Thursday, February 8, 2018


A devoted American who has made it his cause to expose unethical judges and government which prey on seniors and the mentally disabled -- Cary-Andrew Crittenden is a perfect example of how unconstitutional post-911 laws are being used to trump up charges against activist whistle blowers etc. Therefore; all ill-begotten post-911 legislative gains must now be reversed. But! Cary was also jailed to shut him up by police who perjured police reports. Cary is essentially a devoted American who has made it his cause to expose unethical judges and government which prey on seniors and the mentally disabled; even if those mental disabilities are obviously imagined -- as they are with John.


Note: It appears Judge Manoukian has deliberately mishandled several court cases; including Johns' -- and these are possible grounds for expulsion of Judge Manoukian. > GO TO: 

A few months ago a homeless individual named Cary Andrew Crittenden was desperately trying to meet John to eat pizza and discuss his situation. Cary was detained shortly after this perhaps to prevent him from speaking to John:

Santa Clara County Public Guardian facilitates illegal eviction from Markham Plaza HUD subsidized Apartments Efforts to bring the evidence to the public hindered by judge who claims he is being terrorized Major Corruption Organization informed about Judge Socrates Manoukian, judge claims film crew is threatening him with weapons Facebook Page organization exposing the unethical Judge Manoukian.

Cary-Andrew Crittenden terrorized, arrested and falsely accused to stop him from reporting corruption @

SEE ALSO: The People Vs. Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian @

Santa Clara County California Government Conspiracy Exposed Police Falsified Reports to frame Whistle blower Cary Andrew Crittenden. Investigative Journalist Janet C. Phelan about Activist Cary Andrew Crittenden Incarcerated in Santa Clara County Ca @


Basis to the Cary-Andrew Crittenden Arrest (How it all started and what they’re hiding): Actions against Cary-Andrew are based on a false Police report written by Detective Carroll who was conveniently replaced by Samy Tarazi who then based his reports on the original false report by Carroll. Document and Case Numbers / Santa Clara County Case C1493022 / Detective Carroll false report: 14-182-0167 / Preceded Carroll report: 14-287-0293B / Detective Samy Tarazi: 15-056-0301W / Internal Affair Case Number 2015-09 (1) The reason for these actions was retaliation for the “Whistle Blower complaint” filed by Cary-Andrew Crittenden against Deputy Counsel Larry Kubo, Legal Advisor to Deputy Public Guardian Rebecca Pizano Torres (Board Policy 3.8) / (2) Aleksandra Ridgeway was used as a decoy to distract from the real issue Rebecca Pizano Torres. Aleksandra Ridgeway had no involvement in case 1-12-CV226958 (Markham Plaza Eviction Fraud being reported via the Complaint.

Detective Carroll’s original false report was used as the foundation to create more false records such as the false report to fabricate probable cause for search warrants. (False Court Cases: C1493022, C1642778) IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT REBECCA PIZANO TORRES: (1) Her supervisor is Carlotta Royal -- email / (2) Her legal Advisor is Deputy County Counsel Larry Kubo / email > Note: Larry Kubo and Carlotta Royal were both intimately involved with Rebecca Pizano Torres fraud at Villa Fontana and Markham Plaza. 

PROBLEM: Sheriff Department is being mis-led by the judge who claims he’s the victim, the judge is abusing his power by influencing the authorities to stop any investigation and aide for the real victims. 

Read the comments at this page to find more victims: 

MESSAGE TO JUDGE MANOUKIAN FROM JOHN: "This is all a large bogus stinky crock of shit and you know it, Peter. Personally I would rather be DEAD than spend one minute in prison for free speech and/or the exercising my Unalienable Constitutional Rights; granted by "their Creator". And remember: every time police kill an innocent person; they kill the victims' family (spirit) as well. Therefore I do not fear death; because I know you are a bunch of dirty bastards; but not THAT dirty. You actually have limits..."

Note: Psychopathic cops who interpret that last written segment as an invitation for suicide by cop are just part of the problem. Psychopathic cops need to stop being murderous thugs and start protecting and serving people other than their psychopathic selves.


Once again; Cary-Andrew Crittenden was jailed to shut him up by police who perjure police reports. A devoted American who has made it his cause to expose unethical judges and government which prey on seniors and the mentally disabled. Check out these links: 

GO TO: Malicious Prosecution by Assistant Santa Clara County District Attorney James Leonard @

Police LIE to stop Cary Andrew Crittenden from Exposing a corrupt judge in Santa Clara County California @ 

Santa Clara County California Government Conspiracy Exposed Police Falsified Reports to frame Whistle blower Cary Andrew Crittenden @

Santa Clara County Judge Socrates Manoukian Influences Authorities to Harass those who Report Evidence of Abuse @ Cover up - Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian @ 

Police LIE to stop Cary Andrew Crittenden from Exposing a corrupt judge in Santa Clara County California @ 

Manslaughter Cover up - Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian @

SEE ALSO: Background info - Misrepresentation by Barbara Cathcart

THE BOTTOM LINE: Santa Clara County California Government Conspiracy Exposed Police Falsified Reports to frame Whistle blower Cary Andrew Crittenden; and an Innocent Cary-Andrew Crittenden is now currently locked in prison via fraud, perjury and corruption by Santa Clara County and Judge Manoukian at North Kern State Prison / CDCR# BE1684 / Facility B2 Bldg: A Cell:123 / PO Box 4999 Delano CA 93216.

Note: The homeless situation here in silicon valley is obviously being abused by the local judiciary and law enforcement. There is a false notion that all homeless people are mentally ill and/or disabled; but this could not be farther from the truth. If anything; renters have to be a little bit crazy to pay such exhorbitant rent prices to greedy, heartless landlords with their future pension plans. Regardless; law enforcement often uses mental illness as an excuse to shoot and kill people. Forced lobotomies of the 1950s have been replaced by forced pharmaceutical drug chemical lobotomies. But the fact remains that not only is discrimination against persons with disabilities against the law; but also a good percentage of the homeless people here in Santa Clara County are actually stable minded and employed -- not mentally ill -- rents are simply way too high so many live in RVs, tents and other makeshift housing. There is no one way to 'be'. The fact remains that individuality disallows archetype personality gravitational singularity -- and this will not change any time soon.

It's too bad Judge Manoukians' government-mandated narcissistic personality disorder is being allowed to stop justice and/or freedom of speech >
Judge Socrates Manoukian, Judicial Corruption, Bribery, Fraud and Manslaughter @

Why is Santa Clara County Hiding Death and Crime? @ 


Stop Predator Judges, Police, Lawyers and Government Agencies! Think it can't happen to You? It goes on in every court in every state all the time and they do nothing. IN fact you the tax payer end up paying for their salaries and the prison costs plus lives are destroyed. HELP expose Santa Clara County Judges and Law Enforcement which works with Prosecutors to manipulate the outcome of justice. Prosecutor corruption is REAL @

Santa Clara County California Government Conspiracy Exposed Police Falsified Reports to frame Whistle blower Cary Andrew Crittenden @ 

How easy is it to bribe a judge? @

Unedited message from Cary-Andrew Crittenden:

"Hi Will, this video was SJPD response to an assault with deadly weapon inciidemt at Markham Plaza Apartments in San Jose. Tge weapon was large butchar knife. This was part of a pattern of incidents at Markham Plaza which included another incidemt where persom was actualy stabbed. Robert Ridgeway was responsible for security & maintaining cameras. The residents turned to me for help becauase staff was unresponsive to residents concerns about these safety issues. Detective Carroll called me several times on the phone and threatened me that I would be arrested if I brought these matters to the attention of US dept. of Housing and Urban developnent & forbade me to not bring attention to this on the internet. After Manoukian got involved, the crisis at Markham Plaza escelated dramaticly into an emergency situation and one of the residents, Robert Moss was found dead almost immediately after the fraud in case 1-12-CV226958 They threatened to arrest me for trying to get him goceries and they claimed that the Cathedral of faith church in San Jose was a terrorist organization because they offered the residents access to job coaching / reseme writing workshop. In attempt to keep out the news media, they accused Dan Noyes of ABC News of threatening to kill one of the residents and this is stated ON THE COURT RECORD to 1-12-CV226958. Just to give you some background & hope you can understand my frustration. Santa Clara County Sheridf detective David Carroll, Sergeant Samy Tarazi and assistant DA Barbara Cathcart are recklesly endangering Heidi Yauman and also the residents of this appartnent complex. My job as tenant rights activist is to address these health & safety concerns and keep the public safe. Thanks, Cary Andrew Crittenden..."

Note: Due to various illegal threats waged against Cary by Detective Carroll; and since I know that Detective Carroll does not want any more attention brought to this case -- I have now brought it to the attention of the DOJ (Attorney Generals; Inspector General; Civil Rights division; FBI etc) :)


NOTE: Shortly after September 11, 2001 the FBI admitted to actively actively destabilizing activists for 25 years prior to the 9-11 attacks (and especially black activists); and the USA Patriot Act later turned this dirty little secret into law. (source: ACLU)


  1. who wants my fear? good luck with that one! :D

  2. Judge Manoukian's son Matt Manoukian was a manine killed in combat in Afghanistan. Matt Manoukian died
    on August 10th of 2012. 53 days later, on Ocrober 3rd, 2012 Judge Manoukuan showed up in court for
    a case involving elder abuse and harassment of Heidi Yauman, a disabled woman at Markham Plaza.
    Judge Manoukuan was acting crazy and he accused several hundred people of plotting a terrorist attack
    against Markham Plaza apartments. One of the Markham Plaza residents, Robert Moss died because of this.
    These were organizations like Catholic Charities and Sacred Heart, Cathedral of faith church and also, a bunch of groups like National Association to stop Guardian Abuse, FATE (Foundation aiding the elderly) and many others were collaborating with one another to reform conservatorship laws. It all came together at the Markham Plaza Apartments and the shit hit the fan. The court system in Santa Clara County is liable and should have known better. They should never have allowed Judge Manoukian to work is this impaired mental state. Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian is also a hard core alcoholic and his drinking got way out of hand around this same time period. Who knows what role alcohol played in causing Robert Moss's death.
