Saturday, January 20, 2018


"Greetings. I am John the unelected; unafraid; unapologetic and self-appointed Mayor of Southwest Sunnyvale who usurps power for the protection of all inhabitants of the Birdland neighborhood. I am not only the main activist who stopped the largely unwanted building development in the Peterson field during the early 2000s (the developer spent roughly $250,000+ dollars on a preliminary plan that I CRUSHED with neighborhood opposition - causing my residence to be put under siege for nearly a decade by police-sponsored forces) but I have also been heavily involved for nearly a decade regarding the lack of utilization of the predatory bird boxes installed by the State of California adjacent to the farm.

The main problem here is: instead of controlling the indigenous California Ground Squirrel population naturally using predatory birds; the SCUSD is still allowing dangerous poisons to be applied to the field adjacent to and/or up slope from the new SCUSD farm. 

Full Circle Farm actually lost their organic certification due to this poison application by the SCUSD -- in a sense sabotaging Full Circle Farm and sadly helping to cause the farm to fail due to this SCUSD action. Luckily the SCUSD decided to take over the farm, but...

Dogs walked at the Peterson field have been falling sick as well from the application of poison -- and this poison has also been applied up slope from the farm right by Dunford Way; violating organic standards. It is not known whether the SCUSD desires to create an organic farm; but all I know is the Full Circle Farm was a beautiful and bucolic; biologically diverse entity that I was instrumental in bringing to the Birdland neighborhood. But now it is more like a barren ground squirrel graveyard wasteland that makes me sick to see. The entire Santa Clara Valley is essentially a California ground squirrel graveyard; but the killing has to stop at some point as ground squirrels are a keystone species that countless other species rely upon...

...Adding to this; I cleaned up the neighborhood all around the farm for nearly a decade; but now as I said before it makes me sick to even pass by it on the street. Bags of garbage I used to regularly clean up are now sitting overflowing at the street entrance to the field; and trash now lines the farm field. The beautiful Full Circle Farm dream is over; rudely awakened by psychopathic SCUSD inhumanity.

I understand there are psychopathic personality types out there who do not care about this situation. In other words; Republicans and/or certain law enforcement personnel etc -- roughly 50% percent of the population is  psychopathic and the political divide clearly displays this striking difference. Yes; Republicans are generally psychopaths -- and/or anyone who harms without conscience.

This is my theory: there is a delicate balance as psychopathic personality types tend to flourish during times of lower population levels; and empathetic personality types tend to flourish during higher population levels -- for obvious reasons. And not only does the harming of animals often equate to the harming of humans (go to: FALSE FLAG INCIDENT @ But I am also a known em path who does not tolerate cruelty in any shape or form -- not when it is directed at me and/or any Birdland neighborhood resident; human or otherwise. Therefore; please stop applying poison to the Peterson field and start utilizing natural methods. Thank you..."

Note: Organic farming methods must be mandated by SCUSD trustees to ensure the production of non-toxic food sources garnered from the new SCUSD farm.

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