Thursday, April 22, 2021


How are Democrats going to stop hate directed against Asians as their new CRT critical race theory foments hatred against whites when it's not even true?...When have I ever oppressed anyone other than never? 

I am into total freedom for myself and for all other people and always have been; so any damn fool who thinks this white person wants to oppress anybody has their head so far up their ass I don't think they can ever get it back out...But if Biden and Harris happen to need any help on this issue I'm willing to help them overcome their severe cranial posterior syndromes...

If you really think about'll see how ridiculous it really is since (democratic party) speech abridgement is an obvious form of oppression; along with taking innocent people's guns away; which is yet another form of oppression -- including over taxing people...As well as failing to treat American dissidents with the same care and compassion afforded to foreign dissidents who migrate to this country to escape similar oppression...Then when you add in the covid-19 lockdowns that Democrats were 100% behind; it adds yet another layer of oppression to the mix...

(And! Don't forget about the 1990s Clintonian youth
curfews violating civil rights and/or liberties...)

So there you have it: Democrats are the biggest oppressors of all and this is the usual gaslighting that they do all the time and I tend to think they're incapable of seeing their own contradictions since they're so fucking God damn stupid and/or uncontrollably racially biased...Bottom line: government in general is oppressive by nature; but if you have to compare the two: the Democratic party is about a thousand times more oppressive than the Republican party ever could be since Republicans are generally all about freedom...

Then when you include the way Trump was treated due to alleged sexual impropriety; and/or the way Harris's prostitution past is currently being decriminalized (in NY and many other regions) it shows yet another side of selective liberal freedom as women are encouraged to be hookers as their Johns are still vilified...

Harris should obviously be receiving the same treatment as Florida Senator Gaetz; but since democrats are so damn selective about their protections; Harris is not being removed from office and villified like Senator Gaetz...The truth is; Florida is literally full of beautiful women; and controlling 17 year old women who are on the brink of adulthood does nothing to empower them...It only holds them down and treats them like little children as opposed to the young adults that they are...

I feel Harris should not be allowed to hold such a high office due to her past; especially since she was not honest about it because she would have never gotten as many votes if she had told the truth...All I know is I have no daughters; but if I did the last thing I would want them to do is go into the luctrative prostitution profession...That is where this is all leading...And since many normal jobs have been massively cut back or made to be unbearable due to Covid-19; prostitution will be the new profession of choice for many young women since it's 'easy' money...

IN RETROSPECT: I'll admit Biden is a white man who is very oppressive...There's no doubt in my mind about that...So Biden should speak for himself and stop trying to dump his baggage on others who do not share his oppressive nature...

I used to take the federal government very seriously; but after experiencing so many different presidential administrations in my lifetime I can honestly say this is one of the worst and least trustable as well as being the most openly racially discriminatory...And they are also a grave threat to national security...And after Harris screamed so loudly about Trumps's treatment of immigrants she is nowhere to be seen around the border...Either way; I've been around the block a few times and I know a thing or two about a thing or two and all I can say is CRT is a federal/liberal POS that will be ended sooner than later...This racist liberal narrative is what allowed me to have my civil etc rights violated so many times without recourse...

NOTE: As democrats actively and openly foment hatred against whites ~ democrats desperately try to stop hatred against Asians not seeing their obvious contradictions: GO TO:

Christian Wentz wrote: "What is "Critical Race Theory" and how does it work?

"It is a sophisticated effort to legitimize unsupported esoteric concepts by selectively employing accepted philosophical ideals as applied to racial inequality and oppression. A theory, as we know, is the conclusion reached after a process of rigor and unconditional attempts at "falsification". This is the capacity for a statement, theory or hypothesis to be contradicted by evidence. Since a theory MUST meet this standard, "Critical Race Theory" is not a theory at all. IN fact, it isn't even a hypothesis. I would say that it rises merely to the level of a badly formed idea.

Critical race theory is the foundation of "White Fragility" and other sophistic tomes that attempt to empower those that feel powerless through a process of removing objectivity from the foundation of the argument.

It is a mish mash of philosophical ideas from several different schools of thought that arrives at a predetermined set of conclusions by patching together these different ideas to attempt to validate the conclusion. For example: Let's use the oft heard claim that "White people are inherently racists". According to "Critical Race Theory", any rejection or questioning of this assertion is proof of their internalized racism. The problem with this is quite obvious in that there is no way to provide evidence for this - either for or against it. Therefore it does not meet any accepted standards of rigor.

Aristotle is often considered to be the "Father of the Scientific Method". HIs inductive-deductive method used inductions from observations to infer general principles, deductions from those principles to check against further observations, and more cycles of induction and deduction to continue the advance of knowledge is used to this day. The scientific method does not start with a conclusion and work backwards to prove it. The "Critical Race" theorists START with the conclusion, then take pieces out of unrelated foundational philosophies to support it. That is also what Flat Earthers and other conspiracy enthusiasts do.

Critical Theory is an approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures. This is an excellent tool for considering the nature of what we simply accept to be the cultural reality in which we participate. "Critical Race Theory" lays claim to this process, yet in name only using conveniently chosen parts of Marx's theory of alienation and class struggle, Gramscian Hegemony, the deconstruction philosophy of Derrida, and Foucault's Justice vs Power philosophy - to name a few. However, Postmodernism is the final piece that attempts to legitimize "Critical Race Theory" and has been twisted very broadly to fit the selective outcomes that "Critical Race Theorists" need.

Postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward what it describes as the grand narratives and ideologies associated with modernism. Common targets of postmodern criticism include universalist ideas of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, science, language, and social progress. Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-consciousness, self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, and irreverence.

Postmodernists believe that science should not be treated as informative but subjective and that philosophy should be treated like science in that it should be validated via the same processes (they were preoccupied with some "final theory of everything" yet challenged rationality, foundationalism, etc.). Post-modernists take a position of subjectivism and of relativism and of skepticism about knowledge of any world beyond the human mind to the point of nihilism. Nihilism is the the ultimate denial of objective goodness, objective truth, and objective meaning. In other words, Postmodernists reject the ideas of universal reason and objective truth.

Since academic rigor is required to receive accreditation, referencing the ideas of the post modernists paves the way to getting their ideas published. Cherry picking postmodernism - a legitimate school of thought - provides the argument that "since there is no objective truth, if I say I am a buffalo, then I am a buffalo, and if you say I am not you are an oppressor". Sound familiar?

"In essence, this combination cherry picked ideas that provide a roadmap to the desired outcomes of sophists, providing them the credentials to sell our entire nation this false epistemology..."

According to "Critical Race Theorists", Western culture looks something like this from root to leaf: Human experience is a class struggle between power and the oppressed by power. Power informs the culture of the oppressed, that the oppressed are unable to act in their own best interests. Justice is impossible by it's own nature as power creates the need for justice in the first place. It is proven because there is no such thing as objective reality, objective morality, or objective truth. To reject these ideas is to take the position of oppressor.

This gives modern sophists the ability to create narratives that cannot be challenged AND meet academic standards by supporting the outcome. They are simply saying that, "since I say this is so, that is what makes it so and If you challenge what I say, it is by nature a form of oppression" It puts those that identify as the oppressed that employ this pseudoscientific deception in the unique position of being both the oppressed and the oppressor - and according to "Critical Race Theory" this what creates justice..." -- Christian Wentz

Timothy J Bednarz wrote: "Sad that they have achieved all of their goals. I am sick to my stomach that we have people seeing anything Marxist as progress. Progressives are vile, evil, soulless people who think they are compassionate and enlightened people..." -- Note: The soulless nature of modern liberal democratic selective law enforcement based upon identity politics is in clear violation of federal law disallowing discrimination by federal agencies...


Note: My deceased brother who's life obviously mattered once told me that his logic classes in college that earned him his computer science degree taught him that generalizing about anything is wrong -- including generalizations about race...

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