Wednesday, July 1, 2020


BTW I FOUND THIS ON FACEBOOK TODAY: "It's frightening how we are being railroaded. My Mom actually knows a nurse in San Francisco who was giving COVID tests. After Every single test came back positive she became suspicious. So she sent in two separate blank tests. Unused swabs. Those both came back positive. She told me some of the other nurses about it so together they submitted 10 fake tests with unused swabs and fake names. THEY CAME BACK POSITIVE !!! What the hell is going on ??? It's beyond greed and money for hospitals. We are being controlled and manipulated beyond anything we could ever imagine..."

If any of this is true then: 1) These Covid tests are either creating false positive results and/or 2) The swabs are actually tainted with Covid virus due to malicious pre-treatment (QUESTION: where do the swabs originate from?) But due to the alleged overwhelming large percentage of tests coming up positive; it leads me to believe that pre-treatment could be a distinct possibility...Is any third party testing the swabs? If not maybe this should be considered to increase veracity of test results...

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