Sunday, September 1, 2019


It's tough dealing with emotionally unintelligent; dumb ass people who write extremist things like proposing shooting Tule Elk due to their psychopathic tendencies; 
causing an equally extremist karmic response...

And I suppose what I just posted on Facebook could be viewed as 'extremist' as well (see below) but the extremism behind the open and blatant class/gender/race-based discrimination that I have faced is so god damned disgusting that there is no other option but to become equally relatively extreme in response...

In other words; if you can do it so can I...Is that too extreme for you? 
IF SO THEN FUCK OFF! Was that too extreme for you too?

And focusing on supposed "white nationalism" and/or "white nationalists" by Facebook working as an illegal censor for government will inevitably entrap a whole bunch of innocent white people who just happen to speak out loudly and/or who know a whole bunch of other white people who are unafraid to speak out LOUDLY AND FEARLESSLY like me and so many others and/or who just happen to be white (much like people who get caught up in gang sweeps because they just happen to know gangsters in their neighborhoods) and returning to the old post-911 'preemptive measures' crock of stinking 'maybe this will happen maybe that will happen' crooked cop bullshit all over again...MAYBE COPS NEED TO STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE?!

Was that too extreme for you SJ Mercury News?!? FUCK OFF!  Was that too extreme for you SJ Mercury News?!? FUCK OFF!  Was that too extreme for you SJ Mercury News?!? FUCK OFF! Was that too extreme for you SJ Mercury News?!? FUCK OFF! Was that too extreme for you SJ Mercury News?!? FUCK OFF! Was that too extreme for you SJ Mercury News?!? FUCK OFF!  Was that too extreme for you SJ Mercury News?!? I hope you get my point...

So all of the racist blacks and latinos etc will be free to shoot their mouths off online; while whites are being focused upon and discriminated against due to the rogue actions of a few whites...It's divisive and will inevitably violate the free speech rights of COUNTLESS white individuals in the process...Merely suggesting it already did...

But then again Democrats love and live to divide by race as much as Republicans do -- so shut the fuck up about all of that nonsense SJ Mercury News -- that's not news as 'Thought Nazi' censorship is as old as the hills; and shooting my mouth off and shooting a gun are two different things...And if swearing is not ok around government officials at meetings and/or children -- THEN GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO GROW THE FUCK UP!

The bottom line is cops need to stop shooting the people they were sworn to protect and serve and maybe people will start treating cops better as well...It's too fucking simple but too many people are too fucking stupid and will never get this simple ass concept...Gun control is largely for cops...

And as an extremely head strong strong individual who does not ascribe to belonging to any particular group; attempting to lump me in with a bunch of other whites who just happen to think similarly due to the same kind of repressive and/or racist government tendencies is simply not gonna fly; my honor and/or your honor...

If there truly are people thinking the same thoughts who are spread out all over the land who just happen to be white ~ then the government we all own and run needs to stop and take a look within it's shitty divisive tendencies and start changing their tune to take everyone into account for the good of all...Not just some people; all people regardless of class/gender or race etc...Is this possible? Is this another dumb question?

'Private' Facebook message to an anonymous old friend:
"I spent most of my life standing up for the rights of others regardless of race; gender or class -- but when I found out they were not necessarily there to stand up for my rights then I suppose an imaginary line was drawn in the sand by this divisive new government trend -- causing me to reconsider my own beliefs...And I am not the only person who feels this way as government slowly erodes the rights of all; causing people to turn on each other...Part of the plan i would tend to think and/or just an inadvertent result because they are so fucking stupid and don't realize the consequences of their often racist; discriminatory actions -- on both sides right and left...And I suppose if my rights were more supported by you; then i would more support your right to shoot your mouth off at me -- but since you have not been there in support of my rights i no longer fully support your rights either i suppose...that was not conscious but it just occurred to me and makes perfect sense..."NOTE: FUCK ALL OF YOU ANTI-WHITE/WHITE RACISTS IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY -- ANY OTHER STUPID IDEAS?! Oh no! is that too extreme? TOO FUCKING BAD...DOES LARGE FONT SCARE YOU!? 


In retrospect; stop using free speech as a scapegoat for mass shootings; we are all just being manipulated at this point by selective news story choice by the lamestream media and/or selective enforcement in general...Nothing changes due to the latest events in Texas...THERE IS ZERO FEAR HERE...Carry on...

It's First Amendment first; Second Amendment second...In other words; Nothing changes...No weaponization of current events...No nothing...So too bad SJ Mercury News...It's not gonna fly...Any other dumb questions? Unalienable Rights are unalienable...Do you get that? No? Why not? Answer my smart question!

It just occurred to me that white nationalism and/or nationalists in general (regardless of color) are not happy having their rights reduced and therefore violated due to the massive influx of yes men and women immigrants who are generally willing to accept a lesser rights package due to the desperation for a better life -- but are apparently needed as tax slaves to pay down the massive national debt...

1) And in a sense these american nationalists are really no different than indigenous Amazonians who just want to sustain their way of life they have always known; or any other people who have faced a similar situation...

2) Like long time Valley of Heart's Delight residents who are now being force fed the gross new corporate Silicon Valley of Racial Hate's Delight...It's the same massive infux of people and new interests -- just a different situation...

The same core, primal feeling people have felt for thousands of years no matter where they lived or what color they were...All people regardless of class, race or gender seek continuity and consistency in their lives; and they also want their basic human rights respected...And free speech was; is -- and always will be -- a basic human right...That will not change any time soon -- and as I love to say; the First Amendment was argued for roughly 14 years before ratification; allowing us all to continue arguing...And dissent is not exclusively reserved for Supreme Court justices...

While it generally a dumb thing to do; here in America people are still free to ask dumb questions...Should Point Reyes’ elk be shot so dairy cattle can graze? NO! Any other dumb questions? GO TO: + Should Presidential contenders want social networks to do more to crack down on white nationalism? NO! Any other dumb questions? GO TO:

Whatever way the wind blows or what? > 42 Wild Burros Found Shot Dead in Mojave Desert, $58,000 Offered to Identify the Killer @

People shouldn't shoot people and people shouldn't shoot animals either -- as not only is it barbaric; but people who commit violence against animals are also likely to commit violence against humans as it sets a new evil karmic trend...

And forced silence can lead to violence...

In other words; did it ever occur to you that the uptick in humans being shot by humans ~ is directly connected to the uptick in humans shooting animals during this barbaric; conservative 'pro-life' era of reduced animal rights? And that shutting people up could actually be creating even more violence? Those were not dumb questions...

1 comment:

  1. the bottom line: nonsensical events can cause equally nonsensical thinking...
