Thursday, June 11, 2020


Yes there is systemic racism in our society; but much of it is caused by lopsided democratic party racial narratives which point fingers at whites; and often about something that happened over 200 years ago...Which in turn causes whites to push back and disagree...Which is often seen as racist; of all things...Anything to shut people up...

From #metoo to racial discussion; there is no disagreeing with these lopsided democratic narratives...So if this kind of racist democratic party finger pointing can stop; then we will have less systemic racism on both sides which caused the rise of Trump...Democrats push this false narrative; therefore if democrats would just give up on it and be more balanced we might be able to make some progress here...

Look; I know democrats thought they had it all wrapped up then ended up losing the election; first giving Hilllary a coronation then looking like damn fools and making teenage girls cry en mass in the process...Evil! Evil Evil!

Then democrats turned around and focused intently upon Russia right as China was getting ready to send over their New Years gift to the world...And democrats still won't admit that they fucked up; causing the current situation we are now in...But democrats are also big proponents of forced health care; so they are looking at this situation like it is practically a Godsend; bolstering their desperate want of forced health care and vaccinations...

And the Obama administration jump started Covid-19 with US taxpayer dollars before backing out...So it doesn't look good at all and I am excited to see what lousy excuses democrats come up with next...And let's face it; the BLM movement that is happening right now is mainly made up of disgruntled Obama era folks desperately wanting to fight about subjects that have already been discussed endlessly with no real conclusion or change...How many race riots ensued during the Obama era and what did they actually accomplish other than nothing? 

So these folks are no different than Trump voters who were ignored and treated like less than human during the Obama era of anti-white racism...People like me...So either both sides are going to come together and realize they are suffering from the exact same kind of reverse bias; or we are going to continue on dividing and conquering endlessly without any real solutions other than lopsided solutions that help some instead of all...

Note: the bottom line is it is every bit as evil and racist for blacks who are being hated upon to hate back upon whites...It is circular and karmic and needs to be stopped...And the only thing that can stop this circle of karma is forgiveness...

Systemic racism and/or reverse racism has roots in Quantum Entanglement; which is essentially simultaneous remote occurrence; and/or remote elementary particles exchanging characteristics -- a situation which can occur on both the microcosmic and macrocosmic scale -- and regardless of distance. It is the literal "theory of everything" that can hypothetically occur divergently over a distance of lights years; to the minute space that separates microcosmic elementary particles -- and everywhere in between > GO TO: QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT THEORY @

Misty Dawn wrote: "Understand the hypocrisy that is being served. I would have no issues supporting a movement that is meant to generate respect for Black Lives if I was seeing respect for all people regarding black lives matter. But what I am seeing in the same hate shame and oppression demonstrated in the guise of love. The statement I made was not to imply black lives don't matter and frankly I am tired of someone else's limited perception programmed by the collective narrative telling me otherwise in their black and white context. The imbalance of making BLM over all lives is what needs to be addressed. And when you riot; tear down; suppress; censor; ban; attack; blame; shame; guilt; and kill, in the name of BLM then you have decreed all other lives, inferior and without value - thus creating anger; hatred; division and racism in your average person who isn't racist but just pissed because they suddenly have no voice or rights. You are perpetuating the same demon of oppression you claim you are fighting by becoming the same demon..."

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