Wednesday, March 29, 2017


I was stalked and harassed and menaced and was tortured with sleep deprivation to the point of near death and had my property repeatedly vandalized (and this all happened while our family was mourning the death of my brother Carl >; and had my civil rights violated by and/or at several local nightclubs that are private businesses of public accommodation -- and after several years of egregious police misconduct and gross negligence with law enforcement (FBI etc etc etc) DISCRIMINATIING and/or REFUSING to investigate the various situations; I took matters into my own hands. And I would rather be DEAD than sit in jail and/or in court for ONE MINUTE regarding my valiant efforts to solve the crimes and/or bring justice to the situation useless local police agencies REFUSED TO INVESTIGATE. 

I have rights and I will NOT BE IGNORED; and I am also a journalist. And besides; how are you going to prove that these various recording were made secretly? All recordings were made in the public domain just as all other video etc recordings are made on a regular basis; and with a motive to uncover truth and bring justice. 

The repeated night time harassment was so severe that I almost died in the process; while half my family is dead -- but our racial differences suggest to me that you might want to continue this egregious discrimination based up our differences and/or your political affiliations; as Democrats can be just as divisive (and/or evil) as Republicans depending upon the situation and/or the races of the individuals involved. 

You need to prove me wrong in this case...

And this was all done mainly because my own privacy had been violated so egregiously and so many times that how could the privacy of others possibly matter now when my privacy rights clearly did not matter then?

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