Sunday, July 30, 2017


Santa Clara County Sheriff Detective David Carroll covered up the manslaughter of Robert Moss by judge Socrates Peter Manoukian. (Stalking, harassing and threatening witnesses). Hundreds of people insist Detective Carroll fabricated evidence and falsified police reports. Please email Raymond Hulser at and request a federal investigation into detective Carroll's crimes. Help put an end to detective Carroll's reign of terror. > GO TO: Why is Santa Clara County Hiding the deaths of Robert Moss and Charles Copeland @ + The People Vs. Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian @

Note: Shortly after posting this blog entry and/or sending Facebook messages regarding my case to Judge Socrates Manoukian; a stranger drove up in a vehicle and rang my doorbell then ran off at around 3:36 PM on 30 July 2017. Is this just a coincidence?


1 comment:

  1. "July 4th is my birthday but I could not celebrate at all since I kept thinking of a friend of mine in China. I received many birthday greetings but I feel sorry for this stranger who is dying. His name is Freedom; and Freedom is still not free. He is currently dying in prison from terminal rights oppression.

    Despite being named Freedom, it seems unfathomable and even disgraceful that such a distinguished member of our society such as Freedom would be subjected to this kind of treatment. Terminal oppression seems unnecessarily cruel and only serves as a political warning to dissidents.

    Many of us in America choose to remain silent about Freedom in fears of potential blowback or retaliation by our business interests in China, or simply not being personally acquainted with Freedom. This is further compounded by the stunning silence by the most influential leaders and members of society due to China’s hegemony within the economic sphere of the world. China justifies this matter as being a strictly domestic issue and should not be interfered with by outsiders who do not understand the subtext of Freedoms' imprisonment.

    We would like to urge you all to listen to your conscience and to speak up and voice your concerns against this unjust treatment of such an individual, an individual who has been imprisoned for his act of speech via a published article or an oral speech, a right which is protected by the Bill of Rights in the American Constitution but is disregarded by the Chinese government.

    We ask not for any donations or any support via material goods, but we do ask that leaders from the economic sphere within the Silicon Valley like the CEOs of Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Walmart, Adobe, LinkedIn, Cisco, Tesla, Uber, and other various economic leaders as well as community leaders to support our cause in defending basic human rights of Freedom. It is simply not enough to only “do not do evil”, but to actively do good within our communities and societies to ensure the general welfare and wellbeing of Freedom and/or our collective futures..." -- Anonymous
