Monday, September 25, 2017



For years Johns' Sister Kris has played hide and seek with belongings; deciding to hide property elsewhere in the house without telling anyone where (under the guise of 'cleaning') and often causing a desperate search after she leaves. It's either that or what she has started doing lately; deciding what needs to be kept and what needs to be thrown away without asking anyone -- and often done maliciously when it comes to Johns' belongings. At some point she will have to be officially restrained; but for now John doesn't want to stress out his Father because he is at a point where he needs less stress. Adding to this; Johns' Father has fallen two times in the past year while with  his daughter Kris; breaking his arm which caused an infection that almost caused him to lose his right arm -- and just last week when he fell at OSH which caused some bleeding on his brain when he hit the cement -- when Kris should have been there to catch his fall. And while John sees elderly folks all over the place all the time being helped along by their sons and daughters. To make up for it Kris has taken over every aspect of her Fathers' life in the last week; treating him like a 3 year old and telling him what he can and cannot do -- somehow fooling him into believing that she is helpful. The bottom line is she carries bad luck based upon her evil intent; and that "Bad Juju" is effecting everything around her..."

Recent Facebook comments by John: "it occurred to me recently that the image of Jesus hanging on a cross likely not only causes men to be treated worse in society than women (for instance; the Virgin Mary seen in a highly protected state -- as compared to Jesus bleeding to death on the cross) but perhaps this brutal imagery depicting Jesus being tortured needs to be eliminated much like Confederate etc monuments that supposedly celebrate abuse as well. Since everyone from the BLM (Bureau of Land Management and/or Black Lives Matter) to ISIS to the Democratic party want to destroy national and/or international monuments; why not get rid of all the painful Christ imagery as well? what's the difference?..."

"I was being ridiculous in the sense that removing all images of Jesus is simply not going to happen. But other than that i was making a valid point. And there are a million other ways of looking at the cross/Jesus/Mary imagery. One other way is that Jesus supposedly had a price on his head at birth. If this is true it adds a completely different dimension to the coddled Jesus baby image..." 

The bottom line: "The Christian cross is a symbol of death and oppression from the ancient Roman Empire. While it is often seen as a symbol of Jesus; it is more a dedication to execution and slow why are all these crosses still being allowed?..." Note: Countless innocent individuals were brutally killed during the reign of the Roman Empire; executed then hung along roadways to warn people -- and the cross is still a symbol of this slow death and suffering.." 

*The last segment contained arcane metaphorical references to injury John received from his Sister Kris. The main point is: if the same kind of injury seen in the photo above had happened to a female it would be considered very serious and actionable by law enforcement. Gender-based discrimination is still pervasive in America as equal justice under law is still ultimately elusive.

Furthermore; Johns' Dad fell down again for the second time at OSH with his Daughter Kris on 8 September 2017. On 18 September 2017 John realized Kris had turned off power to the house surveillance system; leaving the residence with less security for an unknown amount of time. John ended up being harassed further and scrutinized by Sunnyvale DPS on 20 September 2017 for injuries to Johns' Father which Johns' Sister Kris was at least partially responsible for.

Kaiser Permanente is equally responsible for Johns' Fathers' exacerbated injuries as the cast Kaiser applied had sharp edges which cut into Johns' Fathers' hand; causing infection. But since Kaiser has limited liabilty; some nosey supposed 'Social Worker' conveniently blamed John instead. Kris had previously "thrown John under the bus" by lying to Sunnyvale DPS; and these lies ultimately "set up" John for further wrongful harassment and negative scrutiny by the Social Worker and/or Sunnyvale DPS.

20 September 2017 / "My sister has been up to her usual tricks in the last few days so I am going to write in one of my blogs about it -- and this is the first draft: Monday night 18 September 2017 I was quietly playing my bass unplugged in the living room; practicing finger exercises when my Dad apparently accidentally hit the wrong button on his remote control and lost the TV volume. My crazy Sister Kris immediately and opportunistically jumped on this as a reason to start blaming me for the volume loss. The first thing she did was turn off the house surveillance system (which she has done repeatedly over the past few weeks; putting the security of our residence at risk -- and especially after this incident: then came back in the house and started harassing me again for nothing. Drama Queen Kris unnecessarily stressed out Dad and caused yet another useless argument where I somehow ended up being the "bad guy". Then last night 19 september 2017 a similar incident occurred: I noticed that the freezer had leaked water into the bottom drawer from when the ice maker recently failed -- so I took the top drawer out first and attempted to clean it by taking the bottom drawer out unsuccessfully. My sister saw this and could not help herself and got involved; telling my Dad (like a tattle tale three year old) which once again stressed Dad out and caused yet another useless argument. Neither of them could put the top freezer drawer back in; so Kris started going on to Dad about how I had to buy a new top drawer. I then simply put the top drawer back in and it was done; causing Kris go quiet and leave...thank god...that is; after taking the dinner I had chosen and running out the garage door with it to throw it away or hide it. She drove off and came right back after disposing of my dinner. Anyway; this was yet another useless stressful argument started by my Sister. And it took my Dad until this morning to figure out how she had manipulated the situation in her favor. Kris is a psychopathic evil genius only to a point until I get involved and prove that she is wrong and shut her down..."  

After one month of intensive training on Johns' part; Kris is finally starting to act in a civilized fashion. But after Kris leaves and unfortunately returns again soon -- the entire process will begin all over again...


 Note: In apparent unhinged retaliation for the aforementioned freezer ice incident mentioned above; Kris apparently also recently stole ice packs that John owns from the freezer that John uses to occasionally ice his lower back. Kris fled the scene and flew out of town the day after this blog post was published. But due to deeply embedded gender discrimination practiced here in this Democratically controlled region; District Attorney Jeff Rosen will likely take no action regarding this violent incident. 

Aggressive legal action must -- and therefore will be -- taken at a later date to officially restrain Kris from further abuse and harassment of John.

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