Saturday, February 3, 2018


Not only is the Trump administration dead set on shutting down Obamacare; but the State of California and/or Jerry Brown has also created a mess out of the California medical marijuana industry (Proposition 215) by imposing too many regulations and/or overcharging customers for recommendations and/or for all intents and purposes nullifying the program after promising to not mess with it...

Then when it comes to "local control"; Jerry Brown likes local control when determining where pot clubs end up; but then again Jerry Brown doesn't like local control when it comes to building development -- even though people get far angrier over bad development decisions than they do over prospective pot clubs -- and/or equally angry...

31 jan 2018

One thing I realized is that filing lawsuits on a local level can be the same as filing claims against government and being stuck in a procedural loop as I was for so long with the George Hills cover up agency. The next level of procedural loop can just as easily turn into crooked local judges using their powers to ignore exculpatory evidence and guide cases along the wrong way like what has happened to me. That is why no matter what happens to any lawsuit filed on my behalf; it will inevitably be appealed to the highest levels of government to avoid any more problematic procedural loops. All for now...

1 feb 2018

While I'm probably the biggest fan of whistle blower protections; after having worked so many different jobs I know that anyone who rocks the boat by speaking out about anything at their work place better be doing excellent work otherwise the attention you bring to yourself could end up getting you fired a few months later for some other unrelated issue...

2 feb 2018

I tend to think that the main reason the television etc media is tending to focus on sexual harassment rather than harassment in general is because television etc media coverage causes people to become targeted individuals and be stalked and harassed on a daily basis...every day someone else gets their life ruined with excessive and biased media let's demonize the participants of long-established reproductive rituals instead? we did that back in the 1990s and it didn't stop anything...I will be first one to say the human population needs to be controlled; but it needs to be controlled pragmatically through (for instance) better birth control methods and sexual freedom; not abstinence and violating peoples' unalienable first amendment rights...

2 feb 2018

Just like the terrorism issue or the flu issue; society cannot and/or should not seize up and stop due to various isolated incidents...and not just to protect the economy. In other words; the sexual harassment issue (and/or any particular type of flu virus strain for that matter) should not put a damper on living your life freely (male/female relations etc) any more than government-funded ISIS terrorists should be allowed affect your nightclub patronage...

In other words; don't let the daily media shit show affect your lives too adversely...take it all in with a grain of salt and just carry on with a new understanding of your old miss-understandings (Happy Valentine's Day?)...

3 feb 2018

The bass (guitar) hung on my wall for years right by my bed and I would wake up every morning and look at it but not play it...I bought it because me and Jimmy got sick of waiting around for his brother Michael to stop avoiding us...I brought it over for Jim to play along with some tequila because he wouldn't play without alcohol...I left the room to go to the bathroom for a minute and came back to find Jimmy had guzzled a bunch of the tequila and was already wasted and not studio I picked up the bass and actually recorded something pretty decent and sorta funky if not simple; using available open notes hanging right in front of my face AC/DC style...then a US military helicopter flew up to the apartment bedroom window and peered in then flew off and disappeared; not hovering above...then Mister Finley got mad at me for Jimmy being drunk and told me to leave...then CIA chief Porter Goss quit his job the next day...and that was one of the last times I saw Jimmy...but that gave me confidence that maybe if I practiced enough I someday could become a jukebox hero...true story...

3 feb 2018

One time when I was a drum roadie for the band Jetboy; the band got to record their very first record at the record plant in LA...walking in the entrance and by one studio; we looked in the window on the door and saw Rod Stewart's drummer Tony Brock...Tom Allom of Judas Preist and Billy Idol etc fame was Jetboys' producer...I played Jetboys' drums for a minute and they sounded incredible because the engineers had tuned them up them all night...I started playing a simple U2-ish bass drum pattern with a slow roll between the high hats and snare and Tom Allom looked at me from behind the studio window like "why aren't you in the band?" as the sound of the drums was blasted through the entire studio -- including Rod Stewarts' room...anyway to make a long story short; about a year later Rod Stewart had a new song called "Forever Young" with a very similar bass drum part to what I was doing that day...leading me to suspect that I perhaps inadvertently helped them choose a drum part for their new song...I will never know the truth...but I love the song so that's pretty cool... >

3 feb 2018

In retrospect; Since Police Officers are by law held to a high standard regarding veracity, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candor and/or honesty; where one lie can upend an entire career -- then Judges should obviously be held to an even higher standard of honesty than Police Officers...

3 feb 2018

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