Tuesday, April 7, 2020


I've been living on the edge for about 10 years now repeatedly getting my substantive claims against the cities of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara REJECTED even though I have very firm cases against those cities...And now I am down to $7.57 cents thanks to their arrogant foot dragging...Because I essentially live in a racist/sexist/classist liberal region here in Silicon Valley; I have gotten zero help from those worthless; useless; self-serving; half-assed; arrogant; delusional; largely non-existent; egotistical; thieving local government bastards...Mainly because I am a low income white male who gets discriminated against more than any other race and class in this region...And Lee Bagly's case brought this truth out into the open...LOW INCOME WHITE MALES ARE OPENLY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST IN THIS REGION...

Update / 13 APR 2020: After giving this subject some deep thought; last night it occurred to me out of the blue that white males are expected to do more than other genders and/or races since white males allegedly supposedly have some kind of magical advantage over others; according to many Democrats anyway...In other words; there is such immense societal pressure and/or expectation to succeed not only within white families like mine (with a brother who was a computer science major and a sister who was a biochemistry major) but also apparently within government as well -- that white males like me who do not do something amazing and do not attempt to become high earning taxation slaves working roughly 50% percent of the year for government etc; are quite often looked at less than favorably; less than human and even shot dead by law enforcement who relies on those missing tax dollars to function...Conversely; the half-truthed 'white entitlement' dialogue ends up disaffecting some minority police officers who often refuse to help out low income white males 'entitled' to bad police service...While in many regions of the United States whites are in fact racial minorities...And this in turn quite often causes lawyers and attorneys to refuse help to supposedly 'entitled' low income white males who are being discriminated against...

The truth is; a lie can travel half way around the world;
before truth can get it's pants on...

Note: It is not only individual and collective acts of advocacy that will uproot the deep-seated anti-white racism that is now unduly harming Caucasian Americans (caused by the latest half-truthed democratic narrative) it is also affirmative action on the part of the State of California regarding their often abused "denial of service" law (entry does not equal service) that is needed at this point in time to help stem the flow of reverse racism aimed at whites and caused by the democratic party...

So there can be no more denying that I have had my civil rights EGREGIOUSLY violated NUMEROUS TIMES and/or why; and there can be no more denying why I was focused on so intently by law enforcement: because the half-truthed 'white entitlement' argument is ALMOST a total bunch of bulllshit (almost -- but not completely) and mainly designed to mislead and cause division and hatred against whites...A democratic party favorite...

And I am getting more than a little sick of this pre-civil rights era-styled 
anti-white discrimination...It's not progress; it's the same shit next day...

I also want to thank Donald Trump for deciding to send out money to the American people who are struggling the same way I have been for the last ten years; as Gavin Newsom has been stealing roughly 1/4 of my paychecks for money that I did not owe...Retaliation NO ONE should be forced to go through; and especially for stepping up and helping out the neighborhood the way I so valiantly did..

You all really blew it; and I tend to think you all used your inside 
job 911 bullshit to treat your own citizens like criminals...

Police Misconduct pretty much ran the State of California for many years until I took a chance with my life by defying the crooked cop conspiracy and forcefully blasting out the truth about their killing sprees with Lee Bagly's help @ https://muckrakertimes1.blogspot.com/...I took a chance with my life when I released this information; as killer cops more often than not get vacations for their killings -- and cops could have easily blown my head off for doing this and SCCDA Jeffrey Rosen would have let them down off their hooks...

And the California courts gave special treatment to cops for many years due to this illegal coverup -- as Xavier Becerra sat on the police misconduct records essentially amounting to an illegal enterprise created to protect crooked cop reputations while defaming and slandering others in the process...Special treatment that I will hopefully put an end to in the interest of attaining equal justice under law...

And remember; if I was stupid enough to call Sunnyvale POS/DPS about the May 2019 Oasis Nightclub incident; POS/DPS would have likely given me yet another unlawful order to leave the premises; and violated my civil rights one more time in the process (it has happened 3 TIMES so far to date at the Oasis Nightclub -- 2012/2016/2019)...And that's precisely why I made such a good decision in asking my good friend UC Officer Gary Perez to handle the situation...

Because Gary actually gives a shit about me and my situation...

UPDATE / 2 MAY 2020: I came home the other day to find several cop cars in front of my neighbro Bobby's house; so I asked him what that was all about yesterday...Bobby said that since his son's girlfriend was restrained by the SCCDA for two years; POS/DPS was just coming by to inform Bobby about the situation with his girlfriend...Fair enough...And he also added that police from both Sunnyvale and Santa Clara came by in the days before this to wish a young neighbor of mine a happy birthday since his Mom wants him to grow up trusting the police..They came to the house during his birthday party and called him out of the house to wish him a happy birthday...Which is absolutely wonderful...But I suppose my obvious questions now are: 1) Why Didn't POS/DPS contact KJ Doug Ward after leaving threatening messages on my windshield about one year ago 2) And why didn't the SCCDA instruct Doug Ward to stay away from my residence? You know; the same guy POS/DPS Officers Ochoa and Smith let go after attacking me back in 2012 at the Oasis Nightclub; with video evidence POS/DPS had promised to pull up -- which is A) a fraudulent claim and B) obstructing justice among many other things including C) a civil rights violation? 3) And why don't cops spend and equal amount of time trying to get adults like me and so many others to trust them? 4) And why don't cops ever wish me a happy fucking birthday? WTF? Look; I understand that having a self-appointed police monitor of sorts like me can be very trying at times...We don't get any happy birthday wishes from you fuckers...I totally get that...Regardless; every time I monitor POS/DPS and see them actually doing their jobs for once; it ends up as being yet another WTF/POS/DPS/PTSD incident ~ exacerbated by the newfound knowledge that local police actually actively discriminate against low income white males here in the Silicon Valley...So I know too much now...I know the truth about why I was allowed to be treated like less than I would treat a dog by cops for so long and it has had about a year to sink in and make me realize the full implications...And I also see that there has been an active conspiracy to cover up stalking and harassment and even killings by certain law enforcement personnel...Law enforcement personnel who get vacations from the SCCDA after they kill someone... 

GO TO: ILLEGAL EJECTIONS FROM PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION / THE OASIS NIGHTCLUB IN SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA (2012/2016/2019) @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2019/05/illegal-ejections-from-private-business.html + THE SUSPICIOUS DEATH OF FRANK CARPENTINO @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-suspicious-death-of-frank-carpentino.html

Note: Tom Foley was an active threat outside my residence who needed to be socially distanced at the time by law enforcement; and the same goes for Mister Olenak; Jake Paolinetti and/or the RPF; along with several other individuals who stalked and harassed me at my residence over time...


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