Tuesday, September 29, 2015


In this day and age, it’s very dangerous and naive for us, health professionals included, to assume that health authorities and pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart. We are living in a time where people are pushing for the freedom of information and as a result, it’s coming to the surface. For years, a massive amount of advertising has led people to believe that all vaccinations are safe and necessary. Many individuals continue to promote themselves as believers of science, without actually looking at and examining  the science behind vaccinations. 

Meanwhile, babies and children are bombarded with a rigorous North American vaccination schedule that more and more parents are choosing to opt out of. Much of this mistrust has to do with the lies and cover-ups from health authorities and vaccine manufactures, who have been involved in a 30 year scandal. 

Documents obtained by Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, from the Neural Dynamics Research Group in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia reveal that vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and health authorities have known about multiple dangers associated with vaccines but chose to withhold them from the public. This is scientific fraud, and suggests that this practice continues till this day.

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