Monday, December 14, 2020


Much like the aforementioned "real truth" surrounding Covid-19 and/or 9/11 and/or AIDS and/or chemtrails (etc) the current mainstream media WIFI narrative is yet another disinformation/misinformation media espionage campaign...For instance: "Thirteen companies are competing to cover the entire Earth with high-speed wireless Internet from low-orbit satellites within one to two years. This would be an ecological and public health nightmare. The biggest players are SpaceX (12,000 satellites), OneWeb (4,560 satellites) and Boeing (2,956 satellites)...

The recent finding, in 2018, that stratospheric ozone is still declining despite the Montreal Protocol took everyone by surprise. The increasing pace of ever-more-powerful rocket launches is a likely factor. Imminent plans for beaming high-speed Internet from space would require the launching of large rockets almost daily. This is expected to alter, if not destroy, the ozone layer and contribute significantly to climate change. Although many new rockets burn liquid fuel containing no ozone-destroying chlorine, the assumption that this is environmentally friendly is proving wrong...

Martin Ross and colleagues at the Aerospace Corporation have been sounding the alarm. Their 2009 paper, "Limits on the Space Launch Market Related to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion," pointed out that although liquid fuels do not contain chlorine, they produce significant amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen oxides, as well as water vapor and soot, when burned. All of those destroy ozone..."

"A second area of concern is wireless itself. Although widely perceived as an unqualified good, wireless operates using extremely rapid pulses of microwave radiation - the same radiation used in microwave ovens... 

And a parade of studies continue to be published and ignored implicating wireless technology in the die-off of forests, the demise of frogs, bats, and honey bees, the threatened extinction of the house sparrow, and damage to the DNA of the human species. It is vital to the continuation of life that large parts of the earth be spared from the incessant radiation that accompanies wireless technologies..."

"The human body", says Dr Gerard J. Hyland, of the University of Warwick, UK, "is an electrochemical instrument of exquisite sensitivity", noting that, like a radio, it can be interfered with by incoming radiation. If a signal can operate a mechanical device, it can disturb every cell in the human body...On February 7, 2014, the U.S. Department of Interior stated that "the electromagnetic radiation standards used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today" in reference to guidelines governing WiFi radiation frequencies...

In 2011 the World Health Organization classified radiation emitted by cell phones, and other wireless commercial infrastructure such as WiFi and smart meters as a Class 2B possible human carcinogen, along with lead, engine exhaust, and DDT. Yet, the global WiFi projects would make this exposure ubiquitous and inescapable...A recent letter sent by 88 organizations, representing over a million people, to the European Economic and Social Committee outlines how governments are betraying the public trust by ignoring the hazards of radio frequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation...

Studies show wireless radiation can adversely affect fetal brain development, in addition to causing double-stranded DNA breaks and causing a wide spectrum of illnesses. GUARDS believes that continuing and expanding involuntary exposure of the public to this known toxin violates the Nuremberg Code of Human Rights for non-consensual experimentation..." -- GO TO: STOP GLOBAL WIFI @

"It seems impossible to many physicians that non-ionizing radiation from wireless devices would cause physical symptoms or biological harm. Patient reported health concerns are often dismissed as coincidence (e.g. cell phone use and brain cancer), or psychological (e.g. someone reporting electrosensitivity symptoms near devices), or stress related (e.g. a couple that is infertile).  There also seems to be endless controversy surrounding adverse health effects from wireless devices. Physicians want to help patients and not give them incorrect advice or fan their fears.  After all, one cannot see, hear or feel electromagnetic radiation. People must be “a bit off” to think effects could be caused by electronic gadgets we have used for years, right? 

Well, as it turns out, there is an  abundance of research from credible, unbiased sources which indicates clear harm from microwave radio frequency radiation we are exposed to"..."Executive Summary: Wireless Technology and Public Health: Digital and wireless devices have provided many benefits, however, we are now realizing that the rapid adoption of this novel technology has not been accompanied by adequate regulation, monitoring or safety precautions...

Widespread use of digital media and near constant exposure to wireless devices has caused increasing concern among scientists, health care professionals, psychologists, educators and the public who are now considering this is not only a public health issue but a looming public health crisis. It appears that we are at the same point of emerging science similar to early recognition of health impacts associated with tobacco, asbestos, coal dust and lead. These concerns are amplified by industry proposals for a massive expansion of wireless infrastructure and connectivity..."  

What these telecom companies and mainstream media outlets do not cover however are the human and organic bio-effects likely from 5G. What will be the cost of 5G in human health? Mark Steele points out that the science is clear, that high-frequency radiation will cause immense harm to human health: “5g is a weapons system, nothing more nothing less”...“It’s got nothing to do with telecommunications for humans...5g is a machine to machine connection for autonomous vehicles...”..."Pulsed at high frequencies, the amount of radiation emanating from the point to point transfer of energy required for autonomous vehicles is too high to be safe for humans"...“What it is (WIFI) is just sophisticated radar—with enough emissions from a single autonomous vehicle to pose a problem for humans...” -- Mark Steele

Note: The 'weaponization' of space has been a grave concern since the beginning of the conquest of space in the 1950s and 60s 10-15 years after the end of WWII at the beginning of the NASA space program utilizing an ex-Nazi scientist (Werner Von Braun)...Great focus was put on peaceful coexistence; and great pains were taken to ensure outer space was not utilized for aggressive activities that threatened freedom and planetary coexistence...The Apollo/Soyuz mission was a direct result of this era...1) After the old Buck Rogers era of us against them; 2) The most popular science fiction depiction of the future was an empathetic futuristic vision of billions of years of human evolution (for instance) in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey -- where initially ancient apes fought long before future humans coexisted -- and computers eventually became the enemy (as they are increasingly becoming today); 3) along with Star Trek where violence was "highly illogical"; ~ 4) Then back over to a more war-minded vision of the distant future/past with the movie Star Wars...

And now modern 5G WIFI technology essentially utilizes what originated as weapons technology; weaponizing inner and outer space both at the same time while pointing it's big guns without discrimination at everything in it's path (including it's unwitting and naive inventors) controlling their lives and freedoms and health and happiness etc to create and autonomous society without personal autonomy..." 



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