Wednesday, August 28, 2019


"Racism in America is institutional and it is a “white man’s problem,” Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday, arguing that the way to attack the issue is to defeat President Donald Trump and shame the racists he has emboldened. Taking aim at incendiary racial appeals by Trump, Biden told a small group of reporters that a president’s words can “appeal to the worst damn instincts of human nature” just as they can move markets or take a nation into war..." > GO TO: Biden: Racism, institutional in the US, is ‘white man’s problem’-- He urges voters to defeat Trump and shame racists he emboldened @

Note: That said; the words of a presidential candidate and/or the words of a president like Obama can also appeal to the worst aspects of human nature as well; as I highly suspect the discrimination I faced and still face in this largely Democratically run region is the direct result of this kind of talk that can just as easily cause institutionalized discrimination against whites as it can against blacks etc...What is needed is a unifying dialogue to bring everyone into the fold without pointing fingers at each other for political advantage...As elusive as it is and/or no matter how ridiculous it sounds to people who have been falling for all of these ridiculous divisive narratives; we desperately need the political advantage of unity at this point in time...

Due to my obvious off the charts racial/spatial abilities; it is becoming more and more clear that I need to be POTUS like my Gramma once suggested...She was obviously right but it has taken me years to see what she really meant -- how amazing of a thinker that I really am and how great of a man I am...

The world needs me now...


For example here is a related and quite troubling excerpt I found on Facebook -- Michael Anthony Collins wrote: "Sorry I haven’t been out to all the shows and events guys...You see; I am a tall (scary) white (people get to be racist to me) single (nothing to hold over my head), heterosexual (Undesirable) male (scum of the earth and scapegoat for everything), and I live in California (Progressive Commieland), I am a second class citizen (Useless unless I make more money to tax), and as a result I am poverty (Where they want everyone to be). As a result of this I may be gone from any and all activity for a long while..." Note: It's shameful that anyone still feels this way in this day and age...Our society is going backwards and needs to do an about-face because in the end; it's all about face and no one should have to deal with fickle back and forth government discrimination between political parties...


GOOD QUESTION: EXCERPTS FROM THE TITLE 18 U.S.C. LINK SEEN ABOVE: "Adding to this; what information does the NSA possess that may expose those who were involved in violating my various individual rights over the past decade? In other words; why doesn't the United States Government also use NSA derived information for exonerating individuals as opposed to incarcerating individuals and/or stealing ideas for financial advantage; and especially since many of these individuals are being forced to pay taxes for their own surveillance?

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