judge (Louis Amadeo Junior) still nothing was done to arrest him on the spot like they would do on some LA crime drama on TV...Making those TV shows very unrealistic...
NOTE: At one point during this administrative hearing; I brought up a particularly controversial issue that made the Olenak clan and the SCPD Officers absolutely go through the roof...But then I also put my hands together in the prayer position and said "We need order in this court" Which immediately calmed them down and made the judge smile...I would probably make a great judge...And a great agent provocateur as well...
And while I am not intimidated by Mister Olenaks' coercive behavior; that is his main nefarious goal here; so what Mister Olenak has done lately is the same old witness intimidation that he has been doing for many years now...
With the help of local police departments; and some wonder why so many are angry at law enforcement...I feel the discrimination with Seagrave was partially sexual identity-based; and partially racially-based too with Officer Lopez...
But since the City of Santa Clara is so obviously and publicly gender-biased against males (low income white males are discriminated against the most in this particular bay area region according to the results of Bagly v. City of Sunnyvale) partially due to the fact that the City of Santa Clara openly celebrates "women of courage" while they do not to the same for males...If females are so empowered now why do they need extra protections? Treat all people equally regardless of biological difference...
Geno Mopera wrote:
"A woman gets kicked in the groin, everyone's concerned --
A guy gets kicked in the groin, everyone's laughing..."
And pedestrians in this region are still regularly run over on the sometimes bustling and overcrowded streets of the bay area...When the infrastructure and buildings surrounding the streets have been in constant change since this region began; the streets themselves remain largely the same; dangerously stuck in the 1950s and 60s traffic calming-wise...And with all the money in the world at one time here in Silicon Valley until recently; foot dragging on this all-important safety issue has caused nothing to be done about it...Allowing more people to die on the streets...
What is more important? Life or commerce? (see: the UK) Then when you add in the massive and unnecessary cutbacks to traffic safety police officers that has happened over the last 20 years (cops seemed to hide out at 5 pm when the overwhelming traffic stampede began in the 90s) it has made it even more dangerous for pedestrians and wildlife and whatever else is in the way of this often out of control traffic stampede...
And whether or not the deaths of Meesha and Cali are accidental or not; the fact that animal cruelty is now a serious federal felony makes even accidental traffic deaths of our pets and/or wildlife an all-important issue that must be dealt with...Defensive driving is what I was always taught and is one of the reasons I drove for a living for almost 40 years without any accidents and two tickets...
Furthermore; if I had not been illegally and/or unconstitutionally removed from Nextdoor.com after Missy Cat died (and/or Yahoo Birdland neighbors after I spoke about the Struble/Discher incident -- see link below) illegal actions that caused me IMMENSE emotional distress -- I would have been in the loop about important local issues like the possible presence of coyotes for instance...
SEE ALSO: NEXTDOOR.COM: PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION / DISCRIMINATION ETC @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/07/nextdoorcom-private-business-of-public.html + STRIKE THREE YOU'RE OUT!? @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/07/nextdoorcom-private-business-of-public.html
And due to the new situation where animals are federally protected for once -- like they should have been the whole time -- whether involuntary or purposeful; all forms of unsanctioned animal cruelty must be heavily curtailed and eventually stopped; with the added benefit of ensuring that humans are protected better as well in the process..."
"Fri, Oct 2 at 2:12 PM: "Other than that finally I spoke to Sunnyvale Animal Control yesterday regarding Cali Cat...It was the lady who responded to the call about Cali; and she said she saw nothing unusual about Cali when she hauled her off...But this is the third dead cat of mine in as many weeks; so how could that not raise a red flag for her? It is more than obvious to me that not only does Sunnyvale Animal Control do a better job than many jurisdictions; like other place in America or the world where they have no morals regarding animal rights -- but they also are not stepping up their game due to the new reality of federal animal cruelty laws...
I said to her; what if there were dead human bodies lying all over the place like animals are?...Would you not take a photo and not treat them like they were crimes scenes like you do with dead animals? Obviously not...
I also told her about a late night encounter of mine at Denny's with a person who claimed to work for every 3 letter agency in the book (FBI-CIA etc) He said he would be flown into foreign territories by helicopter to kill certain people (rebel leaders etc) while making it look like it was an accident (and he was trained to do so) Gary Webb for instance...Or Kurt Kobain; although I tend to think Kurt was responsible for that...Regardless; you know damn well that this practice of killing and making it look accidental is practiced here in America as well...Sorta -- but not exactly -- like the late-night ambush attack back in July 2007 that occurred a few days after requesting a public hearing about the SCPD duck feeding SWAT team incident ~ and/or the connected years-long police-sponsored siege on my residence by the RPF...
THE SMOKING GUN? POLICE-SPONSORED GANG STALKING; WITNESS INTIMIDATION ETC @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-smoking-gun-police-sponsored-gang.html + REBEL LEADER LIK ROPER @ https://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2008/06/rebel-leader-lik-roper.html + LYING IN WAIT, MALICIOUS VANDALISM AND ATTEMPTED VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER @ https://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/07/malicious-vandalism-and-attempted.html
Therefore it is imperative that ALL animal deaths be treated differently in the future...I asked the Sunnyvale Animal Control lady if she took photos of the animals she gathers at work and she said no...I suggested that whether she is required to do it or not; all dead animals that she comes upon should be treated like crimes scenes and documented and photographed not only to help people identify their missing pets; but to also add an extra layer of protection as well just in case...I told her "it's no skin off your back to take a photo of the dead animals you find...It takes about a second...Why don't you use your smart phone?..." etc...So why doesn't animal control just start doing this now? We need a new directive for animal control...Most dead animals animal control finds likely died accidentally; and some dead animals were victims of tangling with wildlife; but for that small percentage of animals who were killed purposefully; further documentation of all incidents must occur...
For instance; the story about Baby Cat being killed by a wild animal is still suspect to me since I can see no wild dogs running around on surveillance the night she disappeared...Adding to this; there was a solar light that was suspiciously moved around on my property the same night she disappeared...And that light may hold clues to who took it apart; as a human had to have done it...But since Sunnyvale DPS handled my own situation so badly and with such disdain for my life; why would they suddenly start caring about cats more? After all; one particular DPS officer has killed 11 PEOPLE so far without being arrested...
Email message from an anonymous neighbor: "Hi Johnny -- That is such sad news! As I think about a coyote doing this, I wonder why it would leave the cats very much intact and not take them away. Did the Sunnyvale Animal Control give you an indication of the cause of death for Baby Cat? I also had called about a black cat in that same area about 2 weeks before which seemed very strange. Praying for your sorrow and protection for our pets!..." -- "When I went walking the dogs this week, I saw a dead black and white cat on the corner of Appleseed (Dunford and Teal). It was gone by the next time I went by there. I can’t say for sure which morning it was. It’s the 2nd cat that was dead there in the past couple of weeks…looked like it had been attacked by a predator like a Coyote. I hope this wasn’t your friend’s kitten..." -- "I'm happy to answer any other questions as to the locations of where I saw both cats and the days...Let's just pray that the other kitties are safe!! -- Anonymous / "Since you saw Baby Cat that makes you an important witness...I have had concerns about Baby Cat being right where another dead cat was found recently...That seems highly suspect...Like it could have been done on purpose...And I still see no wild dogs running around on my surveillance...That is why this probably needs to be turned into an investigation to see what actually happened here...Thanx for the information; the situation is still in flux so I will keep you posted..." -- Independent Investigator Johnny Roper
And many times it is people with knives they could have easily stopped without killing them...For instance; I have had 3 people come at me with knives in my lifetime and I successfully got away from all of them without killing any of them...And protecting and serving the public is what cops are really supposed to be doing; not killing the public while they are at it...But again it all gets back to the usage of semi-obsolete guns and tasers; which either kill or maim or jolt people with thousands of volts of electricity; which is obviously a form of cruel and unusual punishment...Guns will always be needed for certain law enforcement situations; but for many encounters they should not be used...For instance; killing mountain lions here in California is now illegal; so why is it still legal to shoot humans?
Therefore humane restraint techniques used to capture wild animals without harming them must be considered for usage on human subjects in the future...Net guns for instance that shoot a net over someone to render them helpless while not harming them; allowing certain unruly suspects to be apprehended without harm...
And cops are not going away any time soon; so doing violent things like BLM/Antifa are doing only causes government to bolster police forces...I know damn well that many current protestors do not like this humane restraint technique idea even though it will prevent unnecessary deaths; mainly because they feel like they will be treated like animals...But without any other better options it is more than obvious to me that this is the future...And as long as people continue acting like animals; they should be treated that way...And conversely; animals must be exponentially treated better as well so humans can receive better treatment in return...it's very simple...
Therefore; Sunnyvale Animal Control and all other animal control agencies must increasingly step up their games to meet the new higher standard of animal protection since animal cruelty is now a federal felony...The evolution of human consciousness will never cease; and it must continue on in an upwards fashion..."
SEE ALSO: MISTER OLENAK CREATING A ROAD HAZARD (AND/OR WITNESS INTIMIDATION) @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/09/mister-olenak-creates-road-hazard.html + REST IN PEACE CALI CAT I LOVE YOU FOREVER @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/09/rest-in-peace-cali-cat-i-love-you.html
So I am not quite sure if those who brought the reparations forth realize the obvious other hypothetical side to all of this...And that other side is equal treatment for all -- regardless of race; gender or class...A noble goal indeed...
So this is good news for everyone who has been violated regardless of when it occurred; but bad news for government who now must offer equal compensation to all...What likely needs to be done at this point in time is to finally raise Caucasians to an equal level of protected class status as other minority races; since Caucasians are now minorities in so many regions; needing federal protected class status...But this is something that many Democrats will not like (Kamala Harris in particular) as Democrats prefer to openly discriminate against Caucasians as a rule; like all Caucasians deserve to be punished...
(In my many years of doing delivery jobs; I have seen countless animals who were obviously not killed accidentally [particularly on the east side of town] so animal cruelty has obviously been a problem for many years now...Therefore; like I have said before many times; animal control agencies across the nation need to step up their games and acknowledge this new federal law with affirmative action...)
Years back I called the CA AG and asked Kamala Harris for help after the RPF siege; not realizing that harassment and stalking and vandalism and menacing etc are a regular practice for many liberals (Maxine waters for instance) As legal non feasance is a new way of life for many democrats; as democrats tend to (illegally) represent criminals from a government position like those criminals are their clients; which is essentially against the law -- including illegally representing illegal aliens...And SCCDA Jeff Rosen even declined to press charges regarding the egregious SJ State incident as well...So democrats now provide legal representation for 200+ year old violations; and illegal aliens entering the country -- but no equal legal representation for violations by and/or against Caucasians -- along with many others who need it as well...And that's not simply fair...It's the same liberal shit ~ next day -- as usual...
Moving right along; going back to the traffic calming issue; in the past local police seemed more worried about non-issues like my Santa Clara mayor-approved duck feeding and/or Officer Discher-approved litter cleanup (they sent two SWAT teams for this -- with police from both the City of Santa Clara and Sunnyvale both times) as opposed to focusing on actual issues like speeding and ensuing pedestrian etc deaths...And you can once again blame liberal mentalities for this lack of traffic calming since it always ends up being a racial issue when a large percentage of certain minorities are pulled over in an area where a large percentage of those certain minorities live...All I can say is; cops see a speeding vehicle first -- then who is actually driving the vehicle after...
So many of the questionable police encounters regarding race are largely non-issues as people make bad excuses for their bad driving behavior all the time and turn around and blame the speeding tickets they receive on their race -- when that is not the issue most of the time...Which is why permanent traffic calming is needed in many neighborhoods...People just need learn how to be nice to police officers and unafraid as well...Treat police kindly like they are your friend and you will be surprised what happens...Because it is usually not about race; it is about your internal spirit and what you do with that spirit; not your external color...
So during this time of low and/or no income; people can make a bit of money off their computer habits to keep them going until the current situation changes...Homeless people in particular and others who have been marginalized by Covid and/or the CCP...Allowing those companies to take a small percentage of those computer-generated profits; but no more than perhaps 10 percent...
(Other things to consider; Cali Cat was owned by a neighbor of mine who publishes the Epoch Times (a newspaper my Dad loves and reads every week now -- Dad likes it better than the SJ Mercury News which he thinks is not telling the whole truth all of the time lately) And the Epoch Times publishes all kinds of damning articles about the CCP and/or Republic of China...So there is that CIA and/or FBI...Was Cali killed on purpose and if so why? Also; I put out neighborhood flyer a few days before Baby Cat was killed and it said something like "The quality of life in this neighborhood has improved drastically due to less speeding and traffic in our neighborhood..." etc etc etc...Right after that Baby Cat was found dead...Or perhaps was someone feeling down from the Covid shutdown and not wanting to hear about a good side to it all? Also; the lady who witnessed Baby Cat lying dead and called animal control is now questioning why Baby Cats' body was not consumed and just left their mangled to death much like Cali's? Why would hungry coyotes not consume their prey? And why have there been no wild dogs seen yet on surveillance footage? It just doesn't add up and I suspect foul play and have since day one...For instance; the solar light that a human had to detach that I found on my property the morning Baby Cat disappeared...This is now secured evidence awaiting processing...Along with the surveillance footage of all 3 nights and mornings when Baby Cat; Meesha Cat and Cali Cat went missing and were found dead...)
1) After losing three cats in roughly three weeks and not calling animal control about the second cat due to lack of trust -- and; 2) After calling the Sunnyvale DPS non-emergency line the day Baby Cat disappeared and not getting referred to Sunnyvale Animal Control (SAC) by the phone officer (instead I was told to look at surveillance footage); 3) Causing loss of important evidence in Baby Cat's body in the process because; 4) I called the Silicon Valley Humane Society (SVHS) about Baby Cat after being referred to them by Sunnyvale Animal Control; but I was not given an event number by SAC for Baby Cat...To make a long story short; SVHS never returned Baby Cat's body to me; causing IMMENSE emotional distress in the process and this action opened the door to yet another claim against the City of Sunnyvale (go to: 30 MAY 2020 UPDATE TO AMENDED GHC CITY OF SUNNYVALE CLAIM SUBMITTED 25 MAY 2020 @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/05/30-may-2020-update-to-amended-ghc-city.html); 5) And now due to eyewitness testimony it is clear that Baby Cat's body was not consumed by whatever attacked her; meaning Baby Cat was likely killed on purpose perhaps using an attack dog like the one I saw out front of my house last week held back by his owners; 6) While the relatively novice animal control volunteers involved downplayed the death of Baby Cat as if it was done by a coyote (No one knows the whole truth yet); 7) And even if it was a coyote who killed Baby Cat (when it clearly wasn't); something should have been done by the City of Sunnyvale to alert the neighorhood of impending coyote-related dangers; 8) Adding to this; being illegally ejected from Nextdoor.com (go to: THE ADDENDUM BLOG @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/ + NEXTDOOR.COM: PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION / DISCRIMINATION ETC @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/07/nextdoorcom-private-business-of-public.html) after the death of Missy Cat kept me out of the loop of local events; therefore putting me and my pets and even my 94 year old Father at risk -- 8a) Likely due to certain affluent yet psychopathic Birdland neighbors -- as people with lots of money can tend to be psychopathic at times -- that's why they have so much money while so many others do not; 8b) And Silicon Valley is full of these well-off; yet often psychopathic techie geeks wizzing by homeless encampments in their Tesla sedans; 9) Public psychopaths who are for some reason still allowed on Nextdoor.com while I am not -- and/or; 9) After being illegally ejected from the Yahoo Birdland Neighbors web site a few years earlier after writing about police misconduct (Discher/Struble) therefore keeping me out of the loop again and doing essentially the same thing the unconstitutional and/or illegal ejection from Nextdoor.com accomplished; and 10) After ensuing stalking and harassment at my residence very likely sponsored by my short-lived Yahoo Birdland neighbors exposure (NEIGHBORHOOD COPWATCH / LIST OF STALKERS @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/02/neighborhood-copwatch-list-of-stalkers.html); 11) Including by the police-sponsored RPF and so many others -- including a Fire Department employee who knocked over my garbage cans for a year with his vehicle during the time after I initially attended Sunnyvale City Council meetings; 12) Then years after this when Cali Cats' body was taken away by Sunnyvale Animal Control (SAC) at around 4:30 PM 26 Oct 2020; I finally contacted SAC after a week of severe emotional distress and SAC referred me to SVHS once again; 13) But SVHS then referred me back to Sunnyvale Animal Control -- even with an event number (#AC202700078); 14) So I am getting the runaround and no one seems to know where Cali Cat's body is now; which has caused a ton more emotional distress for me and other who care about Cali Cat deeply; 14a) And lack of sleep not only due to worry caused by lack of trust in law enforcement who would not investigate this as needed if I called them (due to years of discrimination against low income white males; and even though animal cruelty is now a federal felony); 14b) But also due to that fact that seemingly novice individuals working for animal control are mishandling very important matters along with the potential presence of trespassers on my property killing my cats; 15) You would think after 3 cats dead in 3 weeks this would be a red flag for SAC; but apparently not; 16) And it would be convenient for all of you if I was a typical heartless male who was to afraid to show his feelings; but those feelings are an integral part of my eventual lawsuit against both the City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara; so hiding them like most frightened males do would be inappropriate at this particular juncture; as that raw emotion is my ace in the hole so to speak in winning this case; 16a) And I am not afraid of money and/or fair compensation either by any means; 17) Adding to the shit pile of police misconduct I have experienced; due to "official" SCPD police misconduct (Federal X-Officer Seagrave and/or SCPD Officer Lopez) Mister Olenak is still an active threat looming outside my residence every morning doing crazy things that clearly show his mental instability and/or illness (MISTER OLENAK CREATING A ROAD HAZARD @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/09/mister-olenak-creates-road-hazard.html); 17a) Similar to KJ Doug Ward who Sunnyvale DPS absolutely refused to arrest for his misdemeanor assault back in 2012 (See: Pattern and Practice lawsuit w/no statute of limitations) and/or for making illegal threats and attempting to dissuade and/or intimidate a witness by leaving threatening notes on my vehicle (THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE IS CLOSED! @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-oasis-nightclub-in-sunnyvale-is.html); 18) Because in general the Silicon Valley is not a place where life matters as much as many seem to pretend it does in public displays on TV etc; it is a place where money matters more than anything as opposed to life (which is why I need fair compensation for my years of police misconduct that has slandered and defamed my good name without necessary due process); 18a) As all of the pretense in caring about Covid lately is heavily contradicted by the heartlessness surrounding (for instance) the homeless situation where so many have been left to die in desperation as exorbitant rents suck up peoples' pension plans and leave people vulnerable and needing public assistance; 18c) And/or pedestrian deaths that could have easily been curtailed with aggressive traffic calming measures (As democrats obsessively talk about guns; a roughly equal amount of people die annually from guns as they do from vehicular-related accidents DEMOCRATS!); and 18d) As important keystone species like California ground squirrels at the Butcher property in Sunnyvale at Wolfe and El Camino Real are presently being crushed to death by large machines; 18c) Life doesn't seem to matter much here; money does; 19) Adding to all of this; promised traffic calming in the late 90s and ensuing inaction on the part of the City of Santa Clara ~ 19a) As well as recent actions by the City of Sunnyvale about a safety cone (!?!) and a long ago city-approved 19MPH green garbage can; attempting to stop me from making this a safer neighborhood for the people and pets and wildlife etc; 19a) Including the death of Meesha Cat on Thunderbird 17 Sep 2020 where the safety cone was placed to protect animals and slow vehicles; effectively amount to gross negligence among many other serious charges...And while SAC may be better than many animal control departments in middle America that I read about on Facebook (gas euthanization etc) and while what just occurred may be considered to be totally acceptable by those who oversee this process; SAC is obviously in need ot extensive restructuring and retraining so evidence can be gathered at potential crime scenes where animals have been found dead for more reasons than one...And it is now glaringly obvious due to the situation with Cali Cat and Baby Cat...And I know government will fight tooth and nail against my claims as they never admit to any fault (as they force 'average' people who fund their follies to make plea deals in court) but I know damn well my preexisting case against local government has now expanded exponentially and there is no way in HELL they can win at this point in time after all of this official negligence...
It obviously totally freaked out the City of Sunnyvale personnel who attended the meeting (they were like fish out of water not in control for once -- as raw people power ruled the night -- but this is actually good and an important aspect of deepened democracy)...Every major neighborhood block has a school or park etc already built and paid for by tax dollars that has a room large enough for public meetings...
And many of those meetings have decisions made before the meetings even occur -- which is technically illegal...For instance; if Goldman doesn't win the Sunnyvale Mayoral seat; Mister Goldmand says the civil center plan will likely happen anyway (unless perhaps challenged in court) But then again; it is illegal to make those kind of important decisions without the due process of public hearings...Whether dealing with dead cats or land usage; due process is necessary...And whether 'Democratic' California Governor Gavin Newsom and his band of deepened-democracy killers like it or not...And in light of this Newsomian-led death of democracy; which was totally bludgeoned to death by California Legislator Weiner; why would anyone even want to attend any public meeting ever again with the onset of SB 35 and SB 50? Public hearings clearly matter less now than they ever did...It was always an act of futility to attend a city council meeting and go against their grain; and now it really is...So why do you need a new civic center if due process doesn't matter any more anyway?
There is no doubt that this standoff actually happened; but it also serves as a potent reminder to me of my own experience with police misconduct...And 3 cats HAVE DIED IN THIS EXACT SAME REGION IN THE PAST MONTH AS THE ROBBERY; without any kind of extensive media coverage...DEAD - GONE FOREVER...While a simple theft is seen as being more important...And this shows the kind of continued heartlessness I have to deal with from local officials who are more concerned with being PC than life itself and/or doing the right thing...
I heard at 711 a month or so ago from a flustered Indian man that the same kind of robberies were going on in the City of Santa Clara at the time; and this robbery on Quail is nothing more than an extension of that...So where was the media last month when the exact same thing was happening in Santa Clara? Many people are broke and desperate and hurting right now; and the Covid shutdown is causing these criminal aberrations...And how do the idiots in government who actually want to defund police think defunding them will help anything?
GO TO: 14-hour standoff at Sunnyvale home ends in arrest @ https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/10/13/14-hour-standoff-at-sunnyvale-home-ends-in-arrest/ + Woman Robbed in Daytime Sunnyvale Attack @ https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/south-bay/woman-robbed-in-day-time-sunnyvale-attack/2377869/ + White woman who called 911 on Black birdwatcher made 2nd call saying he tried to assault her @ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-woman-who-called-911-black-birdwatcher-made-2nd-call-n1243331 + THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION = FREEDOM OF SPEECH @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/09/the-first-amendment-of-united-states.html + MISTER OLENAK CREATING A ROAD HAZARD @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/09/mister-olenak-creates-road-hazard.html
Adding to this stinky shit pile of overarching government multifeasance; the latest parallel propaganda that attempts to remotely guide the narrative regarding Mister Olenak and his dog and/or the dog who was brought here by his owner sicking the dog on one of my cats last week is the usual meddling bullshit...
And Mister Olenak's freakish daughter Denise (who actually looks a whole lot like Oakland's "Permit Patty") is the one who called SCPD for the wrongful SCPD arrest / kidnapping for duck feeding I officially received permission to do at a city council meeting from ex-Mayor Judy Nadler...Denise lied to police when she said I was dealing drugs (Officer Lopez asked if I was on drugs ~ when I was on the pavement [see: semantics]) and Pablo Lopez turned white as a ghost and let me out of the holding cell a few minutes later right after I told him that I had $65,000 dollars in the bank at the time; proving this wrongful arrest was a form of class-based discrimination...The same $65,000 dollars that forcefully went down the drain during the years-long police-sponsored RPF siege on my residence...
(And due to this question from Pablo Lopez about drugs: I just assumed he wanted me to be on drugs; so I became a medical marijuana patient under Proposition 215 until Newsom destroyed it with Proposition 64)
And now many years later; this same violent freak Mister Olenak is looming around my property in the morning just like he did before -- in the process creating another actionable incident; with Mister Olenak acting crazy and/or mentally ill as usual by throwing safety cones around in the street this time around...
So not only did Mister Olenak vandalize the street light pole; but he also gets to act like a crazy 3 year old without psychological testing; and he also gets to violently attack people without consequence as well...If there is a from of white entitlement; that's it...But again; I get the feeling it is more about money than being white; as government is our money -- and those who have lots of money are seen as being favorable or helpful to their lost cause...So it's the usual parallel propaganda bullshit designed to sway the public and/or potential jurists just like the BLM story did right after submitting my last claim...This time coming out of NY...Because my privacy is obviously being violated by those who desperately want to control this narrative...And all corporations have 'secret' the NSA feed with all of our private information available to them for financial advantage...But in light of this clandestine knowledge; I can successfully push back the nonsensical and get to the truth...
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