Saturday, February 3, 2018


The 50/50 political divide clearly shows the separation between em path and psychopath...while one should not generalize; democrats tend to be empathetic and republicans tend to be psychopathic...the Republican party dialogue is defined by psychopathic tendencies...but just remember that if you have to choose between em path and psychopath to lead; it always comes back to the em paths -- because if left on their own the psychos would likely nuke the place...whereas em paths would not...but then I suppose em paths can be a problem too (for instance) during times when the weather is bad and vegetation perishes...leaving only animals to eat for survival...I would likely perish before I killed something to eat (em path) but either way our omnivorous nature shows both sides of this equation...and there is a good reason for both both sides can experience empathy and psychopathy depending upon circumstances...for instance; em paths can become karmic/psychopathic when dealing with violent psychopaths...

So it's easy to come to the general conclusion that the two major political parties are roughly one half psycho and one half em path...but after really thinking this through it is apparently not really that simple; because there are people on both sides of the aisle that have empathetic and psychopathic tendencies -- for instance; while the Republican party (GOP) at first glance seems entirely psychopathic; if you look more closely this is not necessarily the case...and while the Democratic party (DNC) at first glance looks entirely empathetic; this is not necessarily the case either...while the GOP is definitely off-the-charts psychopathic when it comes to war; guns; cops and money (etc etc etc) the DNC is equally psychopathic in some ways too...for instance; abortion and/or babies; and/or the killing of germs and/or bacteria (see: Obamacare) when it comes to tiny organisms the DNC is clearly psychopathic and bent on destruction...but then on the other hand; the DNC can be very empathetic when it comes to war; guns; cops; bathrooms; race; and the natural environment etc...and while you generally cannot and/or should not generalize about anything or anybody; it occurred to me that the 'average' GOP male is often quite psychopathic (war; Ted Nugent; hunting; money etc) while the 'average' DNC female is often equally psychopathic in her own ways (abortion; your money = my money etc) but then again; some GOP females can be equally psychopathic in some ways too (your money = my money; Sarah Palin etc) and your 'average' DNC male can also exhibit psychopathic tendencies (Obama's drone strikes; taxation and/or your money = my money; etc) leaving me to come to the uncomfortable conclusion that there is no 'average' as both sides can be quite similar depending how you look at it...

I HAVE COME TO THE UNCOMFORTABLE CONCLUSION that the 'average' GOP male (war) and the 'average' DNC female (abortion) have inherent psychopathic similarities...similarly; the 'average' GOP female (anti-abortion) and the 'average' DNC male (pro-environment) have inherent empathetic similarities as well...

That said; while one should not generalize; war (and chemical pollution etc) is generally the main Republican depopulation method; while abortion is generally the main Democratic method...Democratic women tend to be psychopathic with their abortions like Republican war men; and Democratic men tend to be more empathetic like republican women and their fetuses...and for me this is not all about pleasing one side or the's all about telling the truth even if it pisses both sides off...

And perhaps the reason some people do not 'get' or laugh at certain jokes is not necessarily always because they are stupid; it is at least sometimes connected to the fact that the jokes are either rooted in empathy or psychopathic other words; when an empathetic joke is told; people laugh for different reasons and vice is not always the case; but em paths sometimes laugh from a 'good' place; while psychopaths laugh from a 'bad' place...either that or varying amounts from both sides do not laugh at all for a variety of reasons...joke for joke it gets very complicated no doubt -- anyway; now that I am completely confused -- for me as a general em path (when it is actually not good to generalize) any joke making fun of either side (when there are always at very least three sides to everything) is generally not funny to me personally if a joke is based on misfortune...I dated a German lady once; and she told me Europeans do not laugh at other peoples' misfortune as Americans are trained to do...deep truth is often cloaked within humor; so the older I get the more I focus on the deep truths than superficial humor...that said; it is easier to laugh at things when you are drunk at a comedy club because small amounts of alcohol actually makes you smarter and more able to sense brutal ironies...

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