Tuesday, June 2, 2020



"The current situation with protests occurring in the wake of the Covid-19 situation is making it difficult for everyone involved including and mainly law enforcement...As law makers constantly make increasingly draconian laws; law enforcement is then pressured to in turn become increasingly draconian...To the point where crazy lawmakers are still telling people they cannot sit on the beach and other ridiculous shit that Newsom has thrown at all of us in the past few months...All that did was make people despise Newsom; and make cops the enemy for many people; even though cops were expected to enforce a mass home detention order that was really more of a suggestion than a mandate unless the constitution was suspended...And like I said before; all from a New Years gift from the CCP designed to cause chaos and destabilization...So if you want to reform law enforcement; just arrest Newsom ASAP so we can all be free again...Simple..."

My latest Facebook post: "how much of a disaster is gavin newsom? first he screwed over gig employees by destroying thousands of jobs in an attempt to help those same workers; completely and wantonly DESTROYED democracy by pushing SB 35/50 and the entire legislature still has their head so far up their asses that they will not back down; and a few years back he fucked over the entire proposition 215 crowd by giving local control over to localities that are largely against marijuana and generally do no use it (the good side is; local control can also be interpreted as doing whatever you damn well please within your own local sovereign territory); then newsom allowed the closure of pot clubs during a medial emergency; then newsom later let a bunch of sick people off of a cruise ship; virulently releasing the covid virus within the bay area as he patted himself on the back and scrambled to contain it in the weeks and months after; then newsom kept his own winery open while shutting almost all other california businesses (which is a form of white entitlement); and newsom is now practically encouraging protestors to tear down the world as he stays silent about protecting the businesses that he shut and that are now being looted with no police protection (in LA some people are being arrested for simply witnessing crimes in progress as liberals allow anarchy to spread) in other words; no balance between business and protestor interests (newsom is not that intelligent; he just pretends to be by using big words) but that is typical of SF where newsom came from -- protecting criminals while criminalizing non-criminal behavior (first and second amendments for example); newsom also kept people from going to the beach much like israelis cutting off access to the gaza strip -- which is something you just don't do without MASSIVE negative consequence; then newsom went on TV at noon every day for about a month getting his hair done before his performances; causing me to be nauseous and change the channel every time he spoke; then newsom gave away our hard earned tax dollars that were in a rainy day fund to china and illegal immigrants etc etc etc -- draining the fund; and newsom and other crazy liberals still refuse to admit that the covid-19 virus was lab-created and part of CCP warfare against the US and the world regardless of overwhelming evidence (sacrificing national security in the process); and that all of the unrest we are experiencing now is largely being exacerbated by what the CCP so purposefully did to all of us; and that at least some members of the CCP are very likely smiling right now at the massive unrest they that not only caused in hong kong; but also the rest of the world...the questions are: what is the CCP's next move? an EMP? and if so how are liberal democrats going to stand behind that move by the CCP that potentially shuts down all of our electric power and renders the US vulnerable to external attack as part of the CCP unrestrained warfare? in other words; once again democrats are a threat to national security and/or the pursuit of life; liberty and happiness in more ways than one...democrats are a dangerous group of highly racist; sexist; elitist idiots who accuse everyone else of the same ~ as they allow and encourage hatred to exist -- then turn around and make hate crime laws to deal with the mess they have so purposefully created...democrats tend to be mob rule thugs who get their way by screaming like little babies and destroying shit for every issue they take offense to no matter what the issue...and i could go on and on about this subject...so needless to say; gavin newsom is a complete and utter DISASTER who needs to arrested for the crap he has poured over californians as of late (CA sheriffs can arrest newsom and they should ASAP and i highly encourage them to do so); then adding to all of this; it is a bit suspect that all of the covid-19 social distancing that newsom has been encouraging has suddenly went out the window with the latest protest situation -- again practically encouraging protestors to rage on along with fellow SF sexist/racist/elitist kamala harris; making me wonder if newsom actually gives a shit about people he represents or is just pretending...oh! and then there is newsom's anti-gun/abortion/freedom etc etc etc stance that has already turned off so many middle-american voters that he doesn't stand a snowballs' chance in HELL of ever being elected president; even though it seems the getty family really wants this for some odd reason i do not understand...maybe because the getty family has so much money that nothing gavin newsom could do would ever hurt their financial statuses..."

And don't forget Newsom also released a whole slew of prisoners from jail right before all of this...Which is never a good idea at any time in history no matter what has occurred...And Newsom has also worked to kill deepened democracy here in California not only with forced development wherever the state wants -- but also by tricking many unsuspecting voters into voting out Proposition 215 by putting the wording about this at the end of the lengthy new proposition which was supposed to be all about recreational pot -- not medical...In the process usurping local control from both cities regarding land control and/or individuals as the State of California essentially stole local control away from Proposition 215 patients making many of them criminal dissidents carrying on what they voted for 20+ years ago with Proposition 215...When people really want local control on land usage issues...So as Newsom pretended to work in the better interests of CA medical marijuana patients by drafting the legalese nightmare of Proposition 64; Newsom in turn also potentially criminalized a whole bunch of Proposition 215 people with Proposition 64...And Newsom also runs state-run TV commercials encouraging people to save energy ~ while localities more often than not force people to grow marijuana indoors using expensive lights that use energy 12-16 hours a day and inevitably in the middle of summer when the sun is hottest and most effective..And this all tends to happen right when everyone is stressing out the energy grid with air conditioners and fans etc...So who cares if Trump is seen as being 'bellicose' to all of the mild democratic milquetoast eaters out there who hear his words? Actions speak much louder than any words; and Newsom is showing himself to be the most bellicose of all with his nonchalant attitude not only towards this messy civil unrest situation that Newsom had a large hand in making; but also a zillion other common ground issues that have pissed off countless people...And adding to all of this; an African-American lawyer who conducted the Bagly v. City of Sunnyvale exposed that low income white males (class/race/gender) are discriminated against in this region more than any other racial group...And this is largely caused by the half-truthed democratic party rhetoric about African-Americans being discriminated against (which they are in certain regions; just not necessarily the SF bay area) and in turn causing white people like me and/or my sister to be discriminated against and freely abused due to this narrative...

(BTW: My sister just got assaulted and called racist by an obviously racist African-American woman in Portland while my sister was video recording looting in process -- and sure I get mad at her sometimes but this shit makes my blood boil -- so those racist bitches who fucked with my sister and called her racist are lucky I was not there to intervene -- VERY LUCKY)...So anyway; yeah...Fuck off democrats now and forever -- you are a danger to our society and our societys' laws and customs in more ways than one...You're a dangerous group of full of shit cry baby thugs who need to have your diapers changed ASAP...And if you don't give a shit about me ~ I don't give a shit about you..And you can take that any way you want)... 


SEE ALSO: EPOCH TIMES – CCP VIRUS: How the Chinese Communist Party's coverup led to a global pandemic @ https://issuu.com/epochtimesny/docs/eet_magazine_nr3_ccpvirus_2020 + Norway Scientist Claims Report Proves Coronavirus Was Lab-Made @ https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidnikel/2020/06/07/norway-scientist-claims-report-proves-coronavirus-was-lab-made + 30 MAY 2020 UPDATE TO AMENDED GHC CITY OF SUNNYVALE CLAIM SUBMITTED 25 MAY 2020: @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/05/30-may-2020-update-to-amended-ghc-city.html + GO TO: DEMOCRACY ON LIFE SUPPORT: CALIFORNIA SENATE BILLS SB 50 AND/OR SB 35 AND THE DETRIMENTAL EFFECT UPON PUBLIC COMMENTARY AND/OR THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS IN GENERAL @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/11/democracy-on-life-support-california.html

I used to have a universal empathy for all living things until I came to the slow realization that many others did not share the same feelings towards my own life...Therefore; lowering my own sanctity for the lives of others and/or reducing my higher consciousness down to the ground after having dealt with all of these stupid; lower consciousness individuals who drag other people down while lifting themselves up... 

"To be white and conscious of liberal anti-white racism ~
is to stare into the mirror of your own spiritual extinction..."

1 comment:

  1. democrats went from lock down to race war...what's next?
