Friday, May 7, 2021


Recent DOJ actions regarding commencement of pattern and/or practice investigations into law enforcement agencies (hopefully including Sunnyvale DPS and/or SCPD) strongly reminded me also that the DOJ (law enforcement agency) often exhibits similar discrepancies of lawful conduct from administration to administration; just like any other law enforcement agency. (Lynch/Clinton ~ Barr/Trump etc etc etc) Therefore; what goes on at the top ends up trickling down to the bottom as acceptable practice when it is not necessarily...The ancient adage; "As above ~ so below" explains this quite succinctly...

From obvious aforementioned back and forth partisan coverups based upon conflicts of interest and/or conscious politically-motivated bias (including the axiomatic Garland/Hunter Biden political conflict of interest) based upon flagrant lawless enterprises ~ created to obscure previous lawless enterprises -- such as the questionable treatment of Rudy Giuliani...While totally eliminating Hunter Biden's laptop from any discovery process (BTW: Guiliani had Hunters' laptop in his apartment when it was raided recently) when all relevant evidence must be actively discovered and acted upon to attain equal justice under law ~ and/or legally acknowledge the presence of the 14th Amendment requiring: 

"These efforts ignore lawyers’ role in our legal system as advocates for clients, including those who espouse unpopular positions, and confuse representation with approval of the clients’ actions or views. Regardless of how one views the Trump lawsuits, bullying the lawyers undermines the fair administration of justice"...

..."A representation should not be abandoned because the client’s legal position is extremely unpopular in certain quarters. Defending unpopular positions is what lawyers do. The adversary system of justice depends on it, especially in cases where the passions run high. Being on the right or wrong side of history on the merits is a question for the clients. When it comes to the lawyers, the surest way to be on the wrong side of history is to abandon a client in the face of hostile criticism..."


In other words; ceaseless, incessant, perpetual, uninterrupted, unremitting obvious reciprocal politically partisan ideological replacement and/or displacement based upon endless games of political musical chairs in total disregard of lawful Fourteenth Amendment mandates designed to eliminate partisan retaliation and/or guarantee due process and/or speedy justice for all regardless of exponential population growth and/or relative lack of time. And it looks a whole lot to me like the raid on Guliani's apartment came directly after I suggested that raiding Lee Bagly's trailer was not only yet another civil rights violation; but also a lame and ultimately unsuccsesful way to intimidate me as well...Nice try but it didn't work...It was just yet another partisan abuse of power that needs to be curtailed...Yet another lawless enterprise stacked upon other lawless enterprises as usual...Shame on you for trying to legitimize tactics the CCP and/or Russia might use on their own powerless people! Just as India balked after Trump was eliminated from Twitter (Twitter is a JOKE!) Russia went after Navalny's lawyer right after you raided Guliani's apartment! DOJ DUMBASSES! You don't care how your abuse of power spreads!

(BTW I had what sounded like death squads outside my residence for many years unabated; and SWAT teams for feeding ducks and picking up litter; so nothing fazes me at this point in time...GIVE IT UP ALREADY DOJ!...Honestly; all DPS did was dig their hole a little deeper with no shovel to dig themselves out ~ and all the DOJ did was shoot themselves in the foot once again...BOOM! OUCH! DUMBASSES!)

Many federal statutes are designed to work as overarching legal judicial remedies for various societal quandaries; and the DOJ should always act as a supervising law enforcement agency for all other law enforcement agencies; setting the tone for acceptable behavior from the top down to bring increased order -- unlike they are presently doing. But more often than not the DOJ is also involved in their own similar forms of recurrent currupt behavior; making oversight of police departments in question useless unless this often arbitrary conscious/unconscious internal DOJ bias can finally be acknowleged and remedied...And with 500 police officers recently resigning due to unbalanced anti-police rhetoric; and many officers violently targeted and killed at work as well; the process of bringing increased order in police departments must be done carefully since police are so necessary in our increasingly complex society. Many of my own problems stem from police negligence and/or non feasance; inability and/or unwillingness to protect and serve equally without bias. Therefore defunding police will only create similar problems for many others needing help from police; so some kind of middle ground must be found...

And part of that middle ground is setting a non-biased; non-partisan tone from the top down...But I'm not quite sure if Merrick Garland is up to this noble task just yet...With one side equally engaged in insurrection and/or rebellion (BLM/Antifa etc) and/or giving aid and/or comfort to various multi-partisan enemies that lie within a highly divided state of mind within a nation of fractured thought...

From Facebook yesterday: 
"If Facebook actually thinks they can censor the leader of the once free world for appearing to do the exact same thing the opposition did; then the hypocritical Democratic party who used violence and intimidation and coercion in violation of civil rights laws they pretend to support in order to get elected are a bigger joke now than they were yesterday...The hypocratic party apparently can't see their own shadow..."

(NOTE: I don't care how much money the US owes to China and/or the CCP; I refuse to limit or abridge my First Amendment rights whether the CCP likes it or not...Sorry but not sorry...)

Furthermore; Donald Trump acted as a major test for our democracy as he pushed out and tested the boundaries of our legal system; with some 'good' results and some 'bad' depending upon your political leanings...But is there a way to retain some semblance of consistency from administration to administration without such major upheavals that tend to occur at the end and/or beginning of each presidential tenure? Or are we doomed to be at the will of the often fickle winds of arbitrary political change every 4 to 8 years from now until the end of time? 


The significance of the phrase "AS ABOVE ~ SO BELOW" is that it holds the key to all mysteries. All systems of magic function with this formula. "That which is above is the same as that which is below" and/or Macrocosmos (as above) is the same as microcosmos (so below). The universe is the same as God. God is the same as man. Man is the same as the cell. The cell is the same as the atom. The atom is the same as…and so on, ad infinitum.” This message theorizes that man is the counterpart of God on earth. As God is man’s counterpart in heaven.

Thus, it is a statement of an ancient belief that man’s actions on earth (should in theory) parallel the actions of God in heaven even though they do not always. This pivots on the belief that “all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation”. The next expression of the message is as within so without:
“As within, so without, as the universe, so the soul”...


Three Dog Night - Black and White

"The ink is black, the page is white

Together we learn to read and write

A child is black, a child is white

The whole world looks upon the sight, a beautiful sight

And now a child can understand

That this is the law of all the land, all the land

The world is black, the world is white

It turns by day and then by night

A child is black, a child is white

Together they grow to see the light, to see the light

And now at last we plainly see

We'll have a dance of Liberty, Liberty!..."

(BTW: It's not all black and white...
It's all the colors of the spectrum...)


SEE ALSO: Marc Polymeropoulos, a former senior operations officer for the CIA, told the Washington Examiner: “The key point I would clearly reinforce is that we never stated that the laptop issue was a Russian 'disinformation’ operation, but rather that it had all the hallmarks of a Russian ‘information' operation. There is a very big difference in the intelligence world...” + Polymeropoulos added: “I can’t comment on how or why the media characterized the letter, as I was only involved in drafting the letter. I’d also prefer to refrain from comment on how the Biden campaign used the letter, other than point once again to the actual content of the letter as reflecting my professional view...” + Polymeropoulos also referenced an interview he gave to National Review in December, after it was made public that Hunter Biden was under federal investigation. He told that outlet that he and Morell “basically wrote” the letter and that “if I thought I was wrong, I’d say I was wrong...”

GO TO: Ex-intel officials silent over letter claiming Russian involvement in Hunter Biden laptop saga @



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