Back during May 2017 John found out from some fellow Birdland neighbors that chickens were going to be removed from the old Full Circle farm parcel at the Peterson Middle School field in Sunnyvale, California -- so John started an effort to keep the chickens at the farm. And it is not clear how it all happened; but John spoke to the new farm manager a few months back and he said chickens were going to be brought back to new farm. According to these neighbors the school district was going to take over operations of the new farm; and a wildlife biologist was being hired to oversee the Peterson field wildlife.
But now California ground squirrels are being mass-poisoned at the Peterson field once again; and dogs who are being walked at the field are being sickened from the poison again as well -- leaving people wondering how an alleged new wildlife biologist could have allowed this kind of wholesale slaughter of such important animals to occur. The entire field parcel was supposed to be added as an extension of the Peterson nature area; not turned into an environmental dead zone as it has as of late.
The main focus of this blog post is the fact that SCUSD trustees are all but unresponsive to the emails sent by neighbors to them. I have heard from a few neighbors that every time they try to communicate with SCUSD trustees; they do not respond whatsoever. Not even a "Thank you for your comments". Nothing. It's as if just because they are overseeing operations that deal with school children; they see this as being a noble act and anything they do is ok. I suppose it is somewhat of a noble act; but then again all this says is that when these children grow up into adults -- they will eventually be ignored as well.
I can understand (for instance) North Korea being largely unresponsive to folks who are trying to communicate with them; but not the SCUSD. Below is the segment added to the BIRDLAND FREE PRESS in May of 2017:
16 MAY 2017 UPDATE / BREAKING NEWS: The Full Circle Farm in Sunnyvale has become financially insolvent as of late; therefore unable to continue on as it was -- but the good news is the Santa Clara Unifed School District (SCUSD) has decided to officially take over management duties of the farm due to its' obvious educational/scientific etc purposes.
But the SCUSD has unfortunately also decided the various farm animals need to be removed and relocated elsewhere -- through a Yahoo Birdland Neighbors newsgroup discussion group that I was eliminated from many years ago (a civil rights violation; as private web sites of public accommodation = private businesses of public accommodation) for exposing local police misconduct; when I was one of the main people who spearheaded the effort to bring about the farm with a massive 10,000 piece self-funded neighborhood flyering effort.
I can understand moving some of the larger animals due to their need for more space; but the chickens and ducks and turkeys need to stay right where they are.
I heard it through 'the grapevine' (in other words; various covert neighborhood intelligence sources) that one old man who lives near the field complained about a rooster crowing; and that was part of the reason this knee jerk decision to remove the chickens etc occurred...
(while I complained for a decade about noise and harassment and stalking at my place of residence with no official action taken to stop it by the City of Sunnyvale).
But! what about the hoards of noisy, messy soccer folks who are allowed to speed through and/or clog our once quiet neighborhood with speeding traffic etc; leaving litter all over the place down at the Patrick Henry field (littering carries a $1000 dollar fine) on what would otherwise be nice quiet weekends and/or weeknights?
Generating loud soccer crowd noise when some adjacent neighbors would perhaps like to sleep in or just have some peace and quiet? Chickens are obviously not the main problem here; people are. So don't be a chicken! Stand up for the birds of Birdland Neighborhood!
Generating loud soccer crowd noise when some adjacent neighbors would perhaps like to sleep in or just have some peace and quiet? Chickens are obviously not the main problem here; people are. So don't be a chicken! Stand up for the birds of Birdland Neighborhood!
These free range birds are not only more free than most non-free range children (who quite often have their rights violated when they are being held against their will by their paranoid TV watching parents); but they are also more free and live a better life than about 99.9% of the chickens on this earth. So let us fully appreciate; protect and save this vestige of chicken freedom; and allow it to affect our own freedoms in a positive way. Because freedom is not free until chickens are free as well...
THE BOTTOM LINE: Unless these said chickens can be guaranteed a quality of life as good or better than what they have already experienced (happy free range chickens roaming about instead of being in cramped cages) I am asking you to email the SCUSD Board of Trustees and OPPOSE THE SCUSD ORDER TO REMOVE THE CHICKENS (etc) FROM FULL CIRCLE FARM!
Jim Canova / Email: jcanova@scusd.net (408) 423-2006
Albert Gonzalez / Email: asgonzalez@scusd.net (408) 246-6252
Jodi Muirhead / Email: jmuirhead@scusd.net (408) 444-6160
Andrew Ratermann / Email: aratermann@scusd.net (408) 244-4548
Mark Richardson / Email: mrichardson@scusd.net (408) 423-2006
Michele Ryan, Ph.D. / Email: mryan@scusd.net (408) 673-1620
Noelani Pearl Hunt / Email: nsallings@scusd.net (408) 480-8671
Albert Gonzalez / Email: asgonzalez@scusd.net (408) 246-6252
Jodi Muirhead / Email: jmuirhead@scusd.net (408) 444-6160
Andrew Ratermann / Email: aratermann@scusd.net (408) 244-4548
Mark Richardson / Email: mrichardson@scusd.net (408) 423-2006
Michele Ryan, Ph.D. / Email: mryan@scusd.net (408) 673-1620
Noelani Pearl Hunt / Email: nsallings@scusd.net (408) 480-8671
AB 498, Levine. Wildlife conservation: wildlife corridors. / Existing law requires the Department of Fish and Wildlife to administer the Significant Natural Areas Program, and requires the department, among other things, to develop and maintain a spatial data system that identifies those areas in the state that are most essential for maintaining habitat connectivity, including wildlife corridors and habitat linkages. Existing law requires the department, contingent upon the provision of certain funding, to investigate, study, and identify those areas in the state that are most essential as wildlife corridors and habitat linkages and prioritize vegetative data development in those areas. Existing law requires the department to seek input from representatives of other state agencies, local government, federal agencies, nongovernmental conservation organizations, landowners, agriculture, recreation, scientific entities, and industry in determining essential wildlife corridors and habitat linkages.
GO TO: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB498
H. R. 6448 / To establish the National Wildlife Corridors System to provide for the protection and restoration of native fish, wildlife, and plant species and their habitats in the United States that have been diminished by habitat loss, degradation, fragmentation, and obstructions, and for other purposes. A bill To establish the National Wildlife Corridors System to provide for the protection and restoration of native fish, wildlife, and plant species and their habitats in the United States that have been diminished by habitat loss, degradation, fragmentation, and obstructions, and for other purposes. > GO TO: https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/6448/text
AB 2785 - Authored by Democratic Assembly Member Ira Ruskin of Redwood City, AB 2785 requires the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to identify all important wildlife corridors -- areas that connect important conservation lands for wildlife -- in California. This bill is important to help wildlife, like the San Joaquin kit fox, survive global warming - AB 2785, as introduced, Ruskin. Wildlife conservation - Existing law requires the Department of Fish and Game to administer the Significant Natural Areas Program, and requires the department, among other things, to identify and seek the maintenance of significant natural areas, as defined, and to maintain, expand, and keep current a data management system, designated the California Natural Diversity Data Base - This bill would revise the program to require the department, contingent upon funding, to investigate, study, and identify those areas in the state that are most essential as wildlife corridors and habitat linkages and prioritize vegetative data development in those areas. The bill would require the department to develop and maintain high-quality spatial data on vegetation and land cover that is standardized statewide, and to develop and maintain a spatial data system that identifies those areas in the state that are most essential for maintaining habitat connectivity, including wildlife corridors and habitat linkages. The bill would require the department to make all of the described data sets and associated analytical products available to the public and other government entities. The bill would require the department to actively pursue grants and cost-sharing opportunities with local, state, or federal agencies, or private entities that use the data sets and benefit from their creation and maintenance - READ MORE @ http://likroper.com/AB_2785.html
SEE ALSO: CALIFORNIA GROUND SQUIRRELS @ PETERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD IN SUNNYVALE @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2017/10/california-ground-squirrels-peterson.html + SEE ALSO: SCUSD COVER UP @ http://likroper.com/g-squirrels2.html + BIRDLAND FREE PRESS @ http://thefreepress1.blogspot.com/2017/01/birdland-free-press-31415926653.html