Wednesday, January 15, 2020


"I feel compelled to bring up the case of Bobby Martinez Junior once again...I saw him being pulled over yesterday on Benton Street and sent a text to his Dad about it...Bobby Martinez Junior was happily married and allegedly got into a minor argument with his wife in front of witnesses in public...Bobby allegedly pulled a laptop from his wife's arms and that is what started al of this...Bobby was the personal security guard of the CEO of Google after previous military service before his wife fucked his entire life over with the help of the courts... 

Bobby was required to wear a GPS leg clamp for what he did until recently; when he is not a threat to anyone and I know it...I have known him since he was a little kid...He is a very nice person...

But this same very nice person has been treated like a dangerous monster by the courts similar to the way I was treated as well ...And the question remains: WHY WEREN'T THE VARIOUS INDIVIDUALS WHO ATTACKED ME TREATED THE EXACT SAME WAY AS BOBBY MARTINEZ JUNIOR WAS?

Can anyone say DEEPLY EMBEDDED GENDER BIAS? I didn't think so...

Why did Bobby Martinez Junior get a GPS leg clamp while: Exhibit A) Mister Struble and Exhibit B) Crazy Tom Foley and Exhibit C) Jake Paolinetti and Exhibit D) Mister Olenak and Exhibit E) Mike Farmanian and Exhibit F) etc etc etc DID NOT GET GPS LEG CLAMPS?!? (in other words; all of the violent neighborhood freaks who attacked me and/or were posing an active threat outside my residence ~ but then let go by POS/DPS and/or POS/SCPD to continue harassing and stalking me on into the future as payback for my valiant activism)...


I think no one wants to admit that the largely overused recurring theme of "women in peril" has turned into men being in peril instead; and semi-psychopathic women rejoicing over their newfound submission...

Some angry; brainwashed; semi-psychopathic females out there absolutely LOVE TO HATE men; especially here in the bay area -- but at some point in time that kind of shit needs to go out the window along with all other forms of hate...

Our establishment has been very busy "taking out" good men like Bobby Martinez Junior and I etc etc etc one by one largely due to media-fomented female anger about thousands of years of male domination...

But that same establishment has now messed with the WRONG PERSON...

As I am a person who clearly sees the gender/class/race-biased discrepancies practiced in liberal regions like the bay area; and I am also a person who is not afraid to identify as a woman or perhaps a person of color to drive his point home in the court of law to ultimately add perspective and win the case ~ while angering all the right people...A person who will not take no for an answer and knows he has been right all along; a person who is absolutely dedicated to pursuing justice at all costs and creating a better future for all in the process...

A person who is willing to appeal the case all the way up to the Supreme Court if necessary; and a person who is ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with attaining equality FOR ALL PEOPLE...As good government and good laws should be the literal embodiment of GOD whether there is a GOD or not...

And this region is full of fearful immigrants who DO NOT DARE think or speak as forcefully as I am now...Likely why long-time locals (mainly low income white males) are being focused upon by law enforcement and subjugated in various ways; often driven out of their home territories like South American climate refugees in search of freedoms lost... 

Therefore this same establishment needs to be finally and official EXCORIATED by me in the court of flaw to set the record straight ONCE AND LITERALLY FOR ALL; and to stop this unbalanced gender-based discrimination from occurring into the future to others as well...

So no more men will be railroaded through the courts with weak fear-based hearsay emotional demagoguery running the shit show; more often than not brought forth by emotionally unstable females putting on a show for the gullible courts...This ugly; hearsay-based emotional-demagoguery trend starts in the immigration courts as people lie their way into American society with no proof...The bottom line is; democratic regions are just as sexist and racist as they accuse Republican regions of being; and I am here to fix this mess...You're welcome..."

Note: Since the Fourteenth Amendment mandates equal treatment for all; why was Bobby's ex-wife carefully protected while I had physical evidence of several attacks occurring without the application of equal deference and/or equal protection? And why are all cops generally treated the same way most non-cop females are treated (in this region anyway -- other regions are not as careful) as when cops are attacked it's a felony -- whether the cop is male or female -- while equally attacked non-cop males are generally not protected the same way in line with the Fourteenth Amendment? It makes me wonder why "Equal Justice Under Law" is etched into the side of courtrooms...Either way; the ERA is an important tool for both women and men to even the score and provide balance for this obviously unbalanced gender-biased courtroom mess...

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