Saturday, July 11, 2020


"When my client was a teenager his band Aftershock used to play at parties on weekend nights all over the Santa Clara Valley...The guitar player was from Archbishop Mitty High School and they used to play Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin ect music...I am sure my client has told you all about this before...

The guitar player was named Mark Chapman...Almost every weekend night my client's band played a keg party; cops would show up and tell the band to stop or they would confiscate their equipment (not the kegs haha that came later when the parents were held accountable)...Which in turn caused the music to cease and desist immediately...My point being; the RPF (Rebholtz-Paolinetti Familias) were quite often using their parents' vehicles for the non-coincidental stalking and harassment and menacing and vandalism they directed at my client's residence...So just like the time when a Sunnyvale cop found Mark Chapman and John taking bong hits with some beer at the corner of Henderson and El Camino Real under the big trees in the two parking spots directly underneath; they took them both home to their parents and told their parents the low down about what they were keeping on the down low...In other words; cops used to do their jobs back then -- apprehending teenage suspects and hauling them back to their home compounds to get them into BIG trouble...

Because parents can straighten out teens in ways that cops can't -- and perhaps cops used to know this...When parents find out about a questionable secret teen life -- that secret teen life is quite often over...Leading us directly to; if POS/DPS/SCPD had just spoken to the RPF parents (they had numerous chances) saying something like "a neighbor seems to think that he is being bothered by your children using your vehicles; so if the various alleged disturbances do not cease and desist we will have to consider impounding your vehicles at a later date..."

Which would have immediately caused an appropriate knee-jerk response within the upper ranks of the RPF clan; officially putting on police record what had occurred after informing various RPF parental units of their childrens' misdeeds they perhaps inadvertently supported and/or perhaps did not know about; therefore causing an immediate end to what ended up as a years-long police-sponsored harassment/stalking/menacing/vandalism campaign (YLPSNCHSMVC) that almost took my clients' life... Tooth infections in his upper jaw could have burst into his brain and killed him right when the YLPSNCHSMVC was occurring...

(It was police-sponsored largely due to: 
 1) An SCPD police officers' personal vehicle (Don Paolinetti) often being used for the various non-coincidental disturbances by his son Jake Paolinetti; 2) Excessive police harassment of my client on the part of WTF/POS/SCPD/DPS for lesser things (a SWAT team for Santa Clara Mayor-approved duck feeding; and another SWAT team for cleaning up litter in the neighborhood etc etc etc -- defaming my client's good name and reputation with these SWAT-teams-for-nothing) while criminal threats made by Mister Olenak and an early-morning assault along with an assault by Crazy Tom Foley who was a drunk felon on parole at the time of the attack (etc etc etc) were totally ignored by POS/SCPD Officers Seagrave and Lopez; 3) After trying desperately for many years to get Sunnyvale POS/DPS to stop the non-coincidental harassment with no end to the night time disturbances ~ by default the police inherited the mess due to their foot dragging and gross negligence (in other words; people screaming what sounded like death threats in the middle of the night right outside my client's window as he slept -- many times over and over without end right after an ambush in July 2007 that occurred right after my client requested a public hearing regarding (among other things) Pablo Lopez rubbing his genitals up against my client's leg "all sweaty" during his wrongful and false arrest/kidnapping; which is the same thing Officer Pablo did to John's friend Eggy G)...Therefore; my client is not going away until fully compensated for all of this police-sponsored bullshit from HELL...He would make a better cop than any of your jokers in clown suits and this is obviously apparent; but since you don't have high quality street-smart individuals like me running your ship; you're pretty much fucked..."


Questions: Why is everyone so worried about Roger Stone's sentence being commuted when California Governor Gavin Newsom is letting 8,000 inmates out of prison over the next few months due to the Covid virus? Which in a very large sense applies the latest liberal trend of being soft on criminals to save money; much like the RPF who were allowed to flee without recourse after their years-long illegal siege on my clients' residence...With zero substantive; legally-required relevant evidence allowed by my client in Manoukian's infamously notorious crooked courtroom...Isn't it a form of reverse class-based discrimination to only let poor non-violent criminals out of prison and not relatively rich non-violent individuals like Roger Stone simply for the purposes of political revenge? And what if my client was African-American and/or a female and/or any other sub-group of individuals liberal policies seem to afford increased rights? Various actions against my client show a clear pattern of not only class-based discrimination in the over-protection of the relatively rich RPF interests; but also a certain level of race-based discrimination as well since this would never be allowed to happen to a black family for instance -- along with a healthy dose of gender discrimination mixed in since females seem to get more societal protections due to a very old narrative that established a very real "woman in peril" (King Kong etc) dialogue which so permeates modern culture in new and interesting ways...


Note: Other than that; here is my new website "JOHNNYROPER.COM" -- GO TO: -- There has been no new Lik Roper recording since 2003 largely due to the various aforementioned illegal interruptions into my life and/or livelihood during the years after my brother died...The Johnny Roper concept has been an idea for quite awhile now -- GO TO: lik roper @ -- still remains online for all to see; especially since it contains important videos pertinent to this case that were previously deleted by You Tube; helping my tormentors along with WTF/POS/SCPD/DPS who did NOTHING to reign in the RPF in when they had a chance etc; before and after the morning police briefing regarding my You Tube videos stating I was experiencing police-sponsored harassment and stalking... 


UPDATE / 14 JULY 2020: "Leading me directly back to my own financial demise due to gross negligence on the part of WFT/POS/DPS/SCPD and/or government in general when it comes to either: 1) Losing my own business after years of unchecked non-coincidental "police-sponsored"  harassment stalking ~ and/or 2) Home Depot being open for business during Covid-19 and/or Mom and Pop staying home and losing their various businesses...There is a clear pattern of grossly negligent behavior involved here in Silicon Valley when it comes to the treatment of small businesses...Construction zones that shut businesses for instance... 

(Since the onset of computers and/or large-scale globalization and/or "corporatization" in the 1990s -- I have seen countless small businesses close in my roughly 35 years as a distribution driver -- too many to count in fact...So this is nothing new at all whatsoever...Most new businesses ultimately fail anyway so why make that process happen quicker and easier? When financial wealth and overpopulation exists; people like me and so many others are ultimately 'culled' and sacrificed then forced to live in RVs and tents and bushes...While it is somewhat good to see large corporations giving back financially -- the new housing created will likely be mainly for their own corporate employees...We'll see...) 

As not only did Sunnyvale POS/DPS hold a police briefing one morning regarding my own You Tube videos attempting to violate the rights of a journalist/videographer; but also whether or not POS/DPS fired any particular officers to shrug off potential liability or responsibility to form yet another illegal enterprise designed to alternately protect and ruin reputations (Lik Roper Enterprises is now a reference to the various illegal enterprises formed against me that I now OWN through this online self-litigation) POS/DPS was and/or is still quite complicit in their various "official" obstructions of justice and/or formations of overarching illegal enterprises...For instance; the morning police briefing held by POS/DPS makes it nearly impossible for POS/DPS to avoid responsibility unless they terminate their entire crew; which is not going to happen any time soon and not something even I want to see happen...As the new ridiculous argument for defunding the police will only open up entirely new dimensions of hell on earth for other individuals seeking a better quality of life just like me...

The bottom line is -- like I have said so many times before: POS/DPS/SCPD needed to take action and alert the various involved RPF parental units to in turn cause lower ranking RPF members to shit Major Bricks and therefore cease and desist their illegal activities...Because you don't want to be shitting Major Bricks; Major Bricks will make you shit some major bricks...And besides; it doesn't matter what illegal activities a street gang is involved in; as long as those illegal activities are occurring -- those involved can and will be held accountable as a group no matter what color they are (the RPF was largely white; so if there actually is 'white privilege and/or entitlement" the RPF suffers from it) For instance when I was a teenager Danny Olenak was selling cocaine to other teenagers in my neighborhood... 

BTW: I never got along with Danny or hung out with him much because I didn't like cocaine -- Danny ended up in a high-security prison somewhere in middle America after an interstate cocaine-fueled liquor store robbing spree...And Danny also needed triple bypass surgery for his heart recently as massive amounts of cocaine can be very destructive many years after when too much is done..."

Note: Any parents who are freaking out after reading this because they are either worried about their own kids smoking pot and/or already have a teen who has been caught smoking weed; DON'T WORRY...Both my brother and sister smoked weed and they both went on to get 4.0 grade averages in high school and both graduated from college with substantial degrees in computer science and biochemistry...And not everyone likes pot; like my brother...He just tried it because he found out Paul McCartney smoked it...And once my sister became a mother she quit smoking weed altogether and encourages her kids to steer clear of it...And I went on to play drums with a band named Jetboy that had played with and/or was friends with one of the biggest bands in the world GNR...So even though the computer industry essentially eventually destroyed your average musicians' chances of making any kind of real substantial money from their craft; I did it up real good before all of that shit hit the fan and regret absolutely nothing...So don't worry about it...When kids eventually become adults they do whatever they damn well please and the more you push on them sometimes the more they obey you by being curious about what you told them to avoid...Which is natural and good; as much as automatons and eunuchs are not...

As a cautionary tale; I will tell you that Jetboy's first bass player Todd Crew (who was GNR/Slash's best friend and died with him of a drug overdose while doing heroin) grew up in a very nice house in the hills above Oakland...I went to a party at Todds' house one time after a Jetboy gig...Todd came from wealth; but Todd's father so despised Todds' lifestyle that it caused a rebellious reaction within Todd causing Todd to push himself over the edge and eventually die young...And I predicted it after seeing Todd in Hollywood one night not looking well...A few months later Todd was gone...

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