Wednesday, December 13, 2017


"Many years ago I went to a concert at the Cow Palace with two girls who I knew at the time. As we sat getting drunk in the parking lot waiting to go into the show; a group of ornery men came upon us. They started messing with me which caused me to back up and trip up one of the assailants when he threw a punch at me. I pulled his arm and tripped him over my old martial arts move I learned from a friend in school. But that only pissed him off more. I then backed up and saw a short wooden 2 by 4 in a truck bed and grabbed it as a deterrent as I backed up. At one point the assailant turned towards one of the girls I was with to hit her; causing the ENTIRE CROWD (both sides) to cry out NO! in unison (?!?) saving her in the process. Just then a really tall dude with dark hair turned towards me and started pounding on me -- but my neighbors the Martinez family had taught me how to box when I was kid -- so I used the old cover up boxing technique to protect my head from the punches. One punch made it through and sorta gave me a fat lip; but other than that I was pretty much OK. At that point I got on the other side of our car and started yelling at him: "You're parents really fucked you up didn't they!?" causing him to go berzerk and punch out the windows of our car (I pretty much won the fight at this point) His friends then chimed in saying something like "Whoa dude! his parents are DEAD!...let's go!". At this point the fight broke up and they went into the concert; only to further stalk me inside the show -- looking at them across the way as I felt my bloodied knees. Anyway; my point here is that for all intents and purposes women are treated better in American society than men. After all; why else would an entire crowd of divided people suddenly unify and cry out to save one female? Why didn't they all cry out to save me? Quite simply; because men are generally treated worse than women in this society. Even womens' prisons are generally more cushy than mens' prisons. So this pretty much explains why local police did NOTHING to help me out while I was repeatedly being beaten on in past years...(EVEN WITH VIDEO EVIDENCE TO BACK UP MY CLAIMS! and in the meantime; if this happened to a cop it would be a FELONY! is this equal justice under law?!? NO! cops do not take an oath to protect and serve themselves!)...because not only did the local police departments allegedly "have it out for me" as my anonymous DoD buddy claimed; but we also have a deep unconscious bias in our country when it comes to the equal treatment of men and women. There are clearly two standards; and this obvious conflict needs to finally be resolved. Why else would the City of Santa Clara give out "women of courage" awards; but no awards to men for the same kind of bravery? Anyway; as women often stand by idly as men get beaten on; those conflicts will inevitably spill over onto women as they do on a regular basis -- and simply because no affirmative action was taken in the first place to stop the madness. Therefore; stopping fights between men will inevitably stop the violence towards women; as fighting only half the battle leaves the other half vulnerable. > GO TO:

Note: In the end I had to lose the girls who were mad at me for getting attacked and having their car window punched out during a rain storm (?!?) I then accidentally found an old friend Alex; who gave me a ride home in his van. Thanks again Alex!..."

There is likely an assumption by some that alcohol was at least in some way partially responsible for this incident; but it is not known whether these spontaneous assailants were under the influence of alcohol or not. It was really no different than sitting in a bar and essentially getting attacked for nothing -- and that is certainly not the fault of the alcohol and/or those being attacked (and/or the bar owner for that matter). It is an old tradition to have a few drinks or smoke some weed before a rock concert -- not much different than a tailgate party at a football game; but without the BBQ.

If anything; it appeared as if the group of young men could have been all jacked up and high on artificial stimulants such as methamphetamines; but this is not known. Even sober individuals can be violent sometimes depending upon the situation; and mainly depending upon the moral conscience of those involved. (For instance; Ted Nugent)

The tall caucasian male with dark hair and a clean shaven face who vandalized the vehicle window and attacked me (he was about 7+ feet tall) was last seen working security at Shoreline Amphitheater at the second level seating entrance.    


Question: Why are all cops (including male cops) being treated like women when it comes to protection against assault; while men who are not cops are NOT receiving equal treatment? Writing "equal justice under law" on the outside of court rooms needs to actually be practiced; not just written on a wall to make it look good -- as actions speak louder than words. The Fourteenth Amendment needs to finally be acknowledged and generously applied to all situations...

Section 1 -- All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. > GO TO:

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